Photo Stories - September 2010 - Qingchuan First High School, Qingchuan Vocational High School 青川一中明天计划学生合影 A group photo of Tomorrow Program students (Qingchuan First High School)  勇敢地发言 Speak out bravely in front of the classmates  环保队员宣誓 Members of our environmental protection team are taking an oath  何潇露、简阿姨、杨小艳(左起)在青川职高新校园门口 The new campus of Qingchuan Vocational High School (the center is Tomorrow COO Tricia Lin)  从关庄中学考上青川一中/青川职高的倪德发、杨小艳、李伟、何潇露(左起)与简阿姨合影 High school freshmen from Guanzhuang Middle School  青川一中的新校园 The new campus of Qingchuan First High School  半年不见的高中生都长高了 Students have grown taller within the last 6 months  学生们初到离家很远的青川一中,心里还有些不安 The new Qingchuan First High School is so far away from their home town, the students will need quite a while to adjust to the new conditions  |