Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2017 – Wen County, Gansu Province
 TCL的刘锋大哥哥为桥头乡文县四中的孩子们讲述自己的成长经历 Big Brother Liu Feng from TCL was sharing his own experience growing up to the students of No.4 Middle School , Qiao Tou Town, Wen County.  四中孩子们听得津津有味 The students of No.4 Middle School enjoyed the talk.  来自成都的刘华大姐姐告诉孩子们三心:爱心、信心和恒心 Big Sister Liu Hua from Chengdu told the children about Three Hearts: love, confidence and perseverance.  桥头乡家访路上 On the way to Qiao Tou Town.  四中的真爱明天学生全都住在偏远的高山上 All the Tomorrow Program students of No.4 Middle School live on the mountains far away from the city.  学生母亲诉说家况 The student’s mother was talking about her family situation.  极为简陋的屋况 The house was very simple.  安慰哭泣的学生奶奶 Comforting a student’s crying grandmother.  桥头乡高山上盛开的桃花 The Qiao Tou Town’s peach trees were blooming.c  俯看山沟里的桥头乡街上 The Qiao Tou Town’s peach trees were blooming.  高冷的山上惊喜看到几棵盛开的桃花 Surprised to see a few blooming peach trees in the cold mountains.  学生的父亲在新疆打工,学生和爷爷寄住在大伯家。我们在路上遇见爷爷回家,就地了解家况 The student’s father is working in Xinjiang。The student and the grandfather live at uncle’s house. We meet the grandfather on the road, and talked about the family’s situation.  第二天座谈之前,为几位早到的学生解答问题 Before the discussion, we answered some early arrived students’ questions.  姐姐说明错题本的重要性 Big Sister was explaining the importance of the practice exam book.  坐落于深山里的四中孩子们非常纯朴 The students in the mountains were very innocent.  大哥哥讲解学习的方法 Big Brother was explaining the learning method to the students.  她主动站起来与大家分享这学期的目标之一是尽最大的努力、做最好的自己 She stood up and shared one of her goals of this semester is to try to make her greatest effort to be the best of herself.  写得好棒!你能慢慢地再念一遍让大家都抄下来共勉吗? It’s great! Would you please read one more time slowly to let everyone copy it down and encourage each other?  志愿者和部分“真爱明天”学生在四中校园合影 Volunteers and part of the Tomorrow Program students took a photo at No.4 Middle School campus.  骡子是甘南农村不可或缺的运输功臣 Mule is an indispensable transport hero in Gansu southern countrysides.  寻找孩子的家 Looking for a child’s home.  学生家里还抚养着天生弱智的叔叔 This student’s family is also supporting a mentally challenged uncle.  家访爬坡路上我们也能苦中作乐非常开心 The way to the Home Visit is a steep hill but we were still having fun.  学生妈妈带我们看母女两人居住的帐篷 The student’s mother lead us to see the tent where she lives with her daughter.  单亲妈妈带着女儿住在这救灾帐篷里已经一年了 Single mother with a daughter lives in this relief tent for over a year now.  租房因水管爆炸垮塌,学生和妈妈(前一)住在帐篷里靠低保度日,后面白发老人是房东 Their rented house collapsed due to a water pipe explosion. The student and her mother (the former) live in the tent with a little relief payment, The white hair man is the landlord.  学生的母亲早逝,爸爸种几分地的桃子抚养两个女儿,没有出去打工 The student’s mother passed away early. Her father works in his own small peach field to raise two daughters. He could not go to the city to work.  家里虽简陋却收拾得很干净 The house was simple but clean.  周五晚上没有多余的教室可用,我们第一次用文县一中新校园的学术报告厅座谈 There was no extra class room available on Friday night. This was the first time we had discussion in an academic lecture hall of the First High School of Wen county.  一中的高中生们 The students of the First High School.  学生回答大姐姐的问题 The student was answering Big Sister’s question.  发放助学金并请每一位学生确认签收 Distributing the scholarship and asking every student to sign in the receipt book.  很高兴我们又见面了 I’m glad we met again.  她说,简阿姨,天气时冷时热,要多保重别生病了哦 She said “Aunt Jane, the weather is unstable. Take care of yourself. Don’t get sick.”  高一的孩子留到最后私下提问:我现在一点自信、一点底气都没有,该怎么办? One of the grade 10 students stayed after the meeting. He had a private question. He asked “I don’t have confidence. What should I do?”  第二天的一中座谈中教孩子们如何建立自信、如何解决各种困难 During the next day discussion, we taught them how to build up confidence; how to solve various difficulties.  高中生们认真听讲 High school students were paying full attention to the lecture.  她说她是艺体生,下学期高三要出外学习可能见不到面了。深深一鞠躬感谢我们两年来的帮助,感动了我们 She said she’s an art/athletic student. She will go to other school for her senior year. She gave us a deep bow to thank us for helping her for two years. We were touched by her.  四位志愿者在一中校园里盛开的樱花树下合影留念 Four volunteers took a photo at school campus under the blooming cherry tree. |