Photo Stories – 2011 Fall’s student sponsor program activities – Zhangjiachuan, Gansu Province 爸爸告诉我和老师,孩子每周必须自己扛几十斤粮食去学校以节省伙食费 A father told me & the teacher,children have to carry more than 30 lbs of food to school in order to save some food costs  大爷说学生家就在村里 This old man said the student’s home is in this village  高二学生合影 Group picture of 2nd level High School students  她中午回奶奶吃饭 She goes to her grandma’s home for lunch  老师带我们去家访 A teacher took us to visit student’s family  妈妈生了6个女孩后,被爸爸抛弃了 A mother was abandoned by her husband after the 6th baby girl was born  太阳能烧开水,一个约200元 Solar energy equipment to boil water costs approximately RMB200.00 each  问路 Asking for road directions  屋外两口水缸(左下方)储水 Two water reservoir containers outside the house (bottom left corner)  学生爸爸掉落山崖摔断腿,撑着拐杖迎接我们 A student’s father welcomes us in clutches. He had fallen down the cliff & broke his leg  学生为校刊做采访 A Student making an interview for the school album  一中的高一学生 Group picture of the First level senior high Students of the First High School in Zhangjiachuan  张家川一中的晚自习谈话 Conversation with Student in the self-study night in the First High School, Zhangjiachuan  许多孩子为节省住宿费和伙食费,在校外租房子自己做饭吃(一年租金1000-1500元),中午我们在街上遇见一位正赶回出租屋做饭的学生 A lot of students rent housing room together (a year’s rent is RMB 1,000 – 1,500) near the school & cook their own meals in order to save some cost. I met one of the student who is going to her rented home for lunch  |