Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2017 – Lingyun County, Guangxi Province
 北大志愿者唐老师的同学王老师在凌云县委任职,他告诉民中学生复习和反复背诵的重要性 Mr. Wang who works in the Lingyun county, is the classmate of the volunteer Mr. Tang from the Beijing University. Mr. Wang told to the students that reviewing & memorizing the lesson learned is very important .  主动坐前排的学生较勇于发问 The active student sits in the front roll has the courage to ask questions.  民中学生踊跃回应我们提出的建议和要求 The Ethnic Middle School students response to our recommendations & requirements with enthusiasm.  北大唐老师教民中学生学习的方法 Mr. Tang of the Beijing University teaches the students the method of studying.  民族中学的孩子们 The students of the Ethnic Middle School  民中座谈结束后,他留下来请教唐老师学习上的问题 He stayed behind to ask Mr. Tang about the learning problems after the class discussion.  发放助学金并请学生签收 Distributing the sponsorship funds & request the students to sign the receipt  唐老师的老家环境条件和凌云相似,他和孩子们分享自己的成长经历 Mr. Tang’s home town condition is very similar to this county, he shared his growing up process with the students.  逻楼初中的孩子们 The junior students of Luolou  学生的家在很陡的山坡上,还好村里的路已硬化,否则下雨将寸步难行 A student’s home is located in the very steep slope, luckily the road is dry, otherwise it will be difficult to walk after the rain.  通往学生家的石头路 The rocky road leading to the student’s home  腿脚不便的爷爷读过书,注重孩子的教育 The crippled grandfather had studied before, therefore he knows the importance of the student’s educations.  凌云县文化底蕴较深厚,家家户户供奉“天地君亲师”,贴上对联 In Lingyun County, their culture is very deep, every family dedicated to "heaven-earth-monarch-parents-teacher" labels on the walls of their houses.  家虽清贫,但奶奶把它打理得很干净温馨,爷爷腿脚不便 Even though they are poor, but the grandmother keeping their home clean & warm, the grandfather is disabled.  山上的学生家 One of the student’s home located up on the mountain  学生的奶奶 The student’s grandmother  逻楼女孩自告奋勇上前和大家分享她这学期的目标和计划 The Luolou girl volunteered to come forward & shared her goal & plan for this semester.  孩子们认真记下谈话重点 Students took the important notes.  逻楼初一女孩说小学没有学习过英语,现在觉得英语和天书一样,怎么办? This Luolou girl said that they did not learn English in their elementary school, she felt English is very difficult; like a book in heaven, what can she do?  英语语法让初中生们深感头疼 The English grammar is a headache for the junior high students.  天雨路滑,小心滑跤 The slope is very slippery after the rain.  加尤山上家访 The home visit up in the mountain of Jiayou  学生家虽是精准扶贫户,仍无力改造破旧的木房 Even though the student’s family is considered a "Precise Poverty Alleviation" family which needed help, but remains unable to rebuild this old wooden house.  屋况 The house’s situation  学生爸爸腿残疾不能干重活,妈妈轻微智障还能下地干活,家里无经济来源 The student’s father is disabled, he cannot do any heavy work, the mother has a mild mental disability but she still can do some farm work, Their family does not have any source of income.  学生小时候妈妈就跑了,爸爸(图右)患有精神病和癫痫症无法工作,家境非常贫困,靠低保为生 This father suffers from mental problems and epilepsy, so can’t work. The student’s mother ran away while he was very young. This family is very poor, they can only rely on the low income supplement program to make their living.  村里绝大多数人家都已建起砖房,与学生家破旧的木房成强烈对比 Most of the people in the village had rebuild brick houses, there is big contras between the student’s old damaged wooden home & the new homes.  唐老师以自己跑马拉松的经验告诉加尤的孩子们求学贵在坚持 Mr. Tang shared his running marathon experience with the students in Jiayou Junior High school, said that the students have to be persistent in their studies.  加尤初中的孩子们 The students in Jiayou Junior High School  聚精会神 The students are concentrating in listening.  勇敢提问 Asking questions bravely  简阿姨,我们下学期见 Saying goodbye to Auntie Jane, will see her next semester.  学生家长请我们品尝自家种的茶叶 The student’s parents invited us to taste their house tea.  凌云产茶叶,学生爸爸没有出外打工,以种些茶叶为生 Lingyun county produces tea, the student’s father does not go out to work, he grows tea to make their living.  学生妈妈下厨做菜想留我们吃饭,我们婉拒了 The student’s mother is cooking & inviting us for a meal, we declined it politely.  多年前在政府补助下将木房改建成砖房,以种些茶叶为生 This family rebuild their brick house with the government support program many years ago, now he grow tea for their living.  民中孤儿和奶奶(右二)住在县城姑姑(右一)家 This orphan & his grandmother (second right) is living with his aunt’s family (first right) in town.  教育局人员带我们参观凌云高中未完成的操场 The Education staff show us around the unfinished high school playground in Lingyun Senior High School.  唐老师告诉高中生们在学习上遇到困难时要多思考,想想是否应该改变学习方式和方法,以提升效率和成绩 Mr. Tang told the high school students on how to solve problems if they encounter any difficulties in the learning process, they should think in different angles to see if they need to change their methods & ways of learning in order to enhance the efficiency & performance in school.  唐老师解答高三学生的提问:上大学需具备什么能力? Mr. Tang answering a 3rd level senior high students question: What is the requirement & one’s ability for going to university? |