Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2017 – Qingchuan & Nanjiang County, Sichuan Province
 青川中学发放助学金 Hand-out EducAid at Qingchuan Middle School  这批高三学生毕业后,我们将结束长达十年的青川助学 Upon these 3rd year senior high students graduation, our EducAid at Qingchuan that had lasted 10 years will come to an end  小文哥哥分享他的高中经历,也和孩子们谈及珍惜高中时代的友谊和必须抵抗种种诱惑 Brother xiao Wen shared his high school experience, also talked to the students about cherish the friendship in high school and must resist various temptations  不少学生举手表示半途而废没能坚持下去 Many students raised their hands to say that they could not persevere throughout  坚持努力的学生成为同学们的好榜样 Students who persevered in working hard are good model for fellow students  该怎么做才能坚持下去? What to do to persevere?  父母皆严重残疾,一家三口住在河边棚房的女孩,多年来每逢过节总会发短信给简阿姨 This girl’s parents are severely disabled, her family of three living in the riverside shed; over the years she had always sent greeting text messages to Aunt Jian at festive times  位于青川最南边竹园镇的青川一中只剩8位真爱明天的高三学生 Qingchuan No.1 Middle School located in the town of Zhuyuan at the southernmost of Qingchuan now only has eight 3rd year senior high students under the “Tomorrow Program”  应上学期孩子们的要求,简阿姨详细讲解情绪管理 At the request of the students in the last semester, Aunt Jian explained managing emotion in details  青川一中发放助学金 Hand-out EducAid at Qingchuan No.1 Middle School  小文哥哥和青川一中学生交流 Brother xiao Wen exchanged views with the students of Qingchuan No.1 Middle School  她留下来问情绪管理的问题,却忍不住情绪激动哭了起来 She stayed behind to asked about emotion management but couldn’t help cried emotionally  卢阿姨和下两新生面谈 Aunt Lu interviewed new student of Xialiang  通往学生家的路已被杂草覆盖,姑父到路边来带路 The road to the student’s home was hidden by weeds, the uncle came to lead the way  危房改建的学生家坐落在山里不知处 This student’s home, reconstructed from a dangerous house, is located at nowhere in the mountain  雨天路滑,山路难行,卢阿姨捡了一根树枝当拐杖 The road got slippery from the rain and difficult to walk on, Aunt Lu picked a dried branch as walking stick  说起儿子早逝、媳妇跑了,留下两个轻微智障已到了上初中年龄的孙子、孙女,爷爷老泪纵横 This grandpa was in tears when speaking of his son died young and the wife left, leaving behind the grandson and granddaughter both have slight intellectual disability and have reached the age to attend junior high school  安慰伤心的爷爷 Comforting the sad grandpa  爷爷、奶奶、孙子、孙女、两位单身叔叔,一家六口暂住在棚子里;现在有了政府的补助正在危房改建,让全家有了指望 Grandpa, grandma, grandson, granddaughter, two single uncle, a family of six temporarily living in the shed; now with the government subsidies, they are rebuilding, which let the family have prospects  两位轻微智障的兄妹同读初一(第三排中间),他们也跟着其他同学认真做笔记 The brother and sister (middle of 3rd row from front) who have slight intellectual disability follow others in taking notes seriously  开个玩笑大家开心一下 Just kidding to make everyone happy  下两初中发放助学金 Hand-out EducAid at Xialiang Junior High School  鼓励腼腆的孩子们勇敢提问、勇敢回答 Encouraged the publicity-shy student to be brave to ask and answer questions  认真记下简阿姨布置的作业 Seriously wrote down the assignments by Aunt Jian  给自己完美的每一天,让自己为所付出的努力感到自豪 Give yourself a perfect day and take pride of the efforts you made  云雾弥漫的光雾山是南江赏红叶的好去处 The cloud and fog covered Guangwu Mountain is a good place to enjoy the red leaves scenery in Nanjiang  下两孩子的家 Home of the student of Xialiang  诉说学生家况 Told us the student’s family situation  初一孩子艰难的回家路 The way to home is difficult for the 1st year junior high student  陪同家访的老师也不知道学生回家的路有这么危险 The teacher who accompanied us for the home visit also did not know the student’s way to home is so dangerous  上两初中初一新生面谈:家境非常困难,从小被外人领养的姐姐初中刚毕业,也是“真爱明天”的学生 Interview with the Shangliang new 1st year junior high student: family in very difficult situation, her sister who was adopted by an outsider since childhood just graduated from junior high school, was also a "Tomorrow Program" student  上两初中发放助学金 Hand-out EducAid at Shangliang Junior High School  孩子回答简阿姨的问题 Student answered Aunt Jian’s question  教孩子们如何制定时间表 Taught the students how to make study schedule  文县剩下的两本英汉词典送给上两的两位新生 The two dictionaries left over from Wen County were given to the two new students of Shangliang  加油!我们下学期见 Keep up the good work! See you next semester |