Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2016 – Guangxi Province Province
 北大姐姐记下新生个别面谈的详细资料 Big sister from Beijing University took down details of individual students in the interview  经班主任挑选出班上贫困学生后让学生填写好申请表格,再与志愿者详细面谈 After the class teacher picked out the poor students in the class, the students filled in the application form and were then interviewed by the volunteers  九年义务教育已彻底落实,初中生除了免学费、学杂费之外,政府还给贫困生住宿补助。这学期开始我们调整助学金金额为初中生¥600元一年,高中生¥1200元一年。特别困难的学生,我们另外给予特别补助 Nine-year compulsory education has been fully implemented. In addition to exemption of tuition-free and miscellaneous fees for junior high students, the Government also give poor students lodging subsidies. Starting this school term we adjusted the amount of grants for junior high school students to ¥ 600/year, high school students to ¥ 1200/year. For students with special difficulties we give additional special grants  发放助学金 Handed out grants  学校没有多余教室,我们借用电脑会议室座谈,座位不够站着听讲更专注 The school did not have spare classroom, we used the computer conference room for the symposium. Those standing due to not enough seats available listened more attentively.  北大哥哥教孩子们数学学习要领 Big brother from Beijing University taught the students the gist of learning math.  北大姐姐教孩子们如何学习好英语 Big sister from Beijing University taught the students how to learn English well  上学期成绩优秀的初三孤儿担心叔叔没有能力供他上高中,因此打算放弃读书,简阿姨告诉他绝对不可放弃并向他保证考上高中的话一定会帮助他、陪他走完高中三年。这学期在高中见到他时,他高兴得一把抱住简阿姨 The 3rd year junior high orphan who has excellent academic results in last term was worried that his uncle could not support him financially to study senior high school and planned to discontinue studying. Aunt Jian told him that he should definitely not give up and promised him that if he got admitted to senior high school, the Program would support him to finish his 3 years high school study. He was present in this senior high school term and gave Aunt Jian a big hug in joy.  应凌云高中校长请求,全校所有的A+学生加上真爱明天学生共约300人齐聚在刚建好第一次启用的阶梯教室一起听讲,学生反应热烈,踊跃提问 At the request of the principal of the Lingyun Senior High School, all the students of the school with A+ results and those students under the “Tomorrow Program”, total 300 in number, gathered at the newly completed tiered seating classroom, which was being used for the first time, to attend the symposium. The response from the student was enthusiastic and lots of questions were raised  家里发生人伦惨剧,父母爷爷皆去世,孩子心灵留下巨大阴影,祈望时间和爱能慢慢治愈她 Ethical tragedy happened to the family, the parents and grandfather passed away, which left huge shadow in the child’s mind. Hopefully time and love will slowly heal her.  他自愿上前向大家示范标准礼节 He voluntarily came forward to show others the standard etiquette  每学期开学后,孩子们就期盼着我们到来 After each school term had begun, the students were expecting our visit  孩子们从每学期的座谈明白了许多做人做事的道理和方法,看着他们渐渐成长、进步感到非常欣慰 From each school term’s symposium the students understood a lot about the truth and methods of dealing with people and things. We were very pleased to see they have grown up and made progress.  每个孩子都坚定地举手承诺为了自己的未来好好努力 Every student raised their hands and firmly committed to work hard for their own future  为靖西一中高三学生缓解高考焦虑 Easing the anxiety of the Jingxi No. 1 high school students about their school examination  须阿姨专程从美国来参与广西全程为期一个月的助学,不辞辛劳令人感动 Aunt Xu specially came to Guangxi from the United States to join our student grants activity that lasted one month. We were touched by her tireless effort  就读于百色学院的真爱明天学生苏艳婷请假两天前来参与靖西果乐初中助学,她还收集了很多《读者》杂志送给母校那坡龙合初中的学弟妹们 The “Tomorrow Program” student Su Yanting who studied at the Baise College