Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2012 – Zhangjiachuan County, Gansu Province 清晨,张家川一中的学生自发地在操场早读 Early morning, Students of the Zhang Jiachuan High School studying spontaneously in the track field of the school  在外租房的学生自己做饭可以节省不少伙食费,最常做的是洋芋(土豆)菜 Students cooking their own meal in the rental unit to save money, potatoes are their usual dish  出租屋合影之一,两张简陋的单人床 Photo no. 1 - a student & the volunteer in the rental unit, just two single beds  出租屋合影之二,高一的姐姐和初二的弟弟一起在外面租房子,姐姐负责做饭并照顾弟弟 Photo no. 2 – a 1st level of senior high’s sister and 2nd level of junior high’s brother with a volunteer in the rental unit. The sister is responsible for cooking & looks after her brother  出租屋合影之三,高中的大男孩,已经能很好地照顾自己了 Photo no. 3 – Senior high’s student with Tricia Lin; these students are able to look after themselves  穿街走巷 Going throught narrow lanes for home visiting  干枯的水窖 A dry reservoir  家长不在,老师爬上墙看了后告诉我们他家是土房 A student’s parents not home, the teacher climb up the wall & told us that this house is made by soil  累了,休息一下 Every one was tired, taking a rest by sitting down  与二中学生谈话 Talking to the second level high school students  留守在家的老人向志愿者介绍家中的情况,学校老师在旁翻译 Stay at home’s seniors explaining their situation to the volunteers, a school teacher is our interpreter  牧羊童 A shepherd boy  家访路上 On the way to the home visit  偶然路过的张窑小学,加上校长一共四位老师,低年级的孩子们还听不懂我们说的普通话 Passing by a primary school by chance, this school has 4 teachers including the principal, the lower grade kids do not even understand our mandarin  陪我们家访的两位老师累得蹲着休息 The two teachers accompanied us for the home visits were so tired, taking a rest by squatting  清华大学毕业的郭磊哥哥很受欢迎 Big brother Guo Lei graduated from Qinghua University is very popular  张家川的初春,农民在地里耕田 Farmers cultivating in the field in early spring of Zhang Jai Chuan  志愿者张新春,在向大家介绍天津滨海新区 Volunteer Zhang Xinchuan introducing the Tianjin Binhai new developed area to the students  我们家访时经过的乡间小路,路上铺的小石子是为了防滑,但却扎穿了面包车的轮胎 On our way to the home visits, the small village’s gravel road is to prevent slippery conditions but it made a flat tire of our Van  土房,学生的家 A soil house of a student’s home  土房内部,只有一张土炕 There is only one sleeping platform inside the house made by soil  西安志愿者郭磊 Volunteer Guo Lei from Xi’an  小学生放学了 Classes of the primary students was finished for the day  学生家里的厨房里,储藏着自己收种的粮食,是全家一年的口粮 Kitchen of one of the student’s home, they had stock up their own harvest to support their whole family’s food supply for the year  学生墙上贴着激励自己的话 Students posted some phrases on the wall for their self-encouragement  在校外租房住的学生做饭的地方 Cooking corner of a student’s rental unit  张家川县的一个汉族村落,因经济贫困交通不便,这里家家户户仍住在破败的土房子里,并且与外界甚少交流 A Han ethnic village of the Zhang Jiachuan County, transit system is not very convenient because of its low economic situation, everyone is in very poor living condition and isolated from the outside world  张家川一中的高中生 The senior students of Zhang Jiachuan 1st High School  张家川一中高一高二学生合影  志愿者与回族学生妈妈 Volunteer with the mother of a Hui ethnic student  志愿者与张家川二中学生合影 Photo of a volunteer & the students of the Zhang Jiachuan 2nd High School A group photo of the 1st & 2nd senior level students of the Zhang Jiachuan 1st High School  志愿者与张家川一中学生互动 Interaction of the volunteer & the students of the Zhang Jiachuan 1st High School  |