Photo Stories – 2012 Fall Scholarship Activities – Sichuan Province 颁发成绩优秀奖学金给青川中学高中生 Presenting outstanding scholarship to a student in Qingchuan Senior High School  大姐姐教他们如何将目标分为小块,逐步实践 Big sister teaching students how goals can be divided into small blocks & achieving them step by step gradually  地震受伤左腿高位截肢的女孩与志愿者姐姐合影 Photo of a girl who loss her left leg in the earth quake taken with the volunteers  关庄中学的真爱明天初三学生 Tomorrow Program’s junior 3rd grade students of Guanzhuang Middle School  关庄中学礼堂里的夜谈 Night discussion with the students in the auditorium of the Guanzhuang Middle School  孩子们说这是一条新修的路,却变成了小河 The children said this is a newly build road but turned into a creek  家访的路 On the way to a home visit  江油高中的孩子们压力好大 Students of the Jiangyou Senior High School undertake a lot of pressures  她获得了成绩优秀 一等奖600元 She received the excellent performance award in the amount of RMB600.00  解答高中生的问题 Answering to the Senior High Students’ questions  来信中提到从未过过生日,我们决定给她一个惊喜 A surprised birthday party for this girl (she mentioned in her letter that she never had a birthday party before)  两个孩子住在同一个村子,我们边走边聊家里的情况 Two girls are living in the same village. We are discussing their family’ situation while waking to their village  两位获得成绩优秀奖学金的女孩一人捐50元给广西受伤的学生奶奶 Two students received an excellent achievement award donated RMB50.00 to the injured student’s grandma in Guangxi  两位志愿者姐姐看起来和孩子们同龄 The two volunteers look like the same age of the students  木鱼的孩子们 The children of the town of Muyu  品学兼优的孩子总是勇于发言 An excellent student always has the courage to speak  青川高中生送给北川学弟妹的礼物:自己用过的英汉词典 Qingchuan student gave his used dictionary to the Beichuan student as a gift  青川一中的男孩子个个都长高了 All the boys of the Qingchuan 1st High School have grown much taller  三个孩子负责分配生日蛋糕 The three girl is distributing the birthday cake  他戴上了2500度眼镜更帅了,半年不见长高了 The boy with the 20/250 eyes glass looks very smart, haven’t seen him for half a year, he has grown taller too  我谢谢她的文章-爱在川北带给我们的感动,她却哭了 I thank her for her essay “ Love in Beichuan” really touched me, but she was also touched with tears  下着小雨,老师带我们过河家访 A teacher taking me to a home visit under the rain  学生和爷爷 A student with her grandpa  养20几只兔子,一年兔毛收入有二千多元,不无小补 The fur of approximate 20 rabbits will have an annual income of about RMB2,000.00, it will help out a little  踊跃发言 Speaking up enthusiastically  照顾好自己哦,我们下学期见 Take good care of yourself, we will see each other next semester  这桥是通往外面唯一的路 This bridge is the only gateway to outside  志愿者给孩子们带来全公司同仁的问候 A volunteer relaying her company’s greetings to the students  志愿者姐姐说孩子床头摆着很多书,她果然名列前茅 A volunteer said this student’s bed side has a lot of books no wonder she is the top student  重建后的北川禹里乡 The newly reconstructed Yuli village in Beichuan County  走访新生 Visiting a new student’s home  祖孙二人 A student with his grandpa  |