Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2017 – Napo County, Guangxi Province
 前方山坡上的瓦房是学生的家 The house on the foreground hillside is the student’s home  爷爷不会说普通话,民中老师坐他旁边帮忙翻译 Grandpa doesn’t speak Putunghua, the teacher from Ethnic Middle School sat beside him to do the translation  爷爷同意我们一起支持、鼓励孩子好好读完初中、高中 Grandpa agreed to join us to support and encourage the student to finish junior and senior high schooling  学生家极为简陋的屋况 Extreme simple and crude condition of the student’s home  透风的竹片墙 Wind-leaking bamboo wall  这个家平时里里外外全靠爷爷一人 Everything of this family depend singly on grandpa  父母长年不在,82岁深度驼背的爷爷是学生的支柱 Parents are not at home throughout the year, the hunchbacked 82-year-old grandpa is the student’s backbone  家访经过塌方路段 Home visit through the landslide section  TCL小蒙哥哥和孩子们有着完全一样的背景和成长过程,他本身就是一个最好的模范 Brother xiǎo Méng of TCL has identical background and growth process of the students, he himself is the best model  小王叔叔和卢阿姨趁我们和学生说话的时候数着这学期的助学金并将它装入一个个信封里 Uncle xiao Wang and Aunt Lu counted the EducAid of this semester and put them into individual envelope while we spoke to the students  小蒙哥哥和民中孩子们分享他的初中学习经验 Brother xiao Meng shared with the students his study experience at junior high school  那坡民中的孩子们 Students of Napo Ethnic Middle School  TCL小王叔叔讲述中国传统思想对学习的重要性 Uncle xiao Wang of TCL talked about the importance of Chinese traditional thinking to study  民族中学这学期又增加了许多“真爱明天”初一新生 This semester, the Ethnic Middle School has more 1st year junior high new students added to the “Tomorrow Program”  这些举手的民中孩子上学期都有按制定的计划学习,但没能坚持到最后 These Ethnic Middle School students who raised their hands have studied according to the plans they made, but failed to persevere until the end  她哭着道别:简阿姨,你要照顾好自己,不要生病哦 She was crying to say goodbye: Aunt Jian, you have to take care of yourself, do not get sick  回答民中孩子私下的提问 Answering personal questions from Ethnic Middle School  品学兼优的孤儿哭了,原来是上学期的成绩没有达到他的预期。经开导后破涕为笑,同时也明白了如何看待小小的挫折 The orphan good in study and conduct cried because his last semester’s academic results did not met his expectations. After enlightenment, he smiled through tears and understood at the same time how to deal with minor setbacks  学生请志愿者们在她的笔记本写上一句鼓励的话 A student invited the volunteers to write words of encouragement in her notebook  龙合初中正在重修操场 Longhe junior high school playground being refurbished  龙合初一男孩母亲去世,父亲常年在外做苦力,寄住在矿工叔叔(左一)狭小的家由叔叔抚养 Mother of this Longhe 1st year junior high student passed away, father doing hard labor work out of county year round; he lives in a house with and is raised by his uncle (1st from left), a miner  患有尘肺病的学生爸爸说家况 Student’s father with pneumoconiosis talked about family condition  龙合有不少初一新生申请加入“真爱明天”,他们坐在教室后面静等着四位志愿者与他们个别面谈 Many 1st year junior students of Longhe applied to join the “Tomorrow Program”, they quietly await to be interviewed by the four volunteers  小王叔叔简单地介绍互联网时代正改变着人们食衣住行的生活习惯,拓展了孩子们的视野 Uncle xiao Wang made a brief introduction of the Internet era changing the people’s habits in food, clothing, housing and transportation, expanding the students’ field of vision  小蒙哥哥和孩子们说话,小王叔叔和卢阿姨忙着准备助学金并取出送给孩子们的英汉词典 Brother xiao Meng talked to the students, Uncle xiao Wang and Aunt Lu busy preparing the EducAid and taking out the English-Chinese dictionaries to hand out to the students  举手的孩子们上学期有按学习计划做但未能坚持到最后,已经很不容易了,值得嘉奖 Students who raised their hands have studied according to their plans but unable to persist to the end, which is not easy and worth commending  来自成都小伙伴吕骥扬同学的爱心词典 Love filled dictionaries from