Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2018 – Wen County, Gansu Province
 卢阿姨在跟文县四中的孩子们介绍志愿者的情况 Auntie Lu introduces the volunteers’ situation to the children of the Wen County No.4 Middle School  接下来的互动小游戏,请你做我的小伙伴好吗? Will you be my little volunteer for the upcoming interactive activity?  来自惠州TCL多媒体公司的志愿者汪丹阿姨分享自己工作和学习的经验 Volunteer Wang Dan from Huizhou TCL Multimedia Company sharing her work and school experiences  文县四中发放助学金后签字确认 Signing the receipts for the education grants handed out at the Wen County No. 4 Middle School.  文县四中的侯老师指给我们看以前历次家访的路线 Teacher Hou from the Wen County No. 4 Middle School pointing out the path for home visits, which we have taken several times before.  家访路上摘了一小束香椿芽 On the way to the home visit, I picked a small bunch of camphor buds.  学生家的厨房 The kitchen of the student’s home.  家里的主要经济作物-土豆,当地称为洋芋 The main cash crop at home – potatoes.  老师介绍说,这是08年汶川地震后政府补贴修建的平房 The teacher said that the construction of this bungalow was subsidized by the government after the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008.  志愿者和学校老师了解学生家里情况 Volunteers and teachers inquiring about the student’s family situation.  文县四中的两位老师陪同我们家访 Two teachers from Wen County No. 4 Middle School accompanied us on the home visits.  这个学生家的房屋也是汶川地震后民政部门帮修建的 This student’s home was also built by the Ministry of Civil Affairs after the Wenchuan earthquake.  爸爸虽然是残疾人,但家里的黄芪码得整整齐齐 Although the father is disabled, the Mongolian milkvetch (huang qi) was neatly bundled.  学生的爸爸八年前耕地时被旋耕机切断了右腿,导致右腿截肢和右手骨折,虽安装了假肢但已丧失劳动能力 The student’s father lost his leg eight years ago due to a rotary tiller accident which also fractured his right hand. Although he has a prosthetic leg now, he cannot work.  家访的这个女孩子患有弱听,但喜欢画画,家里的墙上贴着她自己画的画 This girl had poor hearing, but likes to draw. Her drawings were pasted on the walls of her house.  学生的妈妈和奶奶跟志愿者告别 The student’s mother and grandma saying goodbye to the volunteers.  去下一个学生家家访 Visiting the home of the next student.  爷爷已经90多岁了,腿脚还灵便,听力也没大问题 The grandpa is over 90 years old, but he is still mobile, and has no problems with hearing.  向爷爷了解家里情况 Inquiring about the family situation from grandpa.  爷爷目送我们离开 Grandpa saying goodbye to us.  在地里干活的爸爸妈妈赶了回来,原来这是一个重组家庭,有三个孩子正在读书 The parents who were working in the fields hurried back. This is a family where the parents remarried. They have three children in school.  文县一中的学习氛围很浓厚,到处可见在复习背诵的学生 The atmosphere of learning is very strong at Wen County No.1 High School. Students can be seen reading and studying everywhere.  还没到晚读时间,楼梯上已有不少学生在朗读背诵课文 It is not yet time for the evening reading session, but many students are already reciting their textbooks on the stairs.  快到学校的艺体节了,体育场上同学们利用晚饭后和晚自习之间的空隙时间抓紧排练节目 It’s almost time for the school’s arts festival. The students used the time between dinner and evening self-study to rehearse their performances on the sports field.  志愿者汪丹阿姨在文县一中 Volunteer Wang Dan speaking at Wen County No.1 High School.  汪丹阿姨教孩子们“赞美操”,赞美自己,也赞美他人...... Auntie Wan Dan teaching the children the value of praise – how to praise others, and how to praise themselves.  听到有趣的小故事,会心一笑 Children smiling at the amusing story being shared.  文县一中发放助学金 Handing out educational grants at Wen County No.1 High School.  乡村风光 The rural scenery.  文县一中陪同家访的王老师边走边给志愿者介绍学生的情况 Teacher Wang from Wen County No.1 High School accompanying the volunteers on a family visit and introducing the students’ situations.  村里还有不少这样的土房 The village has many earth houses like these.  王老师走在前面问路 Teach Wang walking in front and asking for directions.  学生奶奶在家里等着我们的到来 The student’s grandma was waiting for our arrival.  记录学生的家庭情况 Recording the student’s family situation.  老师(左一)给我们做翻译 The teacher (first from the left) translating for us.  这位妈妈双腿患有严重的关节炎,几乎无法行走,更干不了农活,觉得自己拖累了一家人,还没开口就禁不住难过起来 This mother suffers from severe arthritis in her legs; she could hardly walk. She can’t do farm work. She is very sad because she feels like she is a burden to the family.  多年没返修的房屋上生长出一种植物,这是文县的特色 Plants growing on a house that has not been repaired for many years. This is a unique characteristic of Wen County.  村团大队的院子里摆放着几个崭新的垃圾箱,显示出“精准扶贫户”的痕迹 There are several new garbage bins in the village square, showing traces of the initiative to “Targeted Poverty Reduction Households”. |