Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2012 – Jingxi County, Guangxi Province 爸爸说楼梯不稳,要我们小心 A Father said: Please be careful, the stairs are unstable  初三的孤儿奶奶左眼失明、爷爷精神失常 A junior high orphan’s grandma is blind on her left eye, and her grandpa is mentally disable  发放助学金 Distribution of the scholarship funds  家里的墙上贴满了学生的奖状,她品学兼优 Awards are posted on the walls of a student’s home, she is excellent in her conduct & studies  教室的空间太小,我们在楼梯间合照 We had to take this photo in the stair way because the class room is too small  克难式的乒乓球桌 A nonstandard table tennis equipment & table  空心砖加上一块木板的乒乓球桌 The table was made by hallow bricks & ply wood for playing table tennis  魁圩中学大门两边贴了红纸条欢迎我们到来 Red paper with phrases posted on the outside walls in front of the high school to welcome us  老旧的篮球架 An old basketball stand  联排的瓦房 Linked tile houses  临别合影 Group picture before we leave  临别时,孩子们都哭了,我们承诺下学期一定回来看他们 Kids were crying when we are leaving. We promised them we will return to visit them  漏风的墙壁 Wind leaking broken walls  妈妈已过世,爸爸抚养二老和孩子 The mother passed away, leaving a single father supports the parents & child  奶奶不是弯腰,而是严重驼背 This old women is not crouching but humpbacked seriously  奶奶跌下楼梯受伤,几天躺在地上无钱医治 Her grandma was injured from falling down the stairs, lying on the floor for couple of days, but no money for her treatment  奶奶抚养孤儿姐妹,姐姐是我们的学生,奶奶无力给妹妹买学用品 This Grandma is supporting the two orphan sisters, the elder sister is our student but Grandma could not afford the student’s fee for the younger sister  南坡中学没有大教室,两边后面都站满了学生 The South Slope High School does not have a big classroom; students have to stand on both sides & the back of the classroom  年迈的爷爷是家里的主要劳动力 The old Grandpa is this family’s main financial support  墙壁外观 A view of an outside wall  倾听 Concentrate on listening  睡在这里上下左右皆漏风 Sleeping inside here without any protection, wind blowing thru all over  四位南坡中学的老师下厨做午饭给我们吃 The 4 teachers of the South Slope High School is cooking dinner for us  提到面对种种困难,大家表情有点沉重 The students look quite serious when discussing the difficulties they are facing  瓦房的内部极为简陋 Inside of a very simple tile house  瓦房里客厅厨房合而为一 Combination of the living room and the Kitchen of this tile house  我们的学生打了饭在校园里站着吃饭 The students are standing in the school yard to have their lunches  学生和奶奶住在这危楼里,如果不是两边的砖房支撑着也许早就垮了 A student live in this dangerous house with her Grandma, if there are no other houses on the two sides to sustain it, it must have fallen a long time ago  我们将晚自习谈话提早一小时以便赶回县城 We had to do the self-study discussion period an hour early so that we could make it back to the county in time  我们在果乐中学的食堂吃中饭,这个小小的食堂必须提供全校学生一日三餐 Having lunch in the cafeteria of the Guo Luck High School, this small cafeteria is providing the three daily meals for the entire students of this school  乡村小学生 Elementary students of a village  辛苦工作只为温饱 The only purpose to work hard is to get full meal & warmth  学生的家,需要爬梯子才能到达 We had to climb up the upstairs to get into a student’s home  学生的妈妈 Mother of a student  最爱年迈驼背的奶奶。小时候妈妈就跑了,至今提起仍伤心泪下 He loves his humpbacked Grandma. He still feels very sad when talking about his mother who left him when he was very little  壮族的传统瓦房 A typical tile house of the Zhuang ethnic people  学生家前的野生枇杷 Wild fruit tree (Loquat) also known as Pipa in front of a student’s home  志愿者与学生合影 Photo of the students & the volunteers  学生收到助学金后签名确认 A student signing a receipt for the school grant  志愿者与学生个别面谈 A volunteer talking the a student  真爱明天学生 The students of the “Tomorrow Program”  这个学生家的破旧瓦房挨着三层楼的砖房,显得格外刺眼 This poor old tile house of a student besides a 3 level brick house, exceptional unpleasant to our eyes  志愿者与学生的妈妈 Photo of volunteers and a student’s mother  愿微笑长挂脸上 Wish they will always have their smiling faces  拥挤的宿舍房间,真爱明天学生很开心见到我们 The “True Love Tomorrow Program’s” students in this boarding room were very happy to see us  学生宿舍 The student’s residents  一一拥抱互道珍重 A good bye hug, wishing each other well  学生在这里刷牙、洗脸、洗头..... Students are brushing their teeth, washing their faces & hair there  爷爷有病,反应迟钝 Grandpa is slow because of sinckness  学生与奶奶 Student with her Grandma  |