Photo Stories - April 2010 - Qingchuan Guanzhuang Middle School, Sanguo Middle School, Muyu Middle School 关庄中学全体明天计划学生合影 A group photo of all Tomorrow Program students in Guanzhuang Middle School  关庄东河口地震遗址 Donghekou Earthquake Memorial in the town of Guanzhuang  铁索桥是通往关庄中学的必经之路 This chain bridge is the only route to Guanzhuang Middle School  提及家境的困难,奶奶哭了 A student's grandmother can not stop her tears as she tells about her family's difficult situation  明天计划环保队的宗旨—关庄中学杨明强 The objective of Tomorrow Program's Environmental Protection Team – Yangmingqiang in Guanzhuang Middle School  木鱼中学全体明天计划学生合影 Tomorrow Program students in Muyu Middle School  倪德发与残疾的妈妈于自家门前 Nidefa and his disabled mother in front of their home  单亲的周杨和爷爷、奶奶住在板房,爷爷悲从中来 Tricia and the sorrowful grandfather of single-parent student Zhouyang. Zhouyang lives in the prefabricated house with grandparents  解答孩子们的困惑与问题 Tricia is teaching students how to deal with their difficulties  学生带领我们的志愿者去做家访 Students lead our volunteers to home visits  学生徐杨的新家 The new house of student Xuyang  依依不舍 A student hugs Tricia when saying goodbye  聚精会神地听简阿姨讲故事 Students listen to Tricia's teaching with full attention  学生王万红的家内部 The inside of student Wangwanhong's home  北大附小的小朋友们和成都科来软件有限公司的大哥哥、大姐姐制作的礼物 Volunteers bring the gifts made by children in Beijing and big brothers & sisters in Chengdu  志愿者合影于三锅的油菜花田 Volunteers on the field in Sanguo  |