Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2013 – Jingxi County, Guangxi Province 家徒四壁-这个家没有四面墙壁,挂一张草席当墙壁 No walls in this family house, hanging a straw mat as the wall  长年的重活导致爷爷腰背变形 Years of hard work led to the deformation of this Grandpa’s back  好高兴又见面了 So happy to see each other again  志愿者与靖西一中高中生谈话 Conversation between the volunteer and the students of Jingxi High School  靖西一中的孩子们 Students of the Jingxi High School  学校饭菜还好吗? How’s the food in school?  南坡中学孩子很开心见到我们 The students of Nanpo Middle School are happy to see us  家访 Home visit  志愿者和学生奶奶 Volunteers and the student’s Grandma  学生的家 Home of a student  父亲去世,母亲出外打工养家,奶奶哭着谢谢我们 Student’s father passed away, mother has to work to support the family, touching Grandma thanks us  南坡家访途中顺路去平孟口岸,背后的建筑是越南海关 Going to Ping Meng Port on the way to Nanpo, the building in the background is Vietnam custom  中考开始倒数计时,南坡中学校长为学生加油 The principal of Nanpo High School encouraging students to prepared for the mid-term exam starting to count down  四位志愿者和学生个别面谈 4 volunteers talking to students individually  果乐乡没有餐馆,老师做菜请我们吃 No restaurants in Guo Luk village, teachers prepare meals for us  与学生交流 Interactive with students  去四位女孩的家做家访,都是孤儿、单亲或从小被丢弃的孩子 Home visit these 4 girls, they are either an orphan, an abandoned child or has single parent  女孩从小被丢弃,与领养家庭的奶奶、弟弟合影 This girls was abandoned since very young age, photo with foster Grandma and brother.  奶奶是孤儿唯一的亲人 Grandma is the only family member of this girl  学生的家已成危房,住在叔叔家 A student lives with his uncle because his house is damaged  请生病的奶奶放心,我们会帮助孩子的 Telling this ill Grandma not to worry, we will help the children  认真听志愿者教课 Listen very carefully to the volunteer’s lecture  教英文 Teaching English  给孩子们补习数学、物理和化学 Tutoring Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry  打篮球时把塑料凉鞋脱在一边,光脚打球 Playing basketball in bare feet  母亲7年前去世,父亲患有肺结核不能做重活。虽然已是危房,却是父子两人相依为命的家 This student’s mother passed away 7 years ago, father has tuberculosis can’t work much. Although this house is dangerous to live in, but it is their home to support each other  看着这个家,我无需问家庭经济情况,心里非常沉重 I felt very sad to see this home that I do not have to check their family financial situations  家在山那边 Their home is on the other side of the mountain  在石漠化土地上和老天争地耕种 On this rocky desertification land, struggling in this environment to cultivate  大哥哥教英语 Big brother teaching English  志愿者帮忙发放助学金 Volunteer helping in giving out sponsorship funds  孩子舍不得我们离开 Children saying good bye to us reluctantly  专注 Concentrate  如何记英语单词 Showing students how to memorize a simple English word  大哥哥的叮咛 Big brother’s advice  依依不舍 Unwilling to say good bye  相约下学期再见 Making a point to see each other in the next semester  简阿姨,照顾好身体哦 Aunty Jane, please take good care of yourself!  没有什么比孩子的笑容更能温暖我们的心 Nothing is better than their smiling faces to warm our hearts  大哥哥在“传授武功” Big brother is teaching his expertise in mathematics  学好历史的秘诀 The secret of learning history  邻居说学生已住到亲戚家 This neighbor said, the student who lived here had moved to live with his relatives  学生家已倒塌,志愿者在瓦砾堆前合影 Photo of the volunteers in front of the ruins of a students home  我们每天晚上很晚才从乡下学校回到县城宾馆,志愿者都累趴了 We came back to the county hotel from the village’s school very late each night, the volunteers were very tired  |