Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2017 – Lingyun County, Guangxi Province
 凌云高中座谈前,简阿姨和几位早到的高三学生聊天 Before the seminar at Lingyun High School, Auntie Jian chatted with several high school seniors who had arrived early.  中间戴眼镜举手的女孩是上学期唯一能按照自己制定的学习计划坚持执行到学期结束的学生 Last semester, the girl in the middle wearing glasses with her hands raised was the only student who stuck with the study plan she made for herself all the way to the end of the semester.  学生们举手积极回应简阿姨的提议 The students raised their hands and actively responded to Auntie Jian’s proposal.  凌云高中的孩子们 The children of Lingyun High School.  讲述高中生上大学需具备的六项技能并详细解说,确认高中生们都明白其中道理 Explaining in detail the six skills high school students need in college, and checking to see that the high school students understand the rationale.  认真记下谈话重点 Diligently recording the main points of the discussion.  时间过得真快,还记得他们初中的模样,现在马上就要参加高考了 Time passes so quickly. I can still remember these students back when they were in Junior High School. And now they will soon take the College Entrance Exam.  凌云高中发放助学金 Handing out educational grants in Lingyun High School.  高三毕业生与简阿姨合影 Graduating seniors taking a photo with Auntie Jian.  几个好朋友合影留下高中的回忆 A group of good friends capture their high school memories in a photo.  高三男孩兴奋地说,他用简阿姨教他的办法克服当众表演的恐惧,获得了声乐比赛第一名 This senior high school student said excitedly that he used the methods Auntie Jian taught to overcome his fear of performing in public, and won first place in the vocal competition.  逻楼初中的孩子们 The children of Luolou Junior High School.  逻楼初中发放助学金 Handing out educational grants at Luolou Junior High school.  逻楼初中新生面谈 Interviews with new students at Luolou Junior High School.  与申请加入“真爱明天”的初一学生面谈 Interview with a freshman applying to join the “Tomorrow Program”.  家访时学生的爷爷和生病的弟弟在家 During the home visit, the student’s grandpa and sick younger brother were home.  艰难的家访路 The difficult road to the student’s home.  逻楼初中家访路上 Visiting the home of a student in Luolou Junior High School.  幸亏带路老师是本地人才知道通往学生家的羊肠小道 Fortunately, the teacher leading the way is a local who was familiar with the winding path to the student’s home.  学生的爷爷给我们介绍家里情况:学生父亲十年前去世,母亲改嫁,学生一直跟着爷爷奶奶住 The student’s grandpa described the family’s situation to us: The father passed away ten years ago. The mother remarried, and the student has been living with their grandparents.  学生的爷爷手上长了瘤子,却不肯去医院检查 The student’s grandpa has a tumor on his hand, but refused to go to the hospital for examination.  奶奶哭诉家况:学生的爸爸去世、妈妈改嫁;但因家里经济条件还过得去,我们没有接受学生的申请 The grandma cried as she described the family’s situation: The student’s father passed away, and the mother remarried. But because the family’s economic conditions were okay, we did not accept this student’s application.  提到家里的困难,奶奶抹起了眼泪 As she described the family’s difficulties, grandma wiped away her tears.  卢阿姨点名 Auntie Lu performing roll-call.  凌云县城的罗警官说她前几天在凌云高中被我们所感动,跟我们到逻楼初中做一天的志愿者 Officer Luo from Lingyun County said that she was touched by our visit to Lingyun High School a few days ago, and decided to volunteer with us at Luoluo Junior High School for the day.  孩子们都很纯朴懂事 The children are pure and thoughtful.  坚持努力的孩子告诉大家不仅成绩进步很多、也变得越来越有自信了 This child who persisted in her studies told everyone that not only did her grades improve, she was becoming more and more confident.  她依照简阿姨前一天所教的方法制定了每周学习计划和时间表,并和大家分享 She developed a weekly study plan and timetable according to the method Auntie Jian had taught the day before, and shared it with everyone.  所有同学都认真记下来要点,以便修改自己的学习计划表 All the students carefully wrote down the key points, to help them modify their study schedules.  谢谢她的分享让所有同学都受益 Thanking her for her sharing, which helped all the students.  发放助学金给逻楼初中新生 Handing out educational grants for new students at Luoluo Junior High School.  座谈后特地请这位特困孤儿留下来,鼓励她并告诉她一定会帮她完成学业,让她安心上学 After the seminar, I specifically asked this orphaned student to stay behind, to encourage her that we will help her finish her studies, to tell her that she can go to school without worry.  这几年来“真爱明天”学生的辍学率极低,令我们感到很欣慰 We are very pleased that the dropout rate of students in the “Tomorrow Program” has been extremely low these past few years.  凌云县民族中学的孩子们 The children of Lingyun County Ethnic Middle School.  她和大家分享上学期的学习经验 She shared with everyone her learning experiences from last semester.  凌云民中的男孩上学期依照我们的约定坚持努力,结果成绩进步超出他的预期,但他谦虚的说还有进步的空间,他是同学们最好的榜样 Last semester, this boy from Lingyun Ethnic Middle School persisted in his studies according to our agreement. As a result, his progress exceeded his expectations. But he said modestly that he still had room for improvement. He is a great example for his classmates.  凌云民中座谈结束后,从小就没有妈妈的初三女孩问简阿姨:爸爸于寒假期间去世让她深受打击,中考即将来临却无法专心准备,怎么办? After the seminar at Lingyun Ethnic Middle School, this senior who grew up without a mother asked Auntie Jian, “My father died over winter break. This has affected me a lot. The high school entrance exam is coming up, but I cannot concentrate on preparing. What should I do?”  凌云民中初一学生申请加入“真爱明天”,我们逐一个别面谈了解家庭情况 The freshmen students at Lingyun Ethnic Middle School apply to join the “Tomorrow Program”. We talk with them one by one to understand their family situation.  加尤初中的孩子们 The children of Jiayou Junior High School.  教初三孩子们如何缓解中考的紧张情绪、做好最后的冲刺 Teaching the seniors how to mitigate the stress of the high school entrance exam, so that they can make the final sprint for preparation.  加尤初中发放助学金 Handing out educational grants in Jiayou Junior High School.  拥抱告别 Hugging at good bye  座谈会后回答几个孩子的问题:“真爱明天”的捐款从哪里来?怎样才能成为“真爱明天”的志愿者? Answering questions from the students after the seminar about “Where do the donations for the Tomorrow Program come from? How can I become a volunteer for the Tomorrow Program”? |