Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2013 – Zhangjiachuan County and Qingchuan County 张家川一中的高三学生 Senior 3rd level Students of Zhangjiachuan 1st High School  有同学问高中生谈恋爱的看法,她的看法是:只要双方一起为学业努力,有何不可? A classmate asked Aunt Jane about her view on high school students falling in love, she replied if both students work together for their academic efforts; why not?  谈心 Intimate discussion  在张家川一中操场上,他诉说着过去的坎坷和未来的梦想 This student is talking about his difficult pass and his dream about the future on the school’s field  张家川二中的谈话 Talks in Zhangjiachuan 2nd Senior High School  张家川二中发放助学金 Presenting sponsorship funds to Zhangjiachuan 2nd Senior High School students  张家川二中的高二学生 Group photo of 2nd level senior high students of Zhangjiachuan 2nd senior high school  张家川二中高三学生合影 Group photo of 3rd level senior high students of Zhangjiachuan 2nd senior high school  依依不舍 Saying good bye reluctantly  她说:“我是孤儿,谢谢你给我妈妈的拥抱” One student said: “I am an orphan, thanks for giving me a mother’s hug”  张家川二中的高三女孩们,擦着泪水伤别离 Senior 3rd level students of Zhangjiachuan 2nd Senior High School saying good bye with tears  甘肃文县的美丽山水,文县是我们计划开辟的新的助学目的地 Beautiful mountain & river view of Wen County in the Gansu Province, it is our new plan for the sponsorship destination  木鱼中学荣登“月考光荣榜”的孩子们 The monthly exam’s top students of Mu Yu Middle School  木鱼的孩子们充满自信,踊跃发言 The confident Mu Yu’s students show enthusiasm in speaking out  志愿者和木鱼学生 Students of Mu Yu Middle School and volunteers  我们一起讨论如何克服高考的紧张和恐惧情绪 We are discussing how to overcome the stress & fear of the final senior exams  大学生志愿者给青川中学高中生补习数学和英语 A university volunteer providing students the English & Mathematics tutorials in Qing Chuan Senior High School  青川中学的学生有问题问志愿者哥哥 A student of Qing Chuan High School asking the volunteer a question  颁发奖学金给成绩优秀的四川学生 Presenting the scholarship award to an outstanding Sichuan’s student  杨贤玉,她四年前送给我们的“彩虹莲花”图至今仍被我们作为表达谢意的小礼物转送给每位捐款人 We are still using The “Rainbow & Lotus” painting gift from Yang Xian Yu 4 years ago as our “Thank you” gift for each of the donors  简阿姨,我可以跟你合拍吗? Let’s take a picture, Aunty Jane  他是优秀学生干部,也是国家二级运动员。还记得他初中的模样,如今已是高三了 He is one of the top students and an athlete of the 2nd national team. I still remember how he looks like in junior high, now his is in 3rd Senior high already  大哥哥回答问题 A volunteer answering questions  他问哥哥如何准备中考 He is asking how to prepare for the mid-term exam  这所乡下小学校长集合全校学生,要求每个学生为雅安地震捐款 The principal of a small village, gathering all students requesting them to make donations for the Ya On earth quake  三锅没有汽车站,我们坐在路边等巴士去关庄 There are not bus stop in San Guo, we are waiting for the bus on the road side to go to Guan Zhuang  在关庄中学的礼堂与学生谈话 Talking to the students of the Quan Zhuang High School  学会尊重生命、尊重所有的人、事、物,比成绩优秀更重要 Aunty Jane explaining about respecting life, respecting all human and everything is more important than good marks in school  志愿者哥哥辅导高中数学 A volunteer is coaching high school mathematics  青川一中的高三学生 Group picture of Senior 3rd level students in Qing Chuan High School  青川一中的高一、高二学生 Group picture of Senior 1st & 2nd level students in Qing Chuan High School  全体青川一中的孩子们站起来合唱“感恩的心” All students of Qing Chuan High School singing “A thankful heart”  被孩子们感动得流泪,哽咽说不出话 Deeply touched by the students  祝你们高考顺利! Wish you all a smooth senior high exam!  简阿姨,我会努力的 Aunty Jane, we will work hard!  无言的拥抱,深深的祝福 A silent hug with a good wish  学生送我们回宾馆 Students taking us back to the hotel  功课还是这么棒,又是年级前10%的成绩! His marks are still very good, also in the top 10% students list  道别 Saying good bye  |