Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2017 – Jingxi County, Guangxi Province
 孩子父母从小离异,再没见过妈妈,爸爸长年在外打工难得见上一面,祖孙二人相依为命 Parents were divorced in student’s childhood, never seen mom again, hardly seen his dad who works out of the county year-long, grandpa and him depend on each other for survival  初一男孩(左一)带领我们去他家时先告诉简阿姨:爸爸患有严重精神病会打人,多年前妈妈就被打跑了,爷爷奶奶和孩子都被打伤过 The 1st year junior high student (1st from left) told Aunt Jian when he led us to his house for home visit that his father has serious mental illness, will hit people; his mother was beaten away years ago, the grandparents and child had been wounded by beating  我们刚坐下来和爷爷说话,爸爸忽然从里面出来就要打孩子 As we just seated to talk to the grandpa, the father suddenly ran out from inside to beat his son  爸爸不停地大声叫骂并多次要打孩子,简阿姨要孩子立刻跑开,他却不动 The father kept shouting and scolding to beat his son; Aunt Jian asked the student to run away immediately, but he didn’t  一直强忍着的孩子终于哭了 The student who had been enduring finally cried  我们离开时爸爸还追出来想打孩子 As we were leaving, the father still chased out and wanted to beat his son  南坡初中新生面谈 Interview with the new students of Nanpo Junior High School  南坡初中的孩子们 Students of Nanpo Junior High School  孩子们非常专注听讲 Students listened attentively  南坡学生与志愿者们在操场合影 Nanpo students and volunteers took group photo at the playground  孩子们在左边简阿姨处领了助学金并签收后,到右边江叔叔处领取江叔叔送给他们的礼物 Students received and signed for their EducAid from Aunt Jian on the left hand side, then went to the right side to receive gifts given to them by Uncle Jiang  简阿姨请全体同学站起来谢谢江叔叔的礼物 Aunt Jian asked all the students to stand up to thank Uncle Jiang for his presents  江叔叔给孩子们讲四个读书人的故事 Uncle Jiang told the students 4 stories about the intellectuals  南坡这学期增加不少受助新生 The new EducAid students of Nanpo have increased a lot in this semester  看到这两位接受家访的初一男生能够安心在校学习,心里感到很欣慰 I was very relieved to see that the two 1st year junior high students who accepted our home visit were able to study at ease at school  孩子们明白了必须努力的道理后,全都举手承诺从今天起一定好好为自己的前途努力 When the students understood the truth that it is necessary to work hard, they raised their hands and promised to do best to work hard from now on for their own future  知道孩子们平时上课不懂之处都不敢问老师,简阿姨教他们如何克服内心的恐惧时,问他:如果我的手掌是面镜子的话,你看到了什么? Knowing that the students usually dare not to ask the teacher in class the things they don’t understand, Aunt Jian taught them how to overcome the inner fear and asked: what do you see if my palm is a mirror?  他的回答引起哄堂大笑 His reply led to great laughter  认真记下谈话重点 Wrote down seriously salient points of the talk  明白了上课不敢发问的严重后果,孩子们举手表示今后上课遇到不懂之处要问老师 When they realized the serious consequences of dare not to ask in class, the students raised their hand and said that in future they will ask the teacher whenever they come across things they don’t understand  南坡初中座谈结束时,副校长走进来叮嘱孩子们要懂得感恩 At the end of the Nanpo Junior High symposium, the vice principal came in and told the students they should know to be grateful  学生爸爸(左二)腿脚残疾,妈妈(右二)患有精神病,生活艰难 Student’s father (2nd from left) has leg and foot disability, the mother (2nd from right) suffering from mental illness, their life is difficult  龙临雨中家访 Home visit made in the rain in Longlin  学生的爸爸(右二)在监狱里服刑9年多刚出狱,妈妈9年前就跑了,学生一直由叔叔抚养 The student’s father (2nd from right) served his sentence in prison for more than 9 years and was just released; the mother left them 9 years ago and the student has since been raised by his uncle  小方哥哥和龙临学生交流 Brother xiao Fang exchanged views with the Longlin students  向学生们展示江叔叔送给大家的精美笔记本 Showed the students the exquisite note book gift from Uncle Jiang  江叔叔告诉孩子们需培养遵守纪律等5个好习惯 Uncle Jiang told the students they need to develop five good habits such as comply with discipline  龙临初中的孩子们 Students of the Longlin Junior High School  龙临初中修建后的操场 Playground of Longlin Junior high school after rebuilt  安德初中新生面谈 Interview with new students of Ande Junior High School  老师向患有侏儒症的学生妈妈解释我们的来意 The teacher explained to the dwarf student’s mother the purpose of our visit  学生妈妈诉说家况和忧虑 Student’s mother told us the family condition and her worries  学生家已成危房,和刚出狱的爸爸寄住在叔叔家 The student’s home has become dilapidated, he and his just released from prison father was living in his uncle’s house  简阿姨讲故事时请他展开双手,向大家解释 T-shirt 名称的由来 When Aunt Jian was telling story, she asked him to spread out his hands to explain how T-shirt got its name  初中孩子把简阿姨谈话和故事的重点全都记下来了 The junior high students noted down the salient points of Aunt Jian’s talk and her stories  她的眼神总是这么专注、坚定、沉着,不愧是全省名列前茅的学霸 The expression in her eyes is always so focused, firm, poise that she deserved to be called the province’s top student and “hegemon of study”  领助学金时,简阿姨告诉全省名列前茅的初三孩子尽管安心准备中考,别再担心家里是否有能力供她上高中 When she received the EducAid, Aunt Jian told this 3rd year junior high student who is the province’s top student just to be at ease in preparation for the exam, don’t worry about whether her family has the ability to let her continue with her senior high school study  谢谢江叔叔和小方哥哥的礼物 Thank you for the gifts from Uncle Jiang and brother xiao Fang  志愿者们与龙临孩子们合影 Volunteers took group photo with the students of Longlin  临别依依 Reluctantly say goodbye  卢阿姨鼓励果乐孩子们 Aunt Lu encouraged the students of Goule  江叔叔的谈话让孩子们受益良多 Uncle Jiang’s talk benefited the students  她上学期依计划行事坚持到最后一天,成绩进步很多也更加自信,为其他同学树立了最好的榜样 Last semester, she studied according to the plan, persisted to the last day, her grades improved a lot and has more self-confidence, which set the best example for other students  你真的很棒!继续加油哦 You’re really great, keep up the good work!  初三的果乐女孩是同学的好榜样 This 3rd year junior high girl of Guole is the good model for her fellow students  江叔叔带领靖西高中学生一起背诵《陋室铭》 Uncle Jiang led the Jingxi high school students to recite the classic poem "Lòushì míng" (Eulogium on my Humble Abode)  她轻松地说按制定的计划坚持并不难,因为已经养成每天坚持的习惯 She said relaxingly it was not difficult to adhere to the plan and persevere since she has developed a habit of perseverance every day  因害怕在公开场合发言而失去了当全校集会发言人的机会,她问如何克服内心的恐惧 She asked how to overcome her inner fear as she had lost the opportunity to be a spokesperson for the school’s assembly because she was scared of speaking in public  江叔叔回答同学如何学习好语文的问题 Uncle Jiang replied student’s question on how to learn well spoken and written language  高三女孩流泪提问:同学在背后说坏话和异样眼光影响到情绪和学习,该怎么办? This 3rd year senior high girl asked in tears: what to do when her mood and study was affected by fellow students spoke ill of her at her back and gave her peculiar look?  道别时再次为哭泣的女孩加油 When bidding farewell, once again cheer up the girl who cried |