Photo Stories - April 2011 - Inspection in Baise City area of Guangxi Province 美丽的靖西县城,靖西县是百色市的10个国家级贫困县之一 The beautiful town of Jingxi County, this is one of the 10 poorest counties in Jingxi  龙临初中的课间操 Work out between classes in Longlin junior high school  龙临初中的教师宿舍。在山区当老师,不仅辛苦,而且只能住在这样简陋的平房里 Teachers in the mountain area are not only with poor teaching condition, but also with simple living condition  龙临初中校长在给我们介绍贫困学生情况 The principal of Longlin junior high school showing us the poor living conditions of the students  老师带我们做家访 A home visit led by the teacher  贫困学生家里的卧室 A student’s poor living environment  头顶烈日了解学生家庭情况 We went to know more about the student’s family conditions under a hot day  果乐初中家访路上 On the way to visit the students’ families of Guole junior high school  父亲有精神病,母亲离家出走,果乐初中三年级的黄秀芬心理负担很重,但成绩却非常好,简阿姨鼓励她放下包袱,好好准备中考 The grade 3 Huang Xiufen, in Guole junior high school, is a very good student with high grades, despite of the fact that she is suffering from family set-back. Aunty Jane encourages her to prepare for the coming up exam  简阿姨和果乐初中的孤儿周小玉 Aunty Jane and orphan Zhou Xiaoyu of Guole junior high school  拉钩承诺:我们一起努力 Let’s move forwards to our future!  老师和志愿者一起步行去家访 Teacher and volunteers are walking to the student’s home  冬季的寒冷加上春季的干旱,今年的玉米生长迟缓,高度只有往年同期的三分之一 Because of the cold winter and dried spring, the corns are growing very slow this year. There is only 1/3 of the height comparing with the other years  安德中学一名学生的家 A student’s home of the Ande middle school  贫困学生家内部 The poor student’s home  虽然贫困程度严重,但是南坡初中的校风很好 Despite of the poor, the learning atmosphere in Nanpo junior high school is very good  南坡初中的大部分学生,因为吃不起食堂,每周从家里自带米、黄豆和腌菜打蒸,有些学生甚至是两人共用一个饭盒 Most students in Nanpo cannot afford to buy the food in cafeteria, they brought their own rice, beans and preserved vegetables and cooked them at school, or two students shared for one meal  学校免费提供给学生使用的蒸笼 School provides steamers for the students to use  锅炉和打蒸房 The “Steaming Room” with the equipments  赵丽玲从出生50多天开始就成为留守儿童,很多年没见过自己的父母,左边是靠捡垃圾将三姐妹一手带大的奶奶,右边是特地专程从美国回来参加这次考察活动的志愿者须慧中 Zhao Liling was brought up by grand mom since she was 50 days old, and did not see her parents for years now. The grand mom is collecting garbage to make a living, and raising her 3 grand children. The other lady in picture is a special volunteer Ms. Xu Huizhong from USA  为了边陲壮家的孩子更壮,这是位于县城里的靖西县中学(高中)的图书馆 This is the library of Jingxi high school. It helps these “ Zhuang Race” children to improve their knowledge  |