Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2016 – Lingyun County, Guangxi Province
孩子们纷纷走进民中的视听教室准备与我们座谈 The children at Lingyun Ethnic Middle School entering the classroom for our discussion  她问道:如何化被动学习为主动? She asked, “How can I turn passive learning into active learning?”  座谈开始前,志愿者王老师先点名 Before starting the discussion, Volunteer Teacher Wang performed roll call  深圳刘老师为孩子们讲解机器人原理 Teacher Liu from Shenzhen explaining the principles of robotics to the children  凌云县城的美丽山水 Lingyun county’ s beautiful landscape  成绩优异的初三孤儿因不想增加叔叔的经济负担犹豫是否考高中,简阿姨向他保证高中三年的生活费 Although this orphaned student had excellent grades, he was hesitant to take the high school entrance exam because he did not want to increase his uncle’ s financial burden. Auntie Jian assured him the program would pay for his living expenses throughout the three years of high school.  晚上座谈前,我们聚集在民中操场,刘老师示范无人机空拍 Before the evening discussion, we gathered on the basketball court of Lingyun Ethnic Middle School, where Teacher Liu demonstrated aerial photography using a drone  林阿姨与新申请加入真爱明天的学生个别面谈 Auntie Lin interviewing and filling out the application for a new student applying to the program  简阿姨为学生讲解学习英语的方法以及处于逆境时应有的心态问题,林阿姨以简洁明了的文字将它们写在黑板上,方便学生抄写 Auntie Jian teaching the students how to study English and the proper attitude when faced with adversity. Auntie Lin summarized with concise points on the blackboard, helping the students to take notes easily.  林阿姨讲解积极与消极心态 Auntie Lin explaining the difference between a positive and proactive attitude versus a negative and passive attitude  加尤学生依照林阿姨所教的:画了一棵积极树,每一个果实都写上积极的心态 As Auntie Lin taught, the students of Jiayou Junior High School each drew a tree of positivity, where each fruit represented a positive attitude  想起去世多年的爸爸,加尤初中孩子默默流泪 Remembering her father who passed away many years ago, this child from Jiayou Junior High School cried silently  卓老师详细记载学生个别面谈资讯 Teacher Zhuo documenting information from the one-on-one interview with the students  林阿姨说故事 Auntie Lin telling a story  民族中学晚自习座谈 Evening discussion at Lingyun Ethnic Middle School  孩子们认真记下谈话重点 The children diligently taking notes on the important points  深圳王老师教孩子们“我们都是一家人”的互动游戏 Teacher Wang from Shenzhen teaching the children the interactive game “We are all one family”  志愿者刘老师组装无人飞机,大家既好奇又兴奋 Volunteer Teacher Liu assembling a drone. Everyone was both curious and excited.  虽然住的老旧木房生活非常简朴,阖家平安健在就是幸福 Although the old wooden house they lived in was very simple, having the entire family healthy and together is already a blessing  逻楼学生的家在山谷底 The home of this student from Luolou is deep in the valley  逻楼家访路上 On the way to a home visit in Luolou  楼梯间上锁了,我们等着老师来开门 The stairwell door was locked. We’ re waiting for the teacher to unlock the door.  凌云高中离别时的依依不舍 The students at Lingyun High School did not want to say goodbye  家访路上的油菜花让深圳来的李阿姨感到惊艳 Auntie Li from Shenzen was surprised by the field of canola flowers we saw on the way for a home visit  加尤初中的孩子们 The children of Jiayou Junior High School  车子经过一个多小时的崎岖山路,终于抵达逻楼镇 After more than an hour by car through the rugged mountain roads, we finally arrived a Luolou Township  志愿者与民族中学全体“真爱明天”学生合影 Volunteers taking a photo with all the students of the Tomorrow Program at Lingyun Ethnic Middle School  志愿者与逻楼初中的“真爱明天”学生合影 Volunteers taking a photo with the students of the Tomorrow Program from Luolou Junior High School  充满正能量的志愿者们 The volunteers are full of positive energy  发放助学金 Issuing educational grants  准备好了吗?无人机要空拍了 Ready? The drone is about to take an aerial photograph!  学生家的危房已垮了半边,癌症手术后的妈妈跟着爸爸在外打工以还债,孩子住在外婆(左二)家 Half of this student’ s decrepit home had collapsed. After her surgery for cancer, the mother was working out of province along with the father to repay her debts. This student lived with her grandmother (second of the left).  学生出生后妈妈就跑了,爸爸(左一)患有癫痫症已十几年,每天昏倒两三次,家里全靠爷爷(右二)支撑,没有经济来源 This student’ s mother left after he was born. The father (left) has been suffering from epilepsy for more than a decade, and collapses two to three times a day. The family relies on the grandfather (second from the right), and has no sources of income.  学生出生后妈妈就离家出走,爸爸长年在外打工,自家没有房子只好跟着奶奶住在叔叔家 This student’ s mother left after he was born. His father works in a faraway place. He does not have a home, so he lives with his grandmother at his uncle’ s house.  李阿姨请孩子们自己拿糖果饼干 Auntie Li giving treats and candies to the children  民中学生的妈妈4年前病逝,与弟弟住在残疾的舅舅家,由舅妈(右三)照顾 The mother of this student from Lingyun Ethnic Middle School passed away four years ago. Along with his younger brother, they live with his disabled uncle, under the care of his aunt (third from the right).  王老师教大家如何边喊口令边做动作 Teacher Wang explaining how to chant and exercise  王老师带逻楼孩子们做“我们都是一家人”的互动游戏 Teacher Wang explaining the interactive game “We are all one family” to the students of Luolou  傍晚的凌云高中 Lingyun High School in the evening  |