Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2015 – Lingyun County, Guangxi Province
志愿者姐姐帮忙点名 A volunteer helped in making the roll call.  白姐姐和凌云民中孩子们交流 Sister Bai interacting with the students of Lingyun Ethnic Middle School.  民中的女孩勇敢发问 A student of the Ethnic School boldly asking questions.  TCL志愿者带来了爱心小礼物:给每个孩子送上一包20支的圆珠笔 Volunteers of TCL brought love presents – every student was presented with a set of twenty ballpoint pens.  家访路上:孩子家快到了 Enroute to home visits – almost there.  患有肾脏病的孩子母亲每星期需做2次血液透析,家中陷入困境 The twice a week required hemodialysis by the mother of this student placed the family in hardship.  小牛迎接志愿者的方式竟然是当面撒尿! The calf welcomed the volunteers with a pee!  李姐姐讲励志小故事 Sister Li shared inspirational stories.  民中男孩问:老人跌倒该不该帮扶?他自己的答案是守护着老人同时叫救护车 This boy of the Ethnic Middle School asked, "Should the fallen elderly be given a hand?" His own reply was to call for an ambulance while safeguarding the elderly.  民族中学是凌云县最好的初中学校,每年有上百个学生考上百色重点高中 The Ethnic Middle School is the best junior high school in Lingyun County; over a hundred students are admitted to Baise Key Senior High School every year.  志愿者与凌云民中孩子们合影 A group photo of the volunteers with the students of Lingyun Ethnic Middle School.  民中女孩哭着问:父母离异,法院要求她在限期内做出跟随爸爸或妈妈的抉择,该怎么办? This girl asked with tears; the parents are divorcing; the court asked her to choose within a deadline whether to live with the father or or the mother; what should she do?  为逻楼初中孩子们讲解来信中所提到的困惑 Answering the students of Luolou Middle School the issues they raised in their letters.  学生家屋内一无所有,屋顶也已残破 Not anything was inside the student’s home, the roof was also damaged.  老旧的木房在四周砖房中显得有点突兀,无人在家,邻居为我们开门并说明学生家况 The old wooden house; surrounded by brick houses looks out of place, no one was inside, the neighbor opened the door for us and told us about the family situation of the student.  把大家的爱心装在信封里送到每个“真爱明天”贫困孩子的手中 The love of everyone is contained in the envelopes and was delivered to the hands of each of the impoverished “Tomorrow Program” students.  颁发这学期的助学金并请孩子们签收 Handing out the grants for this school term and asking the students to sign for receipt.  白姐姐与逻楼初中孩子互动 Sister Bai interacting with the junior high students of Luolou.  对学习英语感到很困难很头疼的同学,请举手! Those who find learning English is very difficult, please raise your hands!  为孩子们讲解初三英语考题 Explaining the 3rd year junior high English exam questions to the students.  逻楼初三女孩站起来问:家里发生重大变故,可能不能考高中了,怎么办?她问到一半时已痛哭失声 This 3rd year junior high girl of Luolou asked, "Major changes has happened at home, I may not be able to take the exam for senior high school; what should I do?" She burst into tears half-way in and could not continue.  两位女孩得到学校颁发的笔记本作为成绩优秀奖品 These two girls received a notebook from the school as an award for their outstanding achievement.  勇敢站起来回答姐姐的问题 Boldly standing to answer questions.  一学期不见长高许多的初三男孩站起来向大家说明如何为自己制定每日学习计划 This 3rd year junior high boy has grown much taller since last year, he stood up to tell his classmates on how to make a daily study plan.  认真的女孩最美丽 The girl displaying earnestness is most beautiful.  孩子们认真记下谈话重点 Students seriously taking down notes.  父亲早逝母亲改嫁,孩子形同孤儿,从小由爷爷奶奶抚养长大,品学兼优 The father had died young and the mother remarried; the child was like an orphan brought up by grandparents; good in both study and conduct.  家访的路 The road to home visits.  看见我们到访爷爷赶紧进屋搬凳子 When he saw us arriving for the home visit, the grandfather went into the house to lug chairs for us.  没有做家访就无法想象孩子的成长有多艰难,也无法理解孩子们心理问题所在 Without making home visits, we would not have imagined how difficult it was for the children to grow up, nor would we understand the psychological problems these children have.  老师翻译爷爷诉说的家况,志愿者做记录 The teacher interpreted for us the family situation as told by the grandfather as the volunteer took down notes.  加尤中学孩子的家 The home of a Jiayou Middle School student.  爷爷身上的衣服和屋况一样都已破旧不堪 The cloth on grandfather is like the house, both were well worn.  李姐姐双手将爱心笔送至孩子们手中 With both hands, sister Li delivered the pens of love to the hands of the students.  对自己不幸身世一向乐观、坚强、感恩的加尤初三女孩流下离别不舍的泪水 This 3rd year junior high girl of Jiayou shed tears of sadness of parting despite she was optimistic, strong, grateful on her unfortunate life experience.  三个初三孩子一直留到所有孩子离开后再次道别,祝愿他们考上心目中的重点高中 These three students waited until all the other students had gone to say goodbye to us again; our sincere wishes that they would be admitted to the key senior high school of their choice.  三个特别优秀的孩子来自三个特别困难的家庭:一个是弃婴,一个家庭特困,一个形同孤儿 These three especially outstanding students came from three particularly difficult families; one was an abandoned baby, the other one’s home was particularly poor, the third one was just like an orphan.  母亲早逝、家住土房、经常遭酗酒父亲毒打的男孩在座谈结束后一直等到最后的最后,只为再次拥抱道别 This boy’s mother died young, his home was a mud house, often beaten by his drunk father; he waited till the very last after the symposium ended only to give me a hug to bid farewell.  和简阿姨拉钩约定即使在学校没有朋友很孤独也要好好努力学习 Making a ‘pinky promise’ with Aunt Tricia that he will be good and diligent in his study even if he has no friends and is lonely at school  |