Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2015 – Napo County, Guangxi Province
卓叔叔与新生个别面谈评估受助资格 Uncle Zhuo is interviewing a new student to access sponsorship eligibility.  志愿者刘姐姐和卓叔叔整理学生面谈资料 Volunteer Sister Liu and Uncle Zhuo are organizing the information after the interviews.  学生家在山上路途遥远,爸爸开着赖以为生的三轮车给我们的车子引路去家访,这样的路况他已习以为常 The student’s home is situated far up the mountain, her father uses his three wheel truck to take us to the home visit, this muddy road condition is very common.  志愿者、老师和学生家长一起搬开路上大量的树枝以便我们车子通过 Volunteer, teacher and the student’s parent move the fallen trees so we can drive through.  通往那坡民中学生家的狭窄山路遇到路边砍桉树,车子无法通行,人也只能拨开树枝从缝隙中通过 Our car could not navigate through the narrow mountain road leading to Napo Ethnic Middle School; because of the many felled trees, we can only walk in between the narrow space of the fallen trees.  看着泥泞的地面有点懵了,老师指点说那边的泥巴稍硬些可以踩上去... I am a little stunned; looking at the muddy soil, I don’t know where to take a step, the teacher directed me saying step on that side, it looks firmer and will give me more support.  学生家住深山里的瓦房,爸爸靠三轮车帮人拉货,供两个孩子读书 The student’s tile house in the mountain, the father is relying on the three wheel truck to transport goods for others to make a living and support his two children to go to school.  瓦房虽老旧却收拾得非常干净整齐 Though the tile house is very old, but so clean and tidy.  破旧瓦房的墙壁上贴了学生的奖状,父母再辛苦也要供孩子完成学业 A lot of the student’s awards are posted on the wall of this timeworn house, the parents insisted on supporting their children to complete their education even if they have to labor very hard.  家访结束下山途中,地上的枝叶大部分已清除但仍留下许多树干,我们小心地穿行,老师说我们像是在跳云南的竹竿舞 After the home visit, we walk down the road; notice most of the small branches and leaves were cleaned up, but there were still numerous big trunks on the road, we tread very carefully through these trunks, the teacher said we seem to be doing the Yuen Nam bamboo dance.  那坡民中全校有将近两千学生,是全县最大的初中学校 Napo Ethnic Middle School is the largest junior high school in the county, it has nearly two thousand students.  她的回答获得全体掌声 Her answer had obtained everyone’s applause.  那坡民中的新生也许是感受到志愿者们的真心关怀,虽是第一次见面,却哭着舍不得我们离开 This new student at Napo Ethnic Middle School, felt the warm and true care from the volunteer, although it is the first time that they’ve met, she was sad to see us leave.  孩子气喘吁吁地跑回来要通信地址 This student turns back panting to ask for our mailing address.  高一学生连续三天分班考试直到周六,我们先和高二学生见面谈话,隔天周日再集体座谈 The senior 1st level students have exams three days in a roll until Saturday, we talked to the senior 2nd level students first, and spoke to all the assembled students on Sunday.  成都的刘姐姐让高中生们感觉特别亲切 The students found Sister Liu from Chengdu is very kind.  安慰哭泣的那坡高中女孩 Comforting a crying student from Napo Senior High School.  座谈结束后一名女孩找刘姐姐谈心 After the meeting, a girl talked to Sister Liu.  高二学生利用暑假期间打工挣了几百元,他捐出两百元希望帮助更需要的同学 This senior 2nd level high school student earned a few hundred RMB in his summer job, he donated RMB two hundred yuan hoping to help more students.  龙合初中校园狭小无地建食堂,搭建巨大棚子作为学生食堂,午饭时间学生排队打饭,井然有序 Longhe Junior High School is very small, using only a large covered shelter as the cafeteria; students line up orderly at lunch time.  今年秋天雨水多,家访路上到处泥泞不堪 This Autumn there has been a lot of heavy rainfall, the road used for the students’ homes visit is very muddy.  学生的父母无力出外打工,无经济来源;简陋的平房里堆满了刚收成的玉米,只够自家食用 The student’s parents are unable to get employment, their economic asset is the dilapidated shanty, filled with the just harvested corn, sufficient only for their family.  龙合初中毕业后现就读于百色学院高二的苏艳婷省吃俭用买了精美的笔记本送给母校的学弟学妹们 Su Yanting – a student who graduated from Longhe Junior High School, now studying at Baise College saved some money to purchase some nice notebooks and gift them to all the younger students at her prior school.  领了助学金后说:阿姨,我想抱抱你 She said: “Aunty Jane, I’d like to hug you,” after she got the sponsorship funds.  卓叔叔为龙合初中的孩子们加油打气 Uncle Zhuo cheering up the children at Longhe Junior High School.  刘姐姐和龙合初中学生互动 Interactive meeting of Sister Liu and the Longhe Junior High School students.  鼓励孩子们下定决心好好努力 Encouraging the children to set their mind on studying harder.  这对亲姐妹皆为龙合初中“真爱明天”的初三学生,家境非常贫困 These two sisters are the “Tomorrow Program’s” junior 3rd level students, their family is very poor.  志愿者和新申请加入“真爱明天”的初一新生个别面谈并记录下家庭情况等详细信息 The volunteers are interviewing the junior 1st level students (who applied individually for sponsorship grants from the "Tomorrow Program”) and recording their personal and family information in detail.  刘姐姐与新生个别面谈 Sister Liu is interviewing this new student.  学生家无人在家,隔壁老太太告诉我们学生的详细家况 The parents of one of the students were not home, their neighbour described to us their family situation.  外面通往各村子的“村村通”道路大部分已修建完成,但村子里的小道不知何时才能开始修建? Most of the main road to the villages were rebuilt, but do not know when the smaller roads inside the village will be completed.  在定业初中家访时见到村子里的孩子们光着身子在河里嬉戏 On the way to Dingye Junior High School, saw the naked village children playing along the river.  两位志愿者像一对姐妹花 These two volunteers looks like they are sisters.  志愿者林阿姨(右一)从北京赶来加入定业助学和部分靖西行程 Volunteer Aunty Lin (1st right) from Beijing joined us for the Dingye sponsorship program and part of the Jingxi journey.  初一小男孩认真完美的回答获得大家一致的掌声 This junior 1st level boy gave his answer seriously and received unanimous applause.  那坡和靖西的许多孩子不论春夏秋冬都穿着塑胶凉鞋,既便宜又不怕泥泞不怕水,方便清洗 Many children in Napo and Jingxi wear rubber sandals all year round, they are inexpensive and durable, if they step into water and mud, it is very easy to clean.  他们勇敢地站起来表示要为自己美好的未来努力学习 They stand up confidently to show that they will study hard in order to obtain a good future for themselves.  定业初中的视听教室一直是我们和学生每学期的谈话场所,有些桌子上被刻满了字,眼尖的志愿者发现了一张桌上的“留言” The audio-visual classroom at Dingye Junior High School have been our place to meet with the students each semester, some desks have engraved words, the sharp eyed volunteers found a message engraved on one desk. It said: “Aunty Jane, wishing you all the best, I will wait for you.”  定业初三学生所写的座谈感想笔记 A Dingye junior 3rd level student wrote her thoughts in this note book after our meeting.  志愿者和定业初中孩子们快乐合影 Group photo of the volunteers and the Dingye Junior High School’s students.  |