Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2014 – Jingxi County, Guangxi Province 靖西一中的孩子很高兴我们又见面了 Children of Jingxi High School are very happy to see us again.  靖西一中女孩和大家分享她今天的感动和感恩 The student of Jingxi High School shares with us regarding what made her feel grateful today.  志愿者大姐姐教高中生们学习方法 “Big sister” volunteer teaches high school students the methods of studying.  靖西一中的孩子们 The children of Jingxi High School.  谢谢TCL多媒体公司的林阿姨李阿姨带来的糖果,为大家补充能量。 Thanks to Auntie Lin and Auntie Li from TCL Multimedia Company, who brought candies as energy supplements for the kids.  TCL多媒体公司的林阿姨和天津泰达一小的李老师在黑板上写下:决定一生成就的21个信念,让孩子们抄在笔记本里。 Auntie Lin from TCL Multimedia Company and teacher Li of Taida 1st Primary School in Tianjing wrote on the black board, the 21 beliefs to make a successful life. The children copied these beliefs on their notebooks so they could remind themselves later.  她的家境已好转,谢谢她主动让出受助资格 We were deeply touched when she told us that her family financial condition has improved, and that she was willing to give her share of financial aid from Tomorrow Program to other needy kid.  志愿者和靖西一中孩子们 Volunteers and the children of Jingxi High School.  家访路上 On the way to visit families.  学生的家 A student’s home.  乖巧的孙女是爷爷的希望 The lovely and bright granddaughter is the hope of grandpa.  TCL多媒体公司的林阿姨为学生们放映励志短片《老鹰和鸡的故事》 Auntie Lin from TCL Multimedia Company shows a short video movie (The story of Eagle and Chick) to encourage the students.  天津泰达一小的李老师教孩子们自立、自强 Teacher Li from Taida 1st primary school teaches the children about self-reliance.  从魁圩孩子们整洁的外表看得出她们家境艰难吗? From the clean and tidy appearance of the Kuixu Junior High children, can you imagine they are from poor families?  天气还冷冷的,但学校没有热水,学生只能用冷水洗头 The weather is still cool. Without hot water at school, the students wash their hair with cold water.  墙上贴满了奖状,孩子是家里的希望和骄傲 The wall is filled with award certificates. The child is the hope and pride of the family.  家里虽简陋但却很干净 The home is shabby, but is very clean.  学生驼背的奶奶从地里背回大包菜叶养猪 Humpback Grandma carries a large bag of scavenged pieces of vegetable from the field for feeding pigs.  志愿者做家访记录 A volunteer recording a family visit.  志愿者下车后再走许久才到达学生的家,和奶奶合影留念。 After a long ride and walk, we arrived at a student’s home. A volunteer took a picture together with Grandma for keepsake.  哭泣的母亲--孩子父亲已经失踪6年,生死未卜。 Mother crying over her child’s father who disappeared 6 years ago, his fate is unknown.  在南坡初中食堂和真爱明天孩子谈话 Talking to the children of the Tomorrow Program in Nanpo Junior High’s cafeteria.  专心听讲 Listening attentively.  点燃孩子学习的动力,认识自己的价值。 Igniting the children’s motivation for learning, and teaching them on how to recognize their own value.  天津泰达一小的李老师和学生交流 Teacher Li of Taida 1st primary school in Tianjing chatting with the students.  临别时,初三的男孩充满信心的说:简阿姨,我们下学期靖西一中见!并拉钩承诺 The 9th grader, full of confidence, says at the farewell, "Auntie Jian, we shall meet again next term at Jingxi High School." They make a sign of keeping a promise.  他因家境好转主动让出受助资格,说是要让爱传递。我们约定以后的座谈他仍列席,永远是真爱明天的学生。 His family condition has improved, he says that in order to let love go around, he will give his share of financial help to other student, but would like to attend our sessions as before. He also says that he is our student forever.  上海志愿者金先生抽空参与助学活动 Mr. Jin, a volunteer from Shanghai takes time to participate in Tomorrow Program activities.  孩子的便条上写着他的担心:如果我考不上高中的话,这几年的助学金是不是就浪费在我身上了? A note from a child on his worry, "If I cannot pass the entrance exam and get into high school, the sponsorship expenses for the past few years would be wasted by me?"  龙临家访 A home visit in Longlin.  学生的爷爷奶奶 A student’s grandpa and grandma  微笑的爷爷眼里含着泪水 A student’s grandfather is smiling with tears in his eyes.  不知这个孤儿的瓦房还能支撑多久? How long can this orphan’s house stand ?  发放助学金 Giving out sponsorship assistance.  白发驼背非常瘦弱矮小的奶奶,腰后插着一把镰刀,刚从地里背回几十斤重的豌豆。 The white haired and hump-back grandmother with a sickle still in the back of her waist, is very thin and weak. She just carried back home 20-30pounds of beans from the field.  孤儿的奶奶用沾满泥土的手檫着眼泪:儿子没了,孩子妈妈也没了....简阿姨安慰她:奶奶你还有个乖巧懂事的孙女。 An orphan’s Grandmother swipes away tears with her hands covered with mud, "My son has gone. The child’s mother has gone.…" Auntie Jian comforts her, "Grandma, you still have your lovely, clever and understanding Granddaughter."  临别时奶奶拉着简阿姨的手久久不放 Grandma takes hold of Auntie Jian’s hand for a long time without letting go, at the time we say our goodbyes.  她忍着泪水告诉我们:爸爸死后,妈妈自杀.... She tries to hold back her tears and says to us, "After papa pasted away, mother committed suicide..."  我们约定不再听别人的闲言闲语,为了自己的未来好好努力。 We make a deal not to listen to gossip from others, but work hard for the sake of her own future.  打开心结后的笑容是我们最大的安慰 The smile after opening up her heart is most comforting for us.  她试了桂芝姐姐的办法上课时紧盯着老师,结果原来不懂的数学题目现在懂了。 She tried big sister Guizhi’s method to look right into teacher’s eyes constantly during the entire class. She finds she understands the maths problems that she originally did not understand.  简阿姨,我一定会努力的。 Auntie Jian, I will work hard.  两位初三女孩决定去读卫校,为了以后我们不能见面而哭泣。不是每个人都非上高中不可,读卫校是很好的选择。 Two 9th graders decide to study in nursing school. They cry for not being able to see us in the future. Not everyone has to go on to high school. It is a good choice to be in nursing school.  |