Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2013 – Napo County, Guangxi Province 北大唐哥哥说求学如一场马拉松,贵在坚持 Big brother Tang from Beijing University said: “seeking knowledge is like a marathon, determination is a very important factor”  陈阿姨和那坡高中的“真爱明天”学生 Aunty Chan and a student of the “True Love Tomorrow Program” in Napo Senior High School  大哥哥与新生面谈 Interview with a new student  当地百姓自嘲家住三层楼房:一楼养牲畜,二楼住人,屋顶下号称三楼放粮食-玉米 A typical three levels house, the ground floor for raising livestock, people live on the 2nd floor and the space just under the roof top so called the 3rd floor is for food storage - corns  定业初中的孩子们 Junior High students of Ding Ye  多数学生穿这样的塑料凉鞋 Most of the students wear this type of rubber sandals  发放助学金,并请学生签收 Presenting the sponsorship funds, student signing the receipt  好开心 Happy students  家访路上 On the way to home visits  那坡建筑工地的工人多为妇女 Most of the construction workers in Napo are woman  那坡民族中学的孩子们 Children of the Napo Ethnic High School  牛市 The cows’ market  漂亮的壮族女孩 Pretty Zhuang ethnic girls  三轮车是农村进城的交通工具 This 3 wheels cart is the main transportation between the village and town  虽然贫困,但家人俱在即是幸福 Although they are poor, but they are grateful to be together This 3 wheels cart is the main transportation between the village and town  天津陈阿姨鼓励孩子们 Aunty Chan from Tian Jin is encouraging the students  天津张叔叔和孩子们交流 Uncle Zhang from Tian Jin exchanging views with the students  我们好开心 We are really happy  我们正在确认家访学生的资料 We are confirming our students information for the home visit  无人在家,我们只好从门缝看屋内状况 No one home, all we can do is to see through the gap between the woods.  午餐时间的学校食堂 School cafeteria during lunch time  学生的弟弟好奇我们的到来 A student’s brother is curious about our visit  学生的姐姐已辍学嫁人生子并照顾弟妹,身兼数职 A student’s sister got married had a child, also looks after her siblings, she handles a lot of works  学生的奶奶 Grandma of a student  学生的爷爷奶奶送我们到门口,好似一幅油画 A student’s grandparents in front of their house, looks like an oil painting  学校门口摆着牌子欢迎我们 Poster in front of the school to welcome us  与学生相见甚欢 Very happy to see the students  张叔叔和孩子们一见如故 First time to meet the students, Uncle Zhang seems to know them so well  志愿者于龙合初中校门前合影 Photo of the volunteers taken in front of the Long He Junior High School  志愿者在南宁西乡塘汽车站等候前往那坡的巴士 Waiting in the bus depo in Xixiangtang District, Nanning to go to Napo  专注听讲 Concentrate in listening  做家访记录 Recording the home visits information  |