Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2014 – Wen County, Gansu Province 沿着河流绕过群山来到文县县城 We drove along the river and around the mountains, arrive in Wen County finally.  前往文县的国道一边是山崖一边是河流,太多的弯弯曲曲导致志愿者下车呕吐。 There are too many turns on this winding road to Wen County, our volunteer gets sick.  通往文县的路况 The road condition to Wen County.  孙姐姐和孩子们谈话 Miss Sun talking to the children.  对即将到来的高考感到紧张担心害怕的同学请举手 The College Entrance Exam is coming. Is anyone nervous, anxious or afraid?  文县高三同学问上大学后能否成为真爱明天的志愿者 The 3rd year student ask if he could be our volunteer when studying in University.  中山大学王姐姐回答高三学生如何填高考志愿及文科的选择 Miss Wang from Zhonshan University answering student’s question in regard of making choices of universities and majors.  散会后学生纷纷过来问候 After the discussion, the students came to talk one after another.  孤儿说班上还有一个同学很困难,她把自己的助学金和该同学共用。 This orphan told me that she shares her grants from Tomorrow Program with another classmate who also has financial difficulty.  继父抱起半瘫的学生母亲过来与我们见面 A student’s stepped father is carrying her disabled mother over to meet us.  因车祸而失去语言能力和行动能力,学生的母亲用手机短信方式和我们交谈 A Student’s mother lost her abilities to speak and to walk because of a car accident. We use SMS to communicate with each other.  文县家访,车子沿着这条狭窄崎岖陡峭的山路直至大山深处。老师下车搬走路上的大石头。 On home visits in Wen County, a teacher has to get out of the car, and move the big rock away from the middle of the road.  文县高山上的家访,老师开车技术一流。学生回家必须在这条路上爬山两三小时。 A home visit high in the mountain. The teacher is a super driver. It will take the student 2 to 3 hours to walk home on this mountain road.  走进深山家访 Going deep in the mountain for a home visit.  老师带着我们寻访学生的家 A teacher leading us to look for a student’s home  学生的家就在这高山上的村子里,老师说这真是“大山深处”,再也没有别的村子了。 A student’s home located in this village that hides in the deepest part of the mountains.  学生母亲早逝,这几年生病的父亲再也无法干重活,只能靠学生的哥哥辍学打工养家。 The student’s mother died when he was little, the father is sick and unable to work , the older brother had to give up schooling and work to support the family.  有个孩子说:简阿姨,发放助学金时你不需向我们鞠躬,我们每人只需鞠躬一次,但你需要鞠躬93次,要保护好你的腰椎啊..... A child says, "Aunty Jian, you don’t need to bow when you give out grant to us, each of us bow only once, but you do it 93 times, please protect your back...(we have 93 students in this school)."  简阿姨,我一定会加油的。 Aunty Jian, I will work hard.  文县一中93个孩子们 These are the 93 children in Wen County 1st High School.  他说:简阿姨,你一定要等我大四时跟你去助学。 He says, “Aunty Jian, I’ll be your volunteer on my 4th year of university. Please wait for me.”  文县一中孩子们和简阿姨不舍的离别 After 2 days gethering, it is hard for children in Wen County 1st High School to say goodbye.  高三学生纷纷要求合照 The 3rd year students all want to take picture with Aunty Jian.  |