Photo Stories - October 2010 - Beichuan Ethnic Middle School, Jiangyou High School 百废仍待兴的禹里乡街道 Earthquake-damaged streets in the town of Yuli  陪同我们家访的谌老师和他相依为命的老母亲(谌老师的妻子在地震中去世) Teacher Shen and his old mother, he lost his wife in the 512 earthquake  老师带路做家访 Teacher Shen leads the way of our home visits  这样的山路,学生回家需要走四十分钟 Students have to walk home on this mountain road for 40 minutes at least  刘国彬的家 Student Liuguobin's home  朴实勤劳的母亲,墙上是刘国彬和孪生弟弟的奖状 Student Liuguobin's mother  向学生家长了解情况 Talking to student's parent about their current living conditions  布帘后面只有两张简陋的床 There are only two shabby beds behind the drape  工棚里的家 Student's shed home  学生的家,就在这连车爬也上不去的山上 The minivan driver gave up in front of this steep muddy road, but the student's home that we are visiting is still way up in the mountain  明天计划的全家福(北川民中) A photo of all Tomorrow Program students (Beichuan Ethnic Middle School)  借用老师办公室与学生会谈 Talking with students in teacher's office  倾听 Listening attentively  终于不用睡板房了 Don't have to sleep in prefabricated houses any more  原定于九月初完工的青少年活动中心,由于泥石流影响工期严重滞后 The construction of the Youth Center has been seriously delayed due to heavy rain and mud slide in summer  地震中失去左臂的范玉飞,现在江油高中上高二了,品学兼优 Fanyufei, lost his left arm in the earthquake, is an excellent student of Jiangyou High School now  原来关庄中学的环保队长杨明强,考上了江油高中,现在比简阿姨还要高了 Yangminqiang, former leader of our environmental protection team in Guanzhuang Middle School, entered Jiangyou High School last month  |