Photo Stories – 2011 Fall’s student sponsor program activities – Qingchuan and Beichuan 安慰伤心难过的母亲 Providing comfort to a sad mother  北川家访—家在云深不知处 Family visit in Beichuan – families are in the unknown location inside the deep forest surrounded by the heavy fog  抱着简阿姨哭了 Crying in the arms of Auntie Jane  北京志愿者王利凡与关庄学生互动 A Beijing volunteer Wang Li Fan talking to Guanzhuang students about mutual efforts in class  身患残疾的学生与奶奶 A disabled student with his grandmother  车子无法爬上泥泞的坡路,我们等着司机给轮子加上铁链 The vehicle was stuck in the muddy slope , we are waiting for the driver to install chains on the tires  北川民中的青少年活动中心终于完工了 The construction of the activity center for the youngsters in the Beichuan Ethnic Middle School finally completed  礼堂两边的上方是TCL集团和明天计划捐赠的两台多媒体电视机 The two multimedia LCD televisions mounted on top of the two sides of the school assembly hall were donated by the TCl Group & the Tomorrow Program  北川民中谈话 Conversation with the students of the Beichuan Ethnic Middle School  大凉山盐源民中学生倾听仁宝电脑的公司简介,这是明天计划的就业协助项目 Daliang mountain Yan Yuan Ethnic School students listening to COMPAL company’s profile, it is the Tomorrow program’s employment assistance projects for the students  关庄学生开心合影 Group picture of the Guanzhuang school students  过小河家访 Crossing a small river to visit student’s family  很开心又见面了 Very Happy to see each other again  两位志愿者合影于青川一中 Photo of the two volunteers taken in front of the Qingchuan Senior High School  留守儿童,提到父母泪流满面 A child remains home with tears when talking about his parents  木鱼往县城路况 The road condition from Muyu to the City  木鱼学生 Muyu students  木鱼学生合影 Group picture of the Muyu students  奶奶接我过河家访 A grandma took me to cross the river on my way to the family visit  青川中学学生合影 Group picture of the Qingchuan Middle School students  三锅家访,与学生全家合影 Picture of the student & family in the Sanguo family visit  手挽着残疾的养父,她从小被亲生父母遗弃 Holding her disabled step father, she was abandoned by her own parents when she was very little  他勇敢地说在学校食堂吃不饱 He took the courage to tell that the meals in the school’s cafeteria could not fulfilling their stomachs  向爸爸和奶奶了解家庭情况 Trying to understand the family situation from the father & the grandma  学生从小寄养在舅舅家,火灾将舅舅的左脸烧得面目全非,舅妈也变成残疾 One of the student was adopted by his uncle since his young age. The uncle’s left face was deteriorated by a burning clam and the aunt had became disabled as well  学生患有精神病的母亲 A mentally ill mom of a student  学生到竹园车站送别 Student saying good bye in the Zhuyuan bus station  一无所有的家,客厅唯一的摆设是奶奶的棺材(左下方) An emptiness home, the only item in the living room is grandma’s coffin (left bottom corner)  又长高了!必须抬起头来看他 He has grown taller again, I have to look higher up to talk to him  与关庄学生的晚自习谈话 Conversation with the Guanzhuang’s students during their self- study night  在水泥厂找到满身灰头灰脸的学生爸爸 Found one of the student’s father with dust all over his face in the concrete factory  志愿者给江油高中学生减压建议 A volunteer suggesting how to release stress to the students in the Jiangyou High School  志愿者为一中学生讲数学学习要领 A volunteer teaching the Qinchuan 1st high school students the essential facts of mathematics  志愿者与学生奶奶 Volunteer with one of the student’s grandma Volunteer with one of the student’s grandma  志愿者专心做家访记录 Volunteer concentrates in recording her note about the family visit  自幼丧母的孩子,好高兴我们来访 A child without her mother since very young is happy to see us  祖孙相依为命 Student with his grandma living together  |