Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2017 – Napo County, Guangxi Province
 我们刚到学校,患有糖尿病的孤儿就跑到老师办公室开心与简阿姨拥抱 As soon as we arrived to the school, this orphan who is a diabetic rush to the teacher’s office to hug Auntie Jane happily.  他带我们看布告栏上学期的成绩排名,他是年级第13名一等奖。他说这学期要争取年级前10名特等奖 He shown us the student’s result of the last semester on the bulletin board, he was no. 13th on his class standing, he said he will try to achieve the top 10 students next semester.  那坡民中的孩子们 Napo Ethnic Middle School’s students  来自深圳的志愿者时旭桐姐姐和民中孩子们 Sister Shi Xutong, a volunteer from Shenzhen, is together with the students.  这栋危房住着两户人家,右边三分之一的小户是学生的家 Two families are living in this dangerous house, the small one third area on the right is one of our student’s home.  以树枝当拐杖的年迈奶奶从地里干活回来 The old grandmother is using a branch as her walking cane, came back from working in the field.  年迈驼背的老人从地里干活回来,两位老师说这位就是我们学生的奶奶 This old hunchback woman came back from working in the field, the two teachers told me that she is the grandmother of one of our students.  学生与奶奶相依为命,站立者是邻居 The student & grandmother live together, the two people standing are their neighbors.  一无所有的家 An empty home  奶奶不会说普通话,老师帮忙翻译 The grandmother does not speaks any Mandarin, the teacher helps in translating.  生活很艰苦但乐观的奶奶一直保持着开朗暖心的笑容 Even they have a hard life, but grandmother still keeps her cheerful smile.  两位老师在路边格桑花田里挖野菜给我们吃 The two teachers is picking the wild vegetables on the side road of this melberry flower field to treat us.  利用点名的时间私下鼓励与奶奶相依为命的特困女孩 Using the roll call time to encourage this poor girl who lives with her grandmother only.  安慰两位依依不舍哭泣的孩子 Comforting the two crying children who were reluctant to see me leave  在路上巧遇学生的妈妈从地里背着大竹篓回来 We met one of the student’s mother who carried a large bamboo basket on her back, just came back from working in the field .  八十多岁的学生爷爷蹲在地上剁猪菜 An over 80 years old grandfather of a student, squatted on the floor chopping the pig’s dish.  地面这么高的落差,没有老师帮忙还真下不去 This level has a deep drop on the ground, without the help of the teacher, could not go down.  家访路上,右边山坡地上满是黑色石块,石漠化非常严重,耕地稀缺 On the way to the home visit, the right side of the slope is full of black stones, it is desertification seriously, It has very limited cultivated land.  学生和叔叔住在身后的木房,政府补贴正在修建砖房,他说因交通不便建材需用马拖进来 One of the student lives with his uncle in the wooden house behind, he is trying to rebuild a brick house under the Government’s subsidized program, but due to the inconvenience of the transportation, the building materials needs to be transfer in by horses.  到学生家要经过这个土坡 We had to climb up this slope in order to go to a student’s home.  龙合初中的孩子们 The students of the Longhe Junior High School.  大姐姐与学生分享自己中学时成绩下滑后再反败为胜的学习过程 This big sister sharing her high school learning process in regards to her slipped marks, and how she turned to gain a good result.  初一的同学提问英语学习方法,初三学长给她实用的建议 The 1st level junior student asking the way of learning English, the 3rd level junior student gave her practical advice.  教孩子们制定这学期的学习目标和达成目标的方法 Teaching the students to develop the learning objectives and how to achieve it in this term.  大姐姐和孩子互动 Big sister & children’s interaction  旭桐姐姐与同学们分享她的中学生活 Xutong sister shares her high school life story to the students.  发放助学金 Distributing the sponsorship education funds  勇敢地分享自己的学习计划 She shares her learning plan to others.  孩子们好喜欢大姐姐 The students really like the big sister.  孩子们问姐姐,以后还会再来看我们吗? The students ask big sister if she will come again in the future.  相聚的时间总是那么短暂 Our time together is always very short.  爷爷诉说家况 The grandfather is telling their home situation.  学生的爷爷 The grandfather of a student  四面八方都透风的“卧室” Air comes in all direction into this “bed room”.  这个家如何能遮风避雨 How can this house be used as a shelter?  这危房里住着学生一家人 The whole family of one of the students is living in this dangerous house.  从学生家内部可以看到隔壁的砖墙 Inside this student’s house, one could see the neighbor’s brick wall .  听旭桐姐姐讲故事 Listening to the story told by Xutong sister  定业初中孩子们甜美的笑容 The sweet smiles of the students in the Dingye Junior High School.  定业乡距离县城遥远,山路难行,师资严重缺乏 The distance between the Dingye Village & the County town is far apart, also it is difficult to walk on the mountain road, therefore it lacks of teacher very seriously.  那坡高中发放助学金 Distributing sponsorship education funds in the Napo Senior High School.  高中生们聚精会神听简阿姨讲解如何减缓压力、如何解决困难 The senior high school students concentrate in listening to Aunt Jane explains how to reduce stress & how to resolve the problems.  简阿姨为高三学生讲解上大学需具备的技能,大姐姐帮忙写在黑板上,方便学生抄写 Aunt Jane explains to the 3rd level senior students about the required skills to go to university., big sister helps on writing them on the board so that the students can copy.  高中生们不舍得姐姐离开 The senior students say good bye to big sister unwillingly.  卢阿姨和高中生分享自己高中时如何克服困难的成长经历 Aunt Lu sharing her high school story on how to overcome the difficulties of growing up  以为她要提问,没想到这位高三学生站起来感谢我们多年的陪伴和帮助,并建议所有高三同学一起站起来 I thought she was going to ask a question, but to my surprise she stood up & thank us for helping & accompanying them for all these years; she also suggested that all the student in the class to stand up to thank us.  结果连高一高二学生全都站起来深深鞠躬道谢,令我们感动不已All the 1st & 2nd level senior high students stood up & deeply bowed & thank us. We were so touched.  那坡高中高三毕业生合影留念 Group photo of the Napo 3rd level senior high students  祝愿这些高三孩子高考顺利 Wishing these 3rd level senior high students will have a smooth & successful final exam  互道珍重 Saying goodbye to each other |