Lu Jiyang of Chengdu  龙合发放助学金 Hand out of EducAid at Longhe  龙合初二男孩上学期坚持按计划学习到学期结束,结果成绩进步超出他的预期,自信心也提升许多 Last semester, this 2nd year junior high student studied according to his plan; as a result his grades improved beyond his expectations and his self-confidence also increased a lot  龙合初三男孩上学期坚持努力,虽然成绩提升很多但并不自满,觉得自己还有很大的进步空间 This 3rd year junior high student of Longhe studied hard persistently in last semester, although his grades improved a lot but he is not complacent and believes there is still much room for improvement  三个初一新生可爱极了,要不是我们当天早上做了家访,还真看不出他们的家境非常困苦 These three 1st year junior high students are so lovely that if we had not visited their homes that morning we would not realize their family are in very poor condition  龙合学生鼓起勇气站起来提问 This Longhe student took the courage to stand up and ask questions  我们担心词典不够,就从初三学生先发,接着是初二,剩余的发给初一 We were worried the dictionaries were not enough, so we started handing them out to the 3rd year students first, then the 2nd year, and the remaining to the 1st year students  最后缺少一本词典,简阿姨问初一孩子们哪位同学愿意先让出,我们下学期再补发给他,可爱的男孩第一个站起来,很感动 Finally, we were one dictionary short, Aunt Jian asked the 1st year students who would be willing to give up his/hers, and we would make it up in next semester; this lovely boy was the first to offer his, very touching  定业大雨中志愿者爬山做家访 At Dingye, the volunteers made home visits up the mountain in heavy rain  路边遇到学生的爷爷带我们家访 Met the student’s grandpa on the way, who led the way for us  定业家访 Home visit at Dingye  定业初一新生个别面谈 Interview with 1st year junior high new students at Dingye  面谈后,志愿者们一起仔细讨论确认每一个学生是否有受助资格 Volunteers had detailed discussion to determine whether the interviewed students were qualified for EducAid  小王叔叔也强调了设定目标和计划的重要性 Uncle xiao Wang also stressed the importance of setting goals and plans  定业炎热午后的座谈 Symposium in a hot afternoon in Dingye  定业比龙合更偏远,有经验的老师纷纷申请调至县城,代替的是刚毕业的年轻老师 Dingye is more remote than Longhe, the experienced teachers applied to be transferred to the county one after another, their replacement are freshly graduated young teachers  定业发放助学金 Hand out of EducAid at Dingye  定业的孩子们 Students of Dingye  那坡高中学生都很开心我们又见面了 Senior high students of Napo were happy to see us again  高三学生签收助学金后顺便问问题 3rd year senior high student signed for receipt of EducAid and asked questions at the same time  志愿者们帮忙发放英汉词典 Volunteers help out in handing out English-Chinese dictionaries  高中生们坚定地表示一定在学习和品德方面尽力提升,做最好的自己 Senior high students said firmly they definitely will do their best to improve themselves in learning and morality and to be the best of themselves  道别 Say goodbye  小王叔叔和高中生们讲述中国传统思想“戒、忍、谦、和”对学习和做人都有着深远的意义和影响 Uncle xiao Wang talked to the senior high students the profound significance and impact the Chinese traditional thinking of “Refraining, Forbearance, Modesty and Harmony” have on studying and being a person  卢阿姨告诉高中生们学习没有捷径 Aunt Lu told the senior high students there is no shortcut in studying  高三学生问大学参加社团的意见 3rd year senior high student asked for views on joining social clubs in University  她问小蒙哥哥化学的学习方法 She asked brother xiao Meng the way of studying Chemistry  座谈结束后很多学生留下来和志愿者们交流 Many students stayed after the symposium to discuss with the volunteers  高中座谈结束后学生与志愿者们交流 After the symposium, senior high students exchanged views with the volunteers  会后交流2 Post-symposium exchange of views  同学称她为快班学霸,而阳光的她私下流着眼泪的提问却是家暴问题 Students called her the “hegemon of study” of the “fast class”, but what this sunshine girl privately asked in tears was about domestic violence |