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  图片故事 — 2015年秋季助学活动 — 甘肃省文县
Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2015 – Wen County, Gansu Province


Young volunteer – Xie Yuancong, a grade 11 student from Beijing 101 Middle School, organized a "Tomorrow Program” support group and raised two hundred English dictionaries for the children in Wen County and Nanjiang County.


A student from Wen County No.4 Middle School read a letter from Xie Yuancong to everyone. He had raised (with support group) the two hundred dictionaries.

No.4 Middle School’s students couldn’t wait to read the English dictionaries.

The home visitors had to take a narrow mountain track that was constructed just three months ago. The mountain was very lofty and the weather very misty. A fallen boulder was impeding the way. A teacher stepped out of the car to direct the volunteers to drive pass slowly.

The volunteers going about the home visits in the mountain of Qiaotou Town in the rain.

The teacher said the house was damaged in the 512 earthquake, and the repair had been reinforced by the government.

On the ground the small potatos are piled up like small stones. Some clothes are hanging on a rope. The rice cooker is the only “luxury” item in the room.

One of No.4 Middle School student’s grandfather.

The student’s mother and grandfather. The teacher (right) informed us that the mother didn’t have presentable clothes so she put on her child’s school uniform.

In another similar wood structured house, the mother was frail and ill. The father was the only provider but could not go out to work.

The homes of No.4 Middle School students are situated in the mountain; it takes them three to four hours to walk home from school.

Qiaotou is an isolated town in Wen County. No.4 Middle School students range from grade 7 to grade 12. Most of the "Tomorrow Program” members are from the junior high schooland a few from the senior high school. All the children are concentrating and taking notes during the seminar.

After consultation, the volunteer from France who did not speak Mandarin decided to sing a French song to the No.4 Middle School students.

The students from No.4 Middle School in Qiaotou town ,Wen County.

He lived with his frail single mother. He planned to give up high school because he was needed on his family farm. We knew that he was worried about not having the financial income to pay for high school tuition.

Photo of the volunteers and the No.4 School students (third from left). (左三)合影

Time flies. I remember not long ago they were grade 10, and now they are grade 12.

Explaining to No.1 Wen County High School students how we obtained the English dictionaries.

There were many students in the No.1 Wen County High School "Tomorrow Program”. We did not have enough English dictionaries. Hoping to put the dictionaries to its best use, we could only distribute them to the grade 12 students who did not have a dictionary.

He was writing down the topics from the previous two semesters on the chalkboard.

There were about one hundred students in No.1 Wen County High School’s “Tomorrow Program”. They gathered in one classroom and were concentrating on the program.

Although the student’s father passed away, his uncle (right) owned a sand and gravel plant and was fully capable of supporting the child in high school. We did not accept this student’s application.

In No.1 High School in Wen County, the children endorsed the recipient list after receiving their grant.

Aunt Jane, I am so happy to see you again!

Aunt Jane, remember me? I was accepted by No.1 High School.

Students from No.1 High School in Wen County enthusiastically took the floor. We were surprised and pleased.

One grade 10 student from Wen County No.1 High School confidently shared her thoughts. She said she now understands the value of herself. She can only work hard toobtain a hopeful future.

Grade 9 students were speaking about the difficulties they encountered in some courses. A grade 12 student provided them with some learning suggestions.

She is encouraging herself and the students from Qiaotou Town who were just admitted by No.1 High School. We were touched by them and also surprised by theiroutstanding performance.

The children gathered around to say goodbye after the seminar.

Whispering to Aunt Jane.

Several students from No.4 Middle School who were admitted by No.1 High School bid farewell with tears.

After the seminar, a grade 12 student stayed to ask about additional English learning methods.

One grade 12 student from Wen County wrote a poem in Chinese calligraphy.

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