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  图片故事 — 2015年春季助学活动 — 广西壮族自治区那坡县
Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2015 – Napo County, Guangxi Province


Most of the eighty-three “Tomorrow Program” students of Napo Ethnic Middle School will be graduating from the third year junior high. Over the past three years, we have witnessed the transition of these students from ignorant, self-abased to being self-loved, grateful and strong.


The students interacted enthusiastically.

The road to home visits.

Severe lack of arable land due to stony desertification; the rock pit holes in front of the student’s home is filled with soil in order to sow one corn plant in each of them.

The student’s ninety-five year old grandmother.

Due to the sudden changes in the family, this 2nd year junior high student became homeless; has to live with her aunt and thus became a new addition to the “Tomorrow Program”.

This 3rd year junior high student told me with great confidence, "Aunt Tricia, I will definitely get into senior high school and will see you there next term!".

This lovely boy asked me to write down “Jiayou” in his pocket notebook, he said this will give him strength every day when he sees it.

This student was adopted after she was born due to family impoverishment; which led her to give up on herself, she did not want to continue with her study, but was ready to prepare for the examination after our persuasion.

This student whose legs are severely disabled lived a frugal life during the past three years; have a balance of 1,000 Yuan on her lunch card, which she said will be donated to the “Tomorrow Program” at the end of the school term to help more students in poverty.

Meeting with the twenty “Tomorrow Program” students of the Napo Middle School on Saturday afternoon in the school’s conference room.

A 1st year senior high student said, "Was looked down upon by some students due to family poverty, did not have the courage to speak to them, what to do?"

Left means for me to communicate with this orphan who will be graduating from 3rd year senior high.

(You) Must have the courage to challenge difficulties and setbacks; cannot give up being a student leader because of ridicule from students.

Talk given at Longhe Junior High School’s evening self-study discussions.

The students listened earnestly and attentively.

Cross paths with a student’s grandfather on the way to the home visit; who hurried back from the fields to meet with us.

The grandfather is raising up the orphan who is studying at the junior high school.

Tears from a student’s grandmother...every poor family has a similar story and sadness.

Starting this school term, the junior high teacher will keep safe custody of the students grants to avoid the students losing them or squandering it.

"Even though I have drawn up a daily study plan, still found there is insufficient time, what should I do?"

This student who was exemplary at study and conduct was asked to teach fellow students how to draw up a daily study plan.

Upon our leaving, all the 3rd year students of Longhe Junior High stood and bowed to us, eyes red, and said, "Thank you, Aunt Jane!" This unexpected act made us so touched and speechless.

Tears of sadness and hugs from the 3rd year students.

This graduating student bids farewell in tears. "Aunt Tricia, take care and don’t work too hard…"

Not sure if she would see us again after graduation, this orphan of Longhe Junior High insisted to see us off while in tears.

The students of Dingye Junior High School.

The teacher interpreted for us what the grandfather said regarding the family situation.

This grandmother lost her eyesight years ago and has not been out of the house for over ten years; grandfather does farming to provide for the student and to take care of her.

As bread winner of the family, grandfather’s face was wrinkled by a lifetime of hardship, sadness and without help......

This mother was overcome by feelings of sorrow when she talked about the early demise of her husband ten plus years ago, She works as a janitor in the hospital as well as on the streets throughout the years without any leave to raise the children; the girl is studying at the university, the son is a 1st year junior high student at Dingye and helps his mother to clean the streets every day after school.

Handing out the grants to the students.

Students of Dingye took the courage to ask questions.

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