Photo Stories - April 2009 - Qingchuan Guanzhuang Middle School, Sanguo Middle School, Muyu Middle School 简阿姨与木鱼中学学生们的合影 Tricia and the students in Muyu Middle School  孩子们争先恐后地提问 Every student wants to be the first one to ask questions  简阿姨与在地震中失去左臂的范玉飞 Tricia and Fanyufei, whose left arm was lost in the earthquake  学生们的课间活动 Students enjoy the playtime between classes  青川县城通往关庄中学的路 This is the only way from the county town of Qingchuan to Guanzhuang Middle School  关庄中学的板房校园 The temporary housing campus of Guanzhuang Middle School  天真的笑脸 Tricia and the lovely girls in Guanzhuang Middle School  三锅中学的办公室兼教师寝室 Tents are both teachers' offices and bedrooms  雨中交谈 Talking to students in the rain < 中国最大的帐篷学校—三锅中学 The largest tent campus in China – Sanguo Middle School  帐篷学校的围墙 The bounding wall of tent campus  |