Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2017 – Jingxi County, Guangxi Province
 又到了毕业季,高三学生和大家温习去年此时简阿姨所说的考上大学后如何申请国家助学贷款和路费补助 It is graduation season. Aunty Jane and students are reviewing together how to apply national student loan and travel allowance after university admission.  高中生们记下大一注意事项 High school students are taking the freshman notes.  卢阿姨以自己经历告诉高中生如何做最后冲刺考上大学 Aunt Lu is sharing her own experience of preparing the university entrance exam during senior year.  果乐初中学生流失不少,许多家庭把孩子送到县城或邻近的龙临初中就读 Guole Junior High School lost many students because many families sent their children to other counties or Longlin Junior High School.  简阿姨说故事让孩子们明白自身的价值 Aunt Jane told a story to teach children to understand their own value.  果乐孩子们认真记下故事的意义 The children take the moral of the story seriously.  学生的瓦房夹在整排楼房中间 One of the students’ home is a tile-roofed house in the middle of the new homes.  爷爷的右眼已失明 Her Grandpa’s right eye is blind.  魁圩孩子的家况 One of the children’s homes in Kuixu.  了解孩子的家况才能更有效的帮助她 To better help the child, we need to learn her family’s condition.  在政府补助下改建了危房但没钱完工,连窗子都只用一块板子遮住 The windows are covered only with board because the subsidy from the government is not enough to rebuild the dangerous house completely.  魁圩的孩子们 Students in Kuixu  魁圩孤儿抱着简阿姨哭了 The orphan in Kuixu hugs Aunt Jane in tears.  龙临孩子狭窄的瓦房家中一无所有 The student’s home in Longlin does not have much.  只用一块塑料布遮挡当外墙 There is only a piece of plastic covering as a wall.  家访回程路上趁机与孩子说话,给艰苦的他们温暖和鼓励 On the way back to school after Home Visit, we took the opportunity to speak with the children to encourage and warm up to them.  龙临的孩子们 The students in Longlin  龙临初中座谈结束后,请6位孤儿留下,和他们私下谈话 After the discussion at Longlin Junior High School, we had private talks with 6 orphans.  对这些孩子来说,关爱与陪伴比助学金更重要 To these children, care and companions are more important than grants.  遇见学生九十多岁的老奶奶时,她拿着一把大镰刀正打算下地干活 We met a 90-year-old grandmother who was carrying a big sickle and was planning to work in the farm.  抱养家庭的奶奶和养母(左一、二)不会说普通话,乐观的孩子(弃婴)对自己的身世和家况侃侃而谈 The grandmother and mother of the family (left one, two) don’t speak Mandarin. Optimistic child (she was adopted) was telling her story and family conditions.  南坡家访路上 On the way to Home Visiting in Nanpo County.  妈妈诉说家况 The mother is telling us her family condition.  一家4口已经在这以树干、树枝搭建而成的房子里居住多年 A family of four has been living in this house built with tree branches and trunks for many years.  南坡乡没有餐馆,老师在新落成的教师宿舍里做菜请我们吃。志愿者和老师用筷子帮大家盛饭 here is no restaurant in Nanpo Township. Teachers cooked for us in the newly completed teacher dormitory.  学生尚未进来之前,两位TCL志愿者帮忙将学生的助学金装进一个个信封里 Before the students’ arrival, two TCL volunteers are putting scholarship into the envelopes.  南坡初中的孩子们 The students in Nanpo Junior High School.  发放助学金 Giving out scholarships.  安慰哭泣的孤儿 Comforting the orphans.  叮嘱两位南坡住在同一村子的孤儿要彼此互相鼓励、互相照应 Aunt Jane asked the two orphans from the same village to encourage and take care of each other.  TCL孙澄大姐姐向那坡学生讲解记忆力的运作模式,并教孩子们背诵的方法 Big Sister Sun Cheng form TCL is teaching Napo students how to improve their memory and reading.  TCL杨阳大姐姐教学生如何做好时间管理 Big Sister Yang Yang from TCL is teaching students how to exercise good time management.  她和大家分享前一天晚上制定的学习目标 She is sharing her learning objectives that she made last night.  南坡学生好喜欢两位姐姐 Nanpo students like the 2 Big Sisters.  孙姐姐所建议的背书方法对高中生们有很大的帮助 Big Sister Sun’s recommendation on reading methods for high school students was helpful.  功课压力巨大的高中生们难得开怀大笑 High school students with big laughs.  杨阳姐姐和高中生们交流 Big Sister Yang Yang and high school students.  高三学生问:上大学后就像进入了小型社会,以后接触的人会越来越多。万一遇上“老人跌跤,该不该扶起?”这类问题,该如何处理? A Grade 12 student asked, “To be in the college is like to enter a small society. We would come in contact with more and more people. How should we handle the “right or wrong” issues? Situations like if we should help when a senior fall down.”  姐姐在黑板上写下时间表的样本,供学生参考 Big Sister wrote a sample of timetable on the blackboard for students’ reference.  高三女孩说现在压力很大,心里很慌很担心很焦虑...,该怎么办? A grade12 girl asked that she is having a lot of anxiety, pressure and worries. What could she do?  靖西一中高三毕业生与志愿者合影 Jingxi High School graduates and volunteers.  六年的教导和陪伴,高三孩子们红着眼眶檫着眼泪依依不舍 After six years of teaching and companionship, they have tears in their eyes when they have say good-bye.  六年的教导和陪伴,高三孩子们红着眼眶檫着眼泪依依不舍 (2) After six years of teaching and companionship, they have tears when they say good-bye.  高三孩子们主动排队一一拥抱做最后的道别 Hug and good -bye  座谈时他提问:考上大学后先休学去当兵两年好不好?为他做了分析后请他自己做决定。道别时他说,简阿姨,我决定了!先读完大学再报效国家。 During the discussion, he asked: “If I get admitted to the university, may I finish 2 years military service first?” We analyzed the situation for him and told him to make his own decision. At farewell he said,”Aunt Jane, I’ve decided! I will finish my university course then contribute to the country.”  孩子们和大姐姐交流 The students and Big Sister.  安德初中家访 Home Visiting at Ande Junior High School.  学生母亲诉说家况 The student’s mother is talking about her family situation.  和学生家的小砖房对比之下,隔壁的二层楼房显得巨大无比。90度驼背的奶奶是我们另一个学生的奶奶 he student’s brick house is so small compare to the neighbor’s 2 stories building. The 90 degrees humped senior is another student’s grandmother.  房子内部还是原始的石子地 The house is still with gravel floor.  安德初中座谈 Discussion at Ande Junior High School.  上学期成绩排列在全县前茅的她,曾担忧家里无法供她上高中,这次特地为她解说各种补助政策 She was one of the best students in the county last semester. She worried that her family can not support her to go to high school. We explained the many subsidies that are available to her.  安德初中发放助学金 Scholarship granting at Ande Junior High School. |