Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2013 – Zhangjiachuan County, Gansu Province 学生认真记下国家资助政策 Students taking notes about the National sponsorship policy.  上学期我们在操场上讨论过后,他得到县演讲比赛第一名,天水市演讲比赛也名列前茅 We discussed the speech topic on the sports field in last semester. This student received the 1st prize in the County’s speech contest, he is the top student of the speech contest in the Tin Shui city also  张家川一中和二中的全部受真爱明天资助的学生都升高三了 Every student of the Tomorrow Program in Zhangjiachuan’s 1st & 2nd High School have advanced to senior high 3rd level now.  请学生为大家读一条有关今年专科毕业生就职情况的新闻 This student was asked to read the news about the employment prospects for this year’s technical college graduates.  几位好朋友合影,下学期把洗出的相片带来,一人一张留作高中的回忆 Let’s take a picture together, next semester Aunt Jane will give each one of us a copy to keep for the memory of high school.  咱们合影留下高三的记忆吧 Let’s take a group picture for the memory of senior high 3rd level students  三位品学兼优的张家川一中学生 The Tomorrow Program volunteers with three outstanding students of Zhangjiachuan 1st High School.  接受一年半的治疗之后,患有白血病的她为实现梦想回到学校读高三 After undergoing the leukemia treatment for 1.5 years, she has gone back to school as a senior 3rd level in order to fulfill her dreams  张家川一中规定复读的学生不许穿校服,她说自己不配再得到资助;简阿姨耐心地说服她鼓励她,并把助学金亲手交给她 Zhangjiachuan 1st High School does not permit students to wear the school uniform if they have to repeat the same level school year. This student said she is ashamed of receiving the sponsorship funds. Aunt Jane encourages her patiently and hand her the funds personally.  张家川县城街景 A street view of Zhangjiachuan County.  他说田里麦子被大雨冲毁,房子也倒塌了 A student shares his experience about the heavy rains. He said his family’s wheat fields was washed away and his house collapsed.  挺胸坐直充满正能量 Seating up straight will give you more positive energy.  张家川二中的学生快乐合影 The Zhangjiachuan 2nd High School students happily taking a group picture.  保护好自己哦 Please keep yourself safe!  又是临别依依 Another sad farewell.  志愿者与张家川二中学生合影 Tomorrow Program volunteers pictured with Zhangjiachuan 2nd High School students.  |