Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2013 – Wen County, Gansu Province 前往文县的山路因大雨造成多处严重山体滑坡和路基塌方,至今尚未清除 The mountain road to Wen County is very dangerous from the heavy rainfall. This rockslide has not been cleared and the road is damaged severely.  文县县城的早晨 Viewing the early morning at Wen County.  文县一中全校师生这学期全部移至新校园上课 The students of Wen County 1st High School already moved to this new facility starting this semester.  虽然甘肃文县是国家贫困县,但512地震后对口援建的一中校园修建得很美丽 Wen County in Gansu is one of China’s poorest, yet they were able to rebuild the high school quite nicely after the 512 earthquake.  一天半的时间只能走访6个学生家 Only six student home visits were completed in a day and a half.  山路太陡,幸好有北大志愿者的帮助 Aunt Jane feels fortunate to have assistance walking up this steep slope from a Peking University volunteer.  政府补助维修过的房子,二楼堆放粮食和杂物,上下楼用活动梯子 This house was built with funds from the government assistance program. There is a removable ladder that leads to the second floor where food and miscellaneous items are keep.  512地震后得到政府的房子维修补助,但没钱装上门窗,房子里也空无一物 The government provided rebuilding funds after the 512 earthquake. However the limited funds were insufficient to provide for windows,doors and furniture for this house.  一位学生的家:房间里只有一张床,几片木板充当天花板 This student’s home has only a bed and a couple of plywood boards to cover the ceiling.  村子里的老人 A senior adult of the village.  上山容易下山难 It seems easier to walk up the hill then to walk back down the hill.  爷爷,孩子会不会掉下去啊? Hi Grandpa, will the baby slip down the back?  家访路上遇到背着柴火的老人 On the way to a home visit we encountered this senior adult carrying a load of dry wood.  志愿者蹲着做家访记录 A Tomorrow Program volunteer is recording his notes of a home visit.  一位学生的父母已过世,由奶奶抚养 The grandmother is the only support for a student whose parents had passed away.  文县一中的孩子们,这是我们第一次见面 First time meeting with the students of Wen County 1st High School.  掌声不断,惊动了值班在各楼层巡视的老师 The sound of clapping alerted all the teachers  志愿者张桂芝姐姐请大家站起来说:我是最棒的,我是最给力的! Big sister volunteer Zhang Gui-Zhi invited all the students to stand up and shout, “We are the best. We will work hard”.  对简阿姨提出的问题,她做了很棒的回答。简阿姨请她转身面对全体同学,再次大声说出她的答案 This bright student gave the best answer to a question. Aunt Jane asked her to stand before the class and repeat the answer.  我们正在讨论:遇到困难该如何解决? How to solve problems when we encounter them is the subject of this discussion.  她告诉同学们她是孤儿,不是为了博取同情,而是为了提醒同学们珍惜自己的父母 A girl told her classmate she is an orphan, not to solicit sympathy, but to remind them to cherish their parents.  请爷爷和外婆放心,我们一起鼓励孩子完成学业吧 Aunt Jane tells these grandparents not to worry about their grandchild’s education. Together we will encourage him to continue his schooling.  志愿者和学生外婆合影 Tomorrow Program’s volunteers with a student’s grandmother.  志愿者走在家访的路上 We are on our way to another home visit.  学生们认真记下“大学本专科学生国家资助政策”,教室不够93个位子,有些学生两人挤在一个位子上 The students are writing down "National aid policy for college students". There are not enough seating for the 93 students in this classroom. Some of the students have to share a seat.  文县一中没有规定必须穿校服 Wen County 1st High School students don’t need to wear school uniform.  现场颁发助学金 Presenting the sponsorship funds  志愿者张桂芝姐姐确认每位收到助学金的孩子签下了自己的名字 Big sister volunteer Zhang Gui-zhi makes sure each student sign for the receipt of their sponsorship funds.  简阿姨,我可以抱你一下吗? Aunt Jane, May I hug you?  与文县一中高三学生合影 Group picture taken with the 3rd level senior students at Wen County 1st High School.  临别的不舍 It is so sad to say farewell.  |