Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2016 – Gansu & Sichuan Province Province
 广东的李叔叔在给孩子们介绍他的故乡 Uncle Li introduced his hometown to the students  来自福建的陈叔叔 Uncle Chen came from Fujian province  李阿姨把一份份助学金装进信封里,准备发给孩子们 Aunt Li helped in putting the Grants into individual envelopes  北大的宋宇哥哥分享自己的学习经验 Brother Songyu from Beijing University shared his experience of study  陡峭的山路是通往学生家唯一的路 The steep mountain road is the only road leading to the student’s home  孩子出生后即被这位单身养父领养 After his birth, he was adopted by his foster father, who is single  父母离异多年的孩子由奶奶抚养长大,奶奶满怀感激之心, 一再向我们表示感谢 The parents had divorced years ago, the child was brought up by grandma; the grandma was full of gratitude, repeatedly expressed thank you to us  志愿者向妈妈(右二)了解家里的情况,梁上挂满采收不久的玉米,是家里的口粮 The volunteers asked about the family situation from the mother (second from the right); freshly harvested corns hanging from the beam are the food of the family  志愿者和老师们在家访的路上合影 Posed for picture on the way to home visit  父亲去世,母亲长年在外地矿井烧饭给矿工们吃,孩子的生活靠这位阿姨接济 Father had passed, the mother has for many years been doing cooking for the mine workers, the child’s daily life relied on the help of this aunt  单亲爸爸四处打零工收入微薄,爷爷是家里的顶梁柱 Single father works odd jobs all over the places with meager income, the grandfather is the pillar of the family  文县桥头乡海拔较高,多数学生家在高山上 Wen County’s Qiaotou village is at higher elevation, majority of the students’ home are up in the mountain  泥泞小道,不知如何落脚 Muddy trail, did not know where to land our feet  小雨中家访 Home visit in light rain  文县一中座谈结束后,几个高一学生叮嘱简阿姨要多加衣裳、千万别感冒了  志愿者和下两初中真爱明天孩子们合影 Group photo of volunteers with the “Tomorrow Program” students of the Xia Liang Town Junior High School  孩子们开心过来拿林阿姨和李阿姨买给他们的糖果 The students happily come forward to get the candies bought for them by Aunts Lin and Li  依依不舍 Reluctantly bid farewell  大哥哥发放北京谢远聪同学所募集的英汉词典给新加入的孩子们 Big brother handed out English-Chinese dictionaries raised by Xie Yuancong of Beijing to the newly joined students  大哥哥用自己跑马拉松的经验激励高中生必须坚持努力,不能放弃 Big brother used his own Marathon running experience to encourage senior high school students that they must persevere to work hard and could not give up  孩子们认真记下谈话重点和简阿姨所布置的作业 The students seriously dropped down import points of the discussion and the assignments arranged by Aunt Jian  李阿姨发送爱心笔盒 Aunt Li handed out loving pencil cases  叶阿姨向青川一中高中生介绍台湾报纸的一些有趣报道,让他们了解一些台湾的情况 Aunt Ye introduced to the senior high students of Qingchuan No.1 Middle School some interesting reports in the Taiwan newspaper so that they get to know the situations in Taiwan  叶阿姨教孩子们认识自己的情绪 Aunt Ye taught the students to get to know their emotions  青川中学高三学生说:简阿姨放心,我会好好努力考上理想的大学 Third year senior high student of Qingchuan Middle School said: Aunt Jian, rest assured I will make good effort to get admitted into an ideal university  发放助学金 Handed out Grants  李叔叔教孩子们学习英语的方法并与他们分享中国造船业的情况,让大家都增长了见识 Uncle Li taught the students how to learn English and shared with them the situation of China’s shipbuilding industry, which enriched everyone’s knowledge  前排中间女孩的耳朵患有先天性疾病,几乎耳聋却勤奋好学名列前茅,令人感动 The girl at the middle of the front row has congenital ear disease, was weak in hearing but was studious, achieved best academic results, which is touching  小男生自告奋勇上前为大家读一段苏艳婷姐姐抄录的励志名言 The small boy volunteered to come forward to read out an excerpt of the inspirational quotes copied down by sister Su Yanting  下两初中的孩子们聚精会神听讲,精神面貌良好 XiaLiang Town Junior High School’s students listened attentively, with good spirit and countenance  志愿者与上两初中孩子们合影,南江上两乡和下两乡两所初中的校服几乎一模一样 Volunteer’s group photo with students of the ShangLiang Town (upper two villages) Junior High School, the uniforms of the ShangLiang Town and XiaLiang Town (lower tow villages) Junior High Schools look almost the same  林阿姨教孩子们努力的方法和成功的法则 Aunt Lin taught the students how to work hard and the law of success  陈叔叔于百忙工作中抽空前来看望南江的孩子们,介绍山外的世界拓宽孩子们的视野 Uncle Chen visited students of Nanjiang among his busy schedule, opened up their vision by introducing the outside world to them  几个孩子难得有机会合影 Rare opportunity to take group photo  大山里的孩子们 Students from the mountains  简阿姨告诉文县一中的高中生们,国家的精准扶贫政策对贫困户的高中生有所补助,让家庭具有贫困户资格的孩子们知道要主动向学校报备,以免错过机会 Aunt Jian told the senior high students of a Wen County high school: The nation’s “Precise Poverty Alleviation” policy provide subsidies to poor students, let the students of families who meet the poverty criteria know they need to take the initiative to report to the school in order not to miss the opportunity  大哥哥告诉文县孩子们必须努力学习才能掌握自己的命运,激励他们虽不能选择自 己的起点但可以决定自己的终点….,让孩子们受益良多 Big brother told the Wen County students they must study hard to master their own destiny, encouraged them that although they could not choose their starting point, they could determine their own finish line….., this benefited the students a lot  与新生面谈后,志愿者们仔细审查新生资料再进行讨论、筛选 After interview, the volunteers carefully examined the new student’s data before doing discussion and screening  教室后面还有许多新生等待着和志愿者面谈 At the far end of the classroom, many new students awaited to be interviewed  北大哥哥与申请加入真爱明天的新生个别面谈 Big brother from Beijing University interviewing new applicants to the “Tomorrow Program” |