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  图片故事 — 2015年秋季助学活动 — 四川省青川县、南江县
Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2015 – Qingchuan & Nanjiang County, Sichuan Province


Whenever the students at Qingchuan High School were anxious to ask a question, they spoke in the local Sichuan dialect.


During this semester, our program was only realized in Qingchuan High School and No.1 High School.

This year the Muyu, GuanZhuang and Qingchuan No.1 High School’s grade 10 students will be in our final program in Qingchuan County.

The seminar started at 6:30 PM. Grade 12 students from GuanZhuang High School thought that we might not have had dinner yet, so they brought us warm milk.

Students in Qingchuan No.1 High School.

One grade 12 student from Qingchuan No.1 High School used Sichuan dialect to tell the other students that they should study hard to show theirgratitude. Although Aunt Tricia could only understand a little bit of her dialect language, she could feel her sincerity from her trembling voice.

Comforting a crying Qingchuan girl.

A student from Qingchuan No.1 High School donated two hundred yuan to a Muyu junior high school student who was the only “extremely poor” student remaining in the "Tomorrow Program”.

Her husband recently died in a car accident. Although she’s a single mother, she’s still young and capable of working. Her house was new and well furnished which evidenced her family is in good condition. Therefore, we did not accept her two children.

The student’s grandfather came down from the mountain to lead the teachers and volunteer for the home visits

This family owns two pigs. The grandmother cut this pile of sweet potato leaves last night for the pigs.

The grandmother told us her family situation and the teacher translated for us. The mud construction of the house had many cracks.

Two pots of hogwash on the stove were just cooked.

The student’s grandfather was a retired teacher. He supported his grandchild education with his pension.

Sweet potato harvest is piled on the ground.

A narrow, steep, slippery sloped trail is the only passage to the student’s home.

The old grandmother is the heart of the family.

The grandmother’s son is somewhat retarded and unmarried. They adopted a baby girl thirteen years ago who is in the "Tomorrow Program" now.

XiaLiang Junior High School’s dorm is very clean and tidy. The folded quilt showed us the exacting management of the school and how well behaved the students are.

XiaLiang Junior High School was built on a hill. At lunch time students bring their own bowl to the cafeteria.

Students at XiaLiang Junior High School were true and lovely.

They took the initiative to stand up and answer questions.

A smart and handsome grade 7 boy who stood up to answer questions.

The children were listening to Aunt Tricia’s story with smiles on their faces.

Presenting grant at XiaLiang Junior High School.

Children, teachers and volunteers took photos after the seminars at XiaLiang Junior High School. They made a promise to see each other at the next semester.

ShangLiang Town is in the foothills of DaBa Mountain, farther and more remote than XiaLiang Town, but the two school’s uniforms are the same.

On the way to the home visits, the teacher’s car was mired in the muddy road and the front bumper was damaged. We are not sure whether the insurance would cover the damage.

The teacher borrowed a shovel from the village folks.

Everyone endeavored together to push the car

Where is the student’s house? Finally, we found the house and it’s behind the woods on the opposite side of the hill.

The student’s home had collapsed. Now they lived in grandmother’s house. The mother who is mentally ill brought us walnuts. The grandmother said her psychotic episodes occur three to four times a day. The villagers all know that the children are reared by their grandmother.

On our way home from the mountain after the home visits; talking about the student’s family situation with the principle and teachers, our hearts were heavy.

Grandpa said the child’s father is somewhat retarded and is only capable of labour work; was accompanied by the child’s mother to earn a living out of town.

Although the “Tomorrow Program” students’ family situation in ShanlLiang Junior High School were very difficult, with our encouragementthey positively interact with each other. We were touched.

Presenting the grant at ShanfLiang Junior High School.

Students were diligently writing down notes from Aunt Tricia’s teaching.

The students raised their hands to indicate that learning English was very difficult for them. R>

Three children were assisting to hand out the English dictionaries.

Xie Yuancong and his companions from Beijing 101 High School donated English dictionaries for the "Tomorrow Program" in Nanjiang Town.

There is still a grade 9 student in an extreme condition of impoverishment in Muyu Junior High School. We made a special trip to convey her the grant.

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