Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2017 – Jingxi County, Guangxi Province
 和靖西一中高中生们复习高考放榜后如何申请国家助学贷款和车费补助等注意事项 Reviewing with students of Jingxi High School how to apply for national student loans and relocation subsidies after the college entrance exam results are posted.  靖西一中的高中生们 The high school students of Jingxi High School.  简阿姨向大家说明英汉词典是由北京小伙伴谢远聪在他的同学之间募款而来,小伙伴吕骥扬补充说还借助了众筹的平台进行募款 Auntie Jian explained to everyone that the English-Chinese dictionaries were purchased through the fundraising efforts by our young volunteer from Beijing, Xie Yuancong. Our young volunteer Lyu Jiyang added that he also used crowdfunding platforms to raise funds.  领取爱心英汉词典 Receiving an English-Chinese dictionary purchased by our volunteers.  她说过年期间与爸爸发生严重冲突,现在爸爸不再给她生活费了,怎么办? She said that she had a serious conflict with her father over New Years. Now her father is no longer giving her money for living expenses. What should she do?  看看早到的两个学生前一天晚上所制定的每周计划表有没有问题 Seeing whether there are any problems with the weekly study schedule these two students made the night before.  她问:有一个同学想法非常负面、有自杀倾向,该怎么帮她? She asked, “I have a classmate who is very depressed and even suicidal. How can I help her?  靖西一中高三毕业生合影留念 A group photo with the seniors at Jingxi High School.  给高三毕业生最后的叮咛 Last minute reminders to the seniors  靖西一中的高三毕业生们坚持要送我们到校门口 The seniors of Jingxi High School insisted on accompanying us all the way to the school entrance.  临别依依 Reluctant to say farewell.  南坡初中地处边境乡,离县城较远,是百色边境地区规模较大的初中学校 Nanpo Junior High School is located in a border town far from the county seat. It is one of the larger junior high schools in the Baise border area.  政府补助修建砖房但没钱完成大门,只用几块木板钉上,仍旧家徒四壁 The government subsidized the construction of the brick house but there was no money for the front door. A few planks of wood were nailed to the doorway. The inside was the house was bare.  学生家里的情况,没有专门的卧室,床就摆在空荡荡的客厅里 The insides of the student’s house. There was no separate bedroom. The bed is in the empty living room.  爸爸有癫痫症,妈妈聋哑,都不能出外打工,十分清贫 The father has epilepsy. The mother is deaf-mute. Neither can work. The family is very poor.  路上遇到学生的聋哑母亲 We met the student’s deaf-mute mother on the road.  细雨中的南坡初中家访 Visiting the home of the Nanpo Junior High School students in the drizzle.  学生和单亲妈妈已搬去和爷爷奶奶住,不住这简陋房子了 This student and their single mother have moved in with their grandparents. They no longer live in this bare house.  学生的奶奶严重驼背,几乎弯成90度 This student’s grandmother is heavily hunchbacked. She is bent at almost 90 degrees.  腿脚残疾的爸爸一直无法出去打工,房子已改建好,却空无一物 The father has foot disabilities and cannot work. The house has been remodeled, but it stands empty.  学生的奶奶过世,正在办丧事 This student’s grandmother has passed away. They are holding the funeral.  南坡初中的新操场很漂亮 The new sports field of Nanpo Junior High school is very pretty.  私下告诫并鼓励两位南坡初中初三学生 Privately admonishing but also encouraging two students at Nanpo Junior High School.  南坡初中的一位初三女孩和大家分享她前一天晚上写好的每周计划表 A senior at Nanpo Junior High school shared with everyone the weekly study schedule she wrote the night before.  鼓励孩子们勇敢发问 Encouraging the children to ask questions.  中考是人生第一个转折点,南坡初中初三年级的孩子们都很紧张 The high school entrance exam is the first turning point in life. The seniors of the Nanpo Junior High School are all very nervous.  龙临初中新操场尚未完工 The new sports field of the Longlin Junior High School were not finished yet.  孤儿的爷爷奶奶(左一左二)在诉说家况,奶奶不禁悲从中来 As the orphaned student’s grandpa and grandma (first and second from the left) described the family’s situation, the grandma started crying.  龙临雨中家访 Visiting the homes of Longlin students in the rain.  学生家里的卧室 The bedroom of the student’s home.  孤儿的爷爷(左二)刚从田里回来,浑身湿透,更衣后光着脚踩在地上,给我们诉说家况 The orphaned student’s grandpa (second from the left) just came back from the field and was drenched. After changing his clothes, he described the family’s situation while barefoot.  白发爷爷务农扛起一家生计,抚养大儿子留下的孤儿,一起住的二儿子残疾,媳妇智障,都不能打工 The white-haired grandpa is supporting the entire family, raising the orphan of his eldest son, and providing for his disabled second son and his mentally disabled wife.  不忍心看学生叔叔因伤被截肢的左脚,叔叔开朗的笑容缓解了大家沉重的心情 We could not bear seeing the uncle’s left foot, which was amputated because of an injury. But the uncle’s cheerful smile eased everyone’s heavy feelings.  安慰学生的奶奶 Comforting the student’s grandmother.  小伙伴吕骥扬与龙临初中学生交流 Our young volunteer Lyu Jiyang talking with the students of Longlin Junior High School.  确认每个学生都知道如何制定自己的每周计划表 Checking to see that each student knows how to develop their own weekly study schedule.  卢阿姨发放助学金 Auntie Lu handing out educational grants.  龙临初中的孩子们领了助学金后在签收表上签字 After receiving the educational grants, the children of Longlin Junior High School sign the receipt form.  向龙临初中的孩子们说明英汉词典的来源 Explaining to the children of Longlin Junior High School how the English-Chinese dictionaries were purchased.  安德中学的学生专心听讲 The students of Ande Junior High School listen intently to the talks.  安德中学的新操场 The new sports field at Ande Junior High School.  安德中学学生领取助学金并在签收表上签字 The students at Ande Junior High School receive their educational grants and sign the receipt form.  每次座谈她总是主动坐前排非常认真听讲,瘦弱的肩膀承担着太多的责任和苦难;给爸爸办完丧事后,照顾读小学的妹妹和严重残疾的妈妈的责任全落在她一人身上 At each seminar, she always sits in the front row and listens intently. Her thin shoulders bear so much responsibility and hardship. After the funeral of her father, the responsibility of