Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2013 – Qingchuan County, Sichuan Province 木鱼中学:发放助学金并请学生签收 Sponsorship funds are being presented at Mu Yu Middle School. The student in the foreground signed his receipt.  志愿者张桂芝姐姐告诉孩子们:贫困不可怕,我感恩上天给我磨炼的机会 Big sister volunteer Zhang Gui-zhi tells the children that poverty is not to be feared, she is thankful to have a chance to experience this challenge in life.  北大的志愿者高大哥和木鱼孩子们交流 Big brother volunteer from Peking University leads a discussion session with Mu Yu Middle School students.  在青川中学的会议室和孩子们见面 Students and Tomorrow Program volunteers gather in the meeting room of QingChuan High School.  谈话结束后,孩子们把会议室整理好,恢复原状 At the conclusion of the session the students clean up, and the meeting room is returned to its original state.  好喜欢张桂芝姐姐 I like big sister Zhang Gui-zhi very much, stated this student.  志愿者教孩子们学习的要领 A Tomorrow Program volunteer is teaching important skills in learning.  和孩子们有相同的成长背景,志愿者张桂芝姐姐告诉孩子们必须懂得感恩 Growing up with similar backgrounds as these children, big sister volunteer Zhang Guizhi tells these students they must know how to be grateful.  三锅中学孩子与简阿姨拉钩:一定要尽最大的努力准备中考 This boy at San Guo Middle School promised Aunt Jane that he will do his best in preparing for High school entrance examination.  我是不是很萌、很可爱?! Just a thought, am I cool and cute?  三锅中学的孩子们 San Guo Middle School students.  下了一夜的雨天刚微亮,三锅中学的全校学生已经在操场跑步了 After a rainy night, at the break of dawn the students of San Guo Middle School are already running on the school’s track field.  早上的三锅乡街上空无一人,我们在路边等大巴前往关庄 We are waiting for the bus to Guan Zhuang. The streets of San Guo Village is empty of people this early in the morning.  关庄中学的孩子们进步最多,为他们感到骄傲 Really proud of the San Guo Middle School’s students because they have made great improvement in school  她读着写给广西同学们的信,还捐给他们一百元 A letter is read addressed to the students of Guangxi. Included in the letter is 100 Yuan donation from her.  志愿者张桂芝姐姐的成长故事激励了孩子们,她是孩子们最好的榜样 Big sister volunteer Zhang Gui-zhi tells her story of growing up. Her story is an inspiration to the students and provides an excellent role model for them to follow.  关庄中学的初二学生们 The 2nd level junior high students of Guan Zhuang Middle School.  初三学生开始感到中考的压力了 The 3rd level junior high school students of Guan Zhuang Middle School. They are already feeling the pressure of the anticipated high school entrance exam.  重新记下简阿姨地址和电话号码 Aunt Jane’s address and phone number are recorded by these students.  青川一中有一批高三毕业生,也有一批从木鱼、关庄、三锅考上来的高一学生 A mix group of pupils are gathered together for this class session. The students are from Qing Chuan 1st High School, and three middle schools; Mu Yu, Guan Zhuang and San Guo.  高中生的一天很长,早上六点半直到晚上十点半,很辛苦。教他们挺直坐好,放松肩膀,提升能量和效率 Its been a long day for these students. The day started at 6:00am and will conclude at 10:30pm. In this picture they are being coached on good sitting posture. Its hoped that this will enhance their energy and efficiency.  教高中生快步走路的减压方式,即使是在夜里身体已经很疲惫也要坚持 Aunt Jane is conducting a session on how to relieve stress by using a walking technique. Though it is late in the evening and the students are tired, she encourages them to persist through the night.  简阿姨,谢谢你回答我的问题,我会照你的办法去做,我知道有些问题是急不来的 Aunt Jane, thank you for answering my questions. I will follow your advice even though I know sometime problems cannot be solved quickly .  志愿者姐姐和两位青川职高学生 A big sister volunteer with two students of Qing Chuan Vocational School.  举杯祝贺我们的大学毕业生找到工作,他们是从青川走出来的第一批真爱明天大学生 Pictured are the first group of the Tomorrow Program’s university graduates. A toast is made for these graduates fond their jobs.  国庆期间在成都与我们的大二学生在肯德基聚餐 During the National Holiday, Aunt Jane and these 2nd year University students in chengdu area enjoy a meal at a Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant.  请大一学生杨明强吃人生第一份牛排餐,祝贺他考上四川大学 Yang Ming-qiang is treated to his first ever steak dinner. We congratulate him as a 1st year student at Sichuan University.  |