Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2017 – Wen County, Gansu Province
 四中约有六七十个新生申请加入“真爱明天”,他们分别与4个志愿者个别面谈 No.4 Middle School has about 60-70 new students joined the “Tomorrow Program” and they were interviewed by four volunteers  面谈后再逐一审查讨论筛选受助学生 The students applications were reviewed, discussed and screened one by one after the interview  桥头乡家访时志愿者在村子里一棵巨大的百年老树前合影 During home visits to Qiaotou Village, volunteers took group photos in front of a huge hundred-year-old tree  家访时学生的爷爷奶奶一直诉苦期望能得到资助,但经了解其实家境并不算很困难,孩子的申请没有被接受 Student’s grand parents complained about their difficulties all along our home visit and hoped to receive EducAid; however, after we came to understand that their family condition was not really that difficult, the student’s application was not accepted  鲜红的辣椒和金黄的玉米点亮了学生破旧的家 Red hot peppers and golden corns lit up the student’s shabby home  这样贫困的家庭居然没有被评为精准扶贫户,也没有低保 To everyone’s surprise that such a family of poverty was not rated as PPA household nor given subsistence allowances  家有7个子女(还有1个孩子送给别人养),最小的八个月大,妈妈有轻微智障,仅靠爸爸一人务农为生 The family has 7 children (and another child was given to a family to raise), the youngest was 8 months old; the mother has slight intellectual disability, livelihood is solely dependent on the father’s farming  学生帮简阿姨系上小蜜蜂扩音器 A student helped Aunt Jian to tied up the mini speaker  位于偏远桥头乡的文县四中孩子们都很纯朴 Students of the Wen County No.4 Middle School in the remotely located Qiaotou Village are very simple  腼腆的孩子勇敢回答问题 Publicity-shy student bravely answered questions  初三的女孩分享她上学期努力的成果 The 3rd year junior high student shared the results of her hard work in the last semester  小文哥哥是“真爱明天”的“老伙伴”,却是第一次抽空参与助学 Brother xiao Wen is an “old partner” of the “Tomorrow Program” but this is the first time he took the time to participate in the EducAid  TCL刘阿姨鼓励四中孩子们 Aunt Liu of TCL encouraged the students of No.4 Middle School  刘阿姨送英汉词典给新生们 Aunt Liu hand out dictionary to the new students  刘阿姨也带来20个足球送给学校,喜欢踢球的四中学生有福了 Aunt Liu also brought 20 footballs as gift to the school, the students who like to play football are blessed  小文哥哥与文县一中的高一新生面谈 Brother xiao Wen interviewed a 1st year senior high new student of Wen County No.1 Middle School  刘阿姨与文县一中学生交流 Aunt Liu exchanged views with the Wen County No. 1 Middle School students  我们给小文哥哥示范发放助学金的礼仪,也趁机教孩子们注意平时的礼节 We gave brother xiao Wen a demo of the etiquette of handing out EducAid, also took the opportunity to teach the students to pay attention to the usual etiquette  在文县一中发放助学金 Hand out of EducAid at Wen County No. 1 Middle School  刘阿姨送水杯给几个体育学生 Aunt Liu gave the students of physical training gift cups  学生的爸爸去世多年,这个破旧的家是爸爸4兄弟所共有的 Student’s father died years ago, this shabby home is owned by the father and his 3 brothers  学生的妈妈哭着说丈夫、儿子相继去世,只剩一个读高一的女儿相依为命;没有被评上精准扶贫户,也没有低保 The student’s mom told us in tears her husband and her son died one after another, leaving the daughter, a 1st year senior high student, and her depend on each other for survival. They were not rated a PPA household nor qualified for subsistence allowances  家访路上 On the way to home visit  这户人家也是学生爸爸的几个兄弟共有 This home is also jointly owned by the student’s father and his brothers  学生的爷爷跟老师说明这个小院里住着好几户人家 Student’s grandpa told the teacher that several families reside in this small courtyard  文县一中的高中生们 Senior high students of Wen County No.1 Middle School  刘阿姨讲述人品的重要性 Aunt Liu talked about the importance of personality  小文哥哥给学生们说王阳明与僧人的故事 Brother xiao Wen told the story of Wang Yangming and the monk to the students  小文哥哥讲述匠人精神,并为文县一中的学生们朗读了一篇文章 Brother xiao Wen talked about the spirit of craftsmen, and read an article to the Wen County No.1 Middle School students  文县一中的孩子们都很刻苦很认真很懂事 Students of Wen County No.1 Middle School are very hard-working, very earnest and very sensible  只有拼出来的成功,没有等出来的辉煌 Success only come from hard work, glory does not come from waiting  学生为自己定下的一周时间表 Personal week-long study schedule set by the student  她和大家分享上学期她为自己定下的学习目标坚持到底的经验 She shared the experience of her adherence to the studying target which she set for herself in last semester  文县一中学生写下的学习目标和计划 Studying goals and plans written down by a student of Wen County No.1 Middle School  高三孩子问道如何克服对高考的紧张和恐惧 A 3rd year senior high student asked how to overcome the tension and fear of university entrance examination  高三男生问他的梦想大学—上海同济大学理化专业的录取分数 A 3rd year senior high student asked about the scores for admission to the physics and chemistry faculty of the Tongji University in Shanghai, his dream university  临别依依 Reluctant to say goodbye  道别时孩子流下不舍的泪水 Student bid reluctant farewell in tears |