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  图片故事 — 2014年秋季助学活动 — 广西壮族自治区靖西县
Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2014 – Jingxi County, Guangxi Province


Last term we taught the students how to try their best each and every day. These students have been doing well and their grades have significantly improved. They are role models for the others students.


After listening to the story of "Happiness and Sadness", this student from Jingxi High School was very touched. She tightly held onto Auntie Jane’s hands as she expressed her feelings.

After the evening discussion, 3rd year students from Jingxi High School gathered around our volunteer Liu Hai and asked him all kinds of questions regarding their studies.

Volunteer Auntie Lin explains to the students of Jingxi High School how to maintain the proper social distance for different interpersonal relationships.

"Try to understand your mother. She loves you, even if she may not always know how to express it." After hearing this, a student from Jingxi High School is touched and started to cry.

The big family of the "Tomorrow Program" in Jingxi 1st High School

After the discussion, our students at Jingxi 1st High School all lined up to hug and say goodbye to Auntie Jane.

Senior three students of Jingxi 1st High School.

Volunteers of the “Tomorrow Program” discussing difficult applicant cases.

In order to answer the questions raised by the students, volunteers Ms. Lin and Mr. Chan consolidated their questions and categorized them carefully.

The father of this Longlin Middle School student has mental illness. The mother is handicapped and was abducted two years ago. The student lives with his great uncle, who greeted us at the door.

As the great uncle talks about the family situation, our volunteer carefully takes notes.

At the same school, student Wang’s father, who suffers from mental illness, is working out of the province. His mother left home five years ago. The elderly grandparents who are raising him are farmers. We are sitting beside the brick wall of their neighbor’s house.

He lives with his grandparents in this wall-less home.

Here are his grandparents and little brother.

Volunteer Liu Hai teaches the students of Nanpo Middle School about good study habits the correct learning attitude.

On the blackboard, Ms. Lin wrote: "Diligence can compensate for lack of natural talent" and "Knowledge is power"

Teaching the students the ways to memorize and to remember English vocabulary.

The students at Nanpo Middle School are listening attentively.

These two boys stood up to say, they have been following Auntie Jane’s teachings and suggestions diligently for the past term. Their grades have significantly improved.

Volunteers and our students at Nanpo Middle School.

After the discussion, the student said goodbye to Auntie Jane.

The home of a Nanpo Middle School student.

The student’s foster father is a handicapped old man. When he was sixty years old, he adopted this child.

Be careful, the staircase is unstable.

With tears in his eyes, the grandfather thanks us for helping his grandson finish school.

Our volunteer Ms. Lin carefully climbs up the wooden ladder, it’s the only way to get up to the student’s house.

The student’s mother works alone to support the family. The father is on long term medication because of his mental illness.

Showing the students how to identify and being alert for improper physical contact.

The cute little boy makes a promise with Auntie Jane to work hard for his own future.

Encouraging the students to speak up boldly.

Resolving the worries and anxieties in their hearts.

After the discussion, the students of Kuixu Middle School hug Auntie Jane to say their goodbyes.

At Ande Middle School, we explained to the teachers of the 1st year students about our methods and criteria for choosing and enrolling poor students in our program.

Volunteer Ms. Fang having a discussion with the students.

Students raise their hands to agree that they will follow Auntie Jane’s suggestions to put effort into improving themselves each and every day, so that they will become stronger.

A student from Ande Middle School says: "Learning is my pleasure. Persistence is victory."

Because the economic situation of this student’s family has improved, she decided to give up her educational grant to someone else. But she made a promise with Auntie Jane that she will continue to attend the discussions.

This student lives with his grandmother in this empty house. The father died because of a heart attack. The mother re-married and works out of the province. The grandmother has thyroid cancer but they do not have money for treatment.

The parents of this student work in Guandong province and can only come home once a year over the Chinese New Years holiday. The student lives alone with the grandmother.

This student from Ande Middle School also lives with the grandmother. They can’t afford to buy a door, so they use a few pieces of wooden boards instead.

Volunteer Ms. Fang brought notebooks as gifts for the students.

Volunteer Mr. Jiang telling the students of Ande Middle School: “Being excellent is a habit. At every stage of our life, we should do our best.”

The students of Ande Middle School and our volunteers.

In the home of a student from Kuixu Middle School, we learned that his father passed away, and his mother remarried and disappeared without a trace. As his grandfather describes this to us, the student turns away and silently wipes away his tears.

The uncle of another student from Kuixu Middle School described her family situation. She was adopted as an abandoned baby. A few years ago, her foster parents died in an accident. Now she lives with her foster grandmother and her foster uncle.

This is her foster grandmother and uncle.

These two students from Kuixu live in the same village, so we are going to visit these two families together.

Our volunteer takes notes as we talk to the students about their family situation.

This student is lucky to live with her parents.

This is their home.

These two families live in the same style of houses; wooden with tile roofs.

The entire Kuixu Middle School student body gathered to listen to Auntie Jane’s speech.

Invited by the principal, Auntie Jane tells the students of Kuixu Middle School about the inspiring story of a student from Napo Middle School. She tells them that we must make diligence and persistence a habit.

During the discussion at Kui Xu Middle School, a boy speaks up to say that he is worried about his future. He does not know what to do after middle school

After Auntie Jane’s instructions and advice, the students rose up one after another to indicate their determination to study diligently for a better future.

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