Photo Stories – 2012 Fall Scholarship Activities – Napo County& Jingxi County in Guangxi Province 5天一次的赶集,当地人称为“街天”,就是上街买东西的日子 Local people call it “Street Heaven” – meaning going to the market to buy things once every 5 days  阿姨,小心哦! Be careful Aunty Jane  不是每家都能获得政府瓦房改造的补助 Not every family receives the government’s grant on remodeling their houses  残破的瓦房,挡不住风雨 Wind & water can easily go thru the very poor & old house  车子载着我们翻山越岭下乡家访 This car climbing mountains taking us to the villages for home visits  大多数学生家都是极为简陋的瓦房 Most of the students are living in this type of very simple tile houses  大哥哥和孩子们说话 Big brother is speaking to the students  大锅子通常是用来煮猪食 The big pot is usually cooking foods for the pigs  地板、墙壁、屋顶....无处不漏风 Wind can blow thru the floor, walls & roof of this house  定业初中 The junior high school of Dingye town  发放助学金 Distributing the sponsorship education funds  扶贫公路 The Anti-Poverty Road  孩子们开心合影 Group picture of the students  欢聚一堂 They are happy to be together  家况 Home situation  教英语 Teaching English  街上没有任何餐馆,几个老师下厨做饭给我们吃 There are not restaurants here, a few teachers cooking lunch for us  姐姐已出嫁,妈妈帮姐姐带孩子,爸爸务农 The Student’s elder sister was married, her mother is babysitting, father is a farmer  靖西安德中学操场 Ande Middle School’ s sports field in Jingxi County  靖西一中的高中生 Senior high students in Jingxi 1st high school  聚精会神 Concentrate to listen  可爱的小学生 Lovely elementary students  客运车到不了山里的村子,三轮车是到镇上唯一的交通工具 Three wheels carts are the only transportation to the mountain villages  哭泣的女孩,无奈的奶奶 A crying girl with the helpless grandma  快乐学英语 Learning English happily  魁圩的孩子们 Children from Kuixu junior high school  老师说就是这家没错 The teacher said this is the right house  路边理发店 A side street barber shop  没有英汉词典的同学请举手 Please put up your hands if you do not have an English dictionary  每个村子都有接雨水以供饮用的蓄水池 Every village has the water reservoir for the drinking water  每一家的屋况都大致相同 Every house situation is more or less the same  美丽的靖西山水 Beautiful landscape in Jingxi county  母女相依为命 Mother & daughter supporting each other to live on  母亲的眼泪,每家都有难处和伤心事 A tearing mother; every family has their own problems & heart breaking stories  那坡民中的真爱明天学生 The Tomorrow Program’s students in Napo Civic High School  难得见到一张书桌,但是没有椅子 Very rare to see a desk, but no chair  年老的爷爷独力抚养孙子 An old grandpa raising his grandson by himself  墙壁贴上一张塑料,既可遮风挡雨又多些隐私 Using a plastic shield to block off the wind & water, it also provided some privacy  认真学习 Learning seriously  身体不好的爷爷已经无力撑起这个家 An unhealthy grandpa is unable to support his family  简阿姨声音哑了,只能请志愿者帮忙传话 Aunty Jane lost her voice, had to rely on the volunteer to relay her message to the boy  随时有倒塌危险的家 This house will fall down any time  提起爸爸妈妈时,他哭了 He cried when talking about his parents  瓦房(木房)虽简陋,却是父母留下的家 Tile house (Wooden house), very simple but the only thing left from his parents  为了赶回县城住宿,我们把晚自习的谈话提早到17点45分 We had to put forward the night’s self-study discussion to 17:45 pm in order to go back to the county town  一位孤儿和外公住在路边的棚子里 An orphan living in the bamboo house on the side of a road with his grandpa  我们拉钩约定:再困难也要坚持读书 We keep our fingers cross; you have to continue in your school no matter how difficult it becomes  当地出产的芭蕉很好吃 The local bananas taste very good  令人心疼的爷爷 This grandpa makes us feel heartbreaking  与学生妈妈合影 A photo with the student’s mother  简阿姨问学生:你睡哪里?