Photo Stories - October 2009 - Qingchuan Guanzhuang Middle School, Sanguo Middle School, Muyu Middle School 板房区里住着许多明天计划的孩子 A portion of the temporary housing community. Many of the Tomorrow Program students live here  沉默寡言的何成涛(妈妈于地震中遇难) He Cheng Tao has become more introverted since the death of his mother in the earthquake  去家访的途中车陷在烂泥里 Our intrepid volunteers give their best efforts, unsuccessfully, to push the car  东河口地震遗址,我们三鞠躬致哀 Donghekou Earthquake Memorial. We bowed to pay our respects to the memory of this village  东河口小学遗址 Red flag signifying the spot where Donghekhou Elementary School was buried by the earthquake  关庄中学, 美国志愿者萧姐姐在教大家唱一首英文歌 Guan Zhuang Middle School students learning a song in English from an American volunteer  关庄中学初一的孩子,全是地震单亲与孤儿 Seventh graders of Guan Zhuang Middle School. All of these students have either lost one parent, or have been orphaned, as a result of the earthquake  何黎明与病卧床上的妈妈 He Li Ming and his bed-ridden mother  何明桥家的卧室(妈妈于地震中遇难) He Ming Qiao's bedroom, his mother died in the earthquake  环保队长杨明强带领大家宣誓 Yang Ming Qiang, the newly elected captain of the student volunteers, leads the students in a pledge to their new roles as protectors of the environment  简阿姨与三位孤儿 Tricia with three orphans  吕倩不想孙姐姐离开 Lv Qian did not want us to leave  马超阳与父母 Ma Chao Yang with his parents in front of their home  木鱼中学的环保队长与两位副队长带领大家宣誓 Mu Yu Middle School's newly elected captain and co-captains lead a pledge to protect the environment by making their own contributions to the school and community  破陋的厨房 Kitchen in Zhang Bo Ran's home  三锅中学的新校园,一个月后可搬入 San Guo Middle School's new campus. Will be ready for students to move in December  三锅中学目前仍在帐篷里上课 San Guo Middle School's students in front of their current tent classrooms. They have had their classes in, and have lived in, these tents for over a year now  四位同住在山上的孩子 Four Tomorrow Program students who live near each other high up in the mountains  关庄中学90位学生一起开心留影 Guan Zhuang Middle School's 90 Tomorrow Program students in a fun group shot  徐艳住舅舅家,妈妈在山东打工,单亲 Xu Yan, single-parent, lives in her uncle's home  学生认真听简阿姨讲话 The students listen to Tricia's teachings with rapt attention  杨贤玉送给明天计划的一幅画 Yang Xian Yu created a special drawing for the Tomorrow Program  一百多户人家的棚房里也住着明天计划的四位学生 A portion of the temporary housing structures that house over 100 families. Four of our students’ families live in these structures  一位母亲说到家境之困难,泪流不止 A mother is unable to stop her tears when telling about her family's difficulties  雍秀丽送给我们每人一份她连夜亲手制作的礼物 Yong Xiu Li created a special card for each of the volunteers  帐篷教室内部 Inside one of the San Guo Middle School tent classrooms  志愿者在三锅中学合影 Tomorrow Program's volunteers in front of San Guo Middle School's current campus  周红梅(左一)小腿截肢,唐秀蓉(右二)大腿截肢 Left: Zhou Hong Mei had one of her legs amputated from the knee. Second from Right: Tang Xiu Rong had her entire right leg amputated. Both of the amputations were a result of injuries from the earthquake  |