took two days leave of absence and came to Jingxi to participate in the GuoLe student grant activity. She also collected many “Duzhe” (literally “Readers”) magazines as gift to the “Tomorrow Program” junior students of her mother school Napo Longhe junior high school  苏艳婷和果乐孩子们 Su Yanting with students of the GuoLe school  座谈结束后孩子们主动排队一一道别 At the end of the symposium, the students took the initiative to line up to bid farewell to us  那坡高中学生于会后围着陈奇大哥哥聊天 Students of Napo high school chatting with big brother Chen Qi  刘阿姨教孩子们如何做好时间管理 Aunt Liu taught students about time management  陈奇哥哥讲故事启发孩子们不论做什么事都要做到最好 Big brother Chen Qi told students stories to inspire them that whatever they do, it must be done to the best  志愿者和孩子们在那坡龙合初中校门口合影 Group photo of volunteers with students at entrance of Napo Longhe junior high school  男孩父亲早逝,母亲是街道清洁工,家住学校附近,从小学至今每天放学后他都帮妈妈清扫街道。加入真爱明天两年后,脸上开始露出难得的笑容,不再自卑 The boy’s father died young, his mother was a street cleaner. Their home was close to the school. He has been helping her mother in her cleaning job after school ever since his primary studies. Two years after joining the “Tomorrow Program”, he began to have smiles on his face and no longer self-abased  患有先天性糖尿病的初一孤儿(左一)每天靠自己打针维持正常体能,每月医药费约需三百元,我们给予特殊帮助 The orphan (1st from left), a first year junior high student who has congenital diabetes has to take daily injection by himself to maintain normal physical fitness. The monthly medical expenses were about ¥300. We provide him with special grant  深夜的校园里,高中孩子向简阿姨倾诉非常困扰她的难言之隐 Late on the campus, this senior high student talked to Aunt Jian about her secrete that troubled her very much  刘阿姨送书包给孩子们 Aunt Liu gifted school bags to the students  志愿者在与新申请的学生面谈了解情况 A volunteer was interviewing new applicants to the “Tomorrow Program”  成都的志愿者王冠文同学为同学们募集的英汉小词典 Wang Guanwen, junior partner from Chengdu, raising funds in school to buy English-Chinese and Chinese-English dictionaries for the students of Jingxi County  家访的路 The road to home visit  墙上的孩子奖状是爸爸的骄傲 The student’s certificates of award on the wall are the pride of his father  贫困家庭至今仍用材火做饭 The poor family still used firewood for cooking  孩子的家 Student’s home  靖西魁圩初中校长和副校长陪同我们家访 The principal and vice-principal of the Jiangxi Ku Wei junior high school accompanied our home visit  大多数学生家里只有老人和小孩,父母出外打工做苦力活 Most of the students only have elders and kids at home, their parents were out working labor jobs  家访路上 On the way to home visit  得到政府两万多元的补助改建新房,父母携邻居帮忙打地基,指望早日有个能遮风避雨的家 Got ¥20000 subsidies from the government to rebuild the home, the parents got neighbors help to do the foundation, hoping to have a new home sooner  必须爬上这活动扶梯才能到达左上方学生的家 Access to the student’s home was through the movable ladder  老师带志愿者们下田里寻找正在干活的学生母亲 The teacher took the volunteers down to the fields to find the student’s mother who was working  村里大部分房子都已改建成砖房,学生家的瓦房显得有些突兀 Most of the houses in the village have been rebuilt with bricks; this student’s tile-roofed house looked odd  深入了解孩子们的家况以确定他们的受助资格,更重要的是了解之后让我们能够更有效的辅导孩子们的心理状态,帮助他们度过最艰难的中学时期 Getting a better understanding of the student’s home situation to determine their eligibility for grant; most importantly this could enable us to have more effective counseling of the student’s psychological state to help them through the most difficult times during their high school period  路上巧遇学生的叔叔婶婶,孤儿由这位摔断手臂的叔叔抚养 Met by chance on the way to home visit the orphaned student’s uncle and aunt who raised him  姑姑哭着告诉我们抚养孤儿两姐弟的心酸 The aunt told us in tears the sad stories of raising the orphaned siblings |