他搬来活动木梯,爬上屋顶下的夹层 Aunty Jane asked: Where do you sleep? Then the boy brings a ladder & show her he sleeps in the little space just underneath the roof  我一定坚持学习,绝不轻易放弃 We must continue our school, never give up easily  小女孩烧起材火蹲在炉前,想要烧开水给我们喝。她是我们学生的妹妹 This little girl is the young sister of one of our students, she is lighting up the fire to boil some hot water for us  小心第二阶梯是松动的! Be careful, the 2nd step is unstable  校门口摆着“欢迎真爱明天助学计划”的牌子 The sign in front of this school said: “Welcome the Tomorrow Program”  校园里依依道别 Saying goodbye reluctantly  新生个别面谈 An individual interview with a new student  受访学生的家 One of our home visit’s house  学生的奶奶 A student’s grandma  奶奶把简陋的家收拾得干干净净 This grandma keeps her simple home very clean & tidy  一位学生的奶奶卧病在床已经5年 One of the student’s grandma had been staying in bed for 5 years due to her sickness  学生的外公和奶奶 The grand parents of one of the students  甘肃张家川的高中生给远方 “真爱明天”弟弟妹妹们写来问候的信 Reading of a well wishes letter to the little brothers & sisters of the “Tomorrow Program” students from the senior high students of the Zhangjia chuan County in Gansu  学生家的外观 The outside view of one of the student’s home  学生家在陡峭的山坡上,上山容易下山难,我们小心翼翼以免滑跤 One of the student’s home is located on the deep slope of a hill, going up is easier than coming down, we have to be really careful  一位学生没有父母,由这位姐姐抚养 This big sister is supporting a student who does not have parents  学生折叠的许多纸鹤、心和吉祥物挂满自己狭小的房间,令我们赞叹 We are very surprised that this student had fold a lot of paper cranes, hearts & good luck charm hanging in her room  学校食堂太小,只好在户外搭棚子才能容下全校学生一起吃饭 The cafeteria in this school is too small, in order to accommodate all the students, an outdoor shed is used for them to have their lunches  沿着背后这条山路爬上去,30分钟就到家了 It will take us 30 minutes to one of the student’s home climbing uphill from this small road behind us  爷爷想烧开水请我们喝 Grandpa wants to boil water for us to drink  爷爷已经92岁,依旧每天下地干活 This grandpa is 92 years old, still working really hard  勇敢站起来发表意见 Standing up bravely to talk about his ideas  用心学习 Learning enthusiastically  又是破旧不堪的家 Another broken & poor house  与那坡民族中学校方会谈 Conversation with the school authority of Napo Ethic High School  与奶奶谈话,老师在旁边当翻译 The teacher is the interrupter when Aunty Jane talks to this grandma  在英汉词典上找到这个单词的同学,请举手 Please raise your hands if you can find this phrase in the English-Chinese dictionary  这间瓦房已经严重倾斜 This tile house is seriously slanted  这面墙壁已经完全垮塌,我们从屋里看到的是隔壁人家的砖墙 We can see the neighbor’s wall, because the original wall of this house was fallen completely  这样的房子如何过冬? How can one survive the winter in this house?  志愿者教孩子们如何使用英汉词典 The volunteer showing the students how to use the English-Chinese dictionary  以小凳子当桌子,志愿者认真地记录每一学生家庭情况 The volunteer is recording the family situation of every student carefully by using a small chair as a desk  志愿者与孩子们快乐合影 A group photo of the volunteer & the students  志愿者与学生个别面谈 A volunteer is interviewing a student individually  志愿者与学生姐姐 Volunteer with the student  志愿者在学生家前合影 Wolunteer & student photo in front of the student’s house  志愿者仔细分析学生申请表格 Volunteer is explaining the application form to the students  专心听讲 Listening very carefully  祖孙二人 Student & her grandma  |