Photo Stories - September 2010 - Qingchuan Guanzhuang Middle School, Sanguo Middle School, Muyu Middle School 和关庄中学校长交谈 Meeting with the principal of Guanzhuang Middle School 了解新生的情况 Learning each new student's personal and family situations 送患小儿麻痹症的严凤出教室 Tricia accompanies Yanxiaofeng who has been suffering from infantile paralysis out of classroom 孤儿刘艳,好开心又见面了 Orphan Liuyan, so happy to meet each other again 关庄中学全体明天计划初三学生合影 A group photo of the students in 9th grade (Guanzhuang Middle School) 严凤送给简阿姨的礼物 A gift sent by Yanfeng to Aunty Jane (Tricia Lin) 与关庄中学初一、初二学生合影 Taking a group photo with the students in 7th grade & 8th grade (Guanzhuang Middle School) 收到助学金后签字 Students sign to confirm the receipt of scholarship 志愿者与孩子们的互动 Volunteers interact with children 走在三锅中学新校园内 Walking in the new campus of Sanguo Middle School 与负责明天计划的张老师沟通 Communicating with teacher Zhang, who is in charge of Tomorrow Program in Sanguo Middle School 向简阿姨询问解决疑惑的方法 Inquiring Aunty Jane about the way to solve problems 坐在明亮的新教室里 Sitting in the bright classroom 到板房区家访(木鱼) A home visit to prefabricated house sections in the town of Muyu 父母皆残疾的王明星,从小寄养在表嫂家,表嫂在市场摆摊 Wangmingxing, whose parents are both handicapped, has been brought up by sister-in-law 来自天津的志愿者崔丹(右一) Volunteer Cuidan comes from Tianjin (the right one) 利用晚自习时间与学生会谈 Talking with students during the time of self-study 面谈新生赵伟,右眼失明,左眼0.4视力还需再手术,品学兼优 A personal interview for Zhaowei, an excellent freshman with blind right eye and left eye in poor vision 木鱼中学5.12遇难的300位学生,集体墓园就在学校旁边的山上 The cemetery of 300 students who died in 512 earthquake is over mountain nearby Muyu Middle School 唐红和奶奶住的板房 The prefabricated house of student Tanghong and her grandmother 志愿者与受家访学生 Volunteers and home visited students 王斌,住孤儿院,每天为节省三餐费用在学校和孤儿院之间来回奔跑 Orphan Wangbin, living in an orphanage, has to run between school and orphanage for saving the cost of B/L/D 寻找两名转学的学生 Looking for two transfer students 寻找到转学的马丽红,她还来不及接过手上的助学金就激动得哭了 Malihong, a transfer student, is moved to tears when we find her 杨彪和两位副队长带领大家宣誓并自我期许:将来一定延续明天计划的精神去帮助需要帮助的人 Team leaders of environmental protection take the lead to swear: I'll continue the spirit of Tomorrow Program to help the people who have needs 清华大学的志愿者郭磊教学生重组环保团队 Volunteer Guolei from Tsinghua University helps students regroup the team of environmental protection |