Photo Stories – 2012 Fall Scholarship Activities – Zhangjiachuan County in Gansu Province 把勉励自己的话贴在墙上 Posting useful phrases on the wall to encourage oneself  村里的老太太 An old lady of the village  二中的高三学生 Senior 3rd year students of the 2nd High School  二中两个学生上学期在班上发起写卡片送爱心给青川的孩子们,让我们深深感动 We are touched by the two 2nd High School students who initiate the action of sending cards of love to the Qingchuan’s children  发放助学金 Distributing the sponsorship funds  高二学生合影 Group photo of the 2nd grade Senior High Students  孩子们变得更专注,更自信了 The students becoming more focus & self-confident  孩子们的笑容温暖了我们的心 The smiles on the children’s faces warm our heart  几个贫血的孩子得到美国阿姨捐赠的补血铁片 One lady from the United States providing iron tablets to the anemic children  家访路上 On the way to home visit  家家户户都挂着辣椒和玉米 Every family has chilli peppers & corns hanging outside their home  家虽简陋,但整齐干净 Although these are very simple and crude houses, but very clean & neat  姐弟二人同读高中,同住一个房间,节省开销 The brother & sister living in the same room to save the cost of living, they are studying in the same high school  可爱的小朋友 Lovely little children  老师陪我们家访 The teacher accompanying us to the home visits  礼轻情意重,大家分享天津志愿者带来的巧克力和果仁 Small gifts with warm hearts. Sharing the chocolates with nuts brought by the volunteers from Tianjin  临别时的叮咛 Saying farewell to each other  妈妈陪儿子住在这小房间,就近照顾 A mother & son living in this small room together, more convenient to take care of each other  晚自习结束,不住校的学生在低温下回家 Some students going home under low temperature after the self-study session at night  我们的车在这路上进退自如,司机的技术一流 Our car driver is very skillful in this small road, in and out of the village without any problems  我们讨论高考的压力、家庭的负担、早恋...等等问题 We are discussing the stress of the students due senior high’s exam, family responsibilities, and early love affairs problems  我有交朋友的问题 I have problems making friends  午餐又是土豆和胡萝卜 Lunch is potatoes & carrots as usual  相约下学期再见 Setting a date to see each other in the next semester  学生的爸爸在院子里挖了一个很深的洞,储藏土豆和白菜 One of the student’s father dug a deep hole in the ground for storing potatoes & cabbages  学生的母亲和水窖 A student’s mother & the water cellar  学生家院子里的太阳能煮水器 The solar water heating system in front of a student’s home  学生说:我的父母都健在,已经很幸福了,我想捐出我的助学金给更需要的孩子 This student said: I am very lucky that my parents are with me, I would like to donate my sponsored education fund to the students in need.  张家川一中的晚自习谈话 At “Self-study night” time discussion in Zhangjiachuan 1st high school  志愿者带来天津叔叔阿姨们的问候 Avolunteer reading the warm regards from the Aunts & Uncles of Tianjin  志愿者和学生母亲 Volunteer with a student & her mother  志愿者下乡家访 Volunteer on the way to the village for home visits  志愿者与二中学生交流 A volunteer & students in 2nd high school exchange conversations  志愿者与孩子们贴心交流 Volunteer & students exchange in deep feelings  中午我们要走访这几个学生在学校附近的租屋 We will be visiting a few students’ rental unites near the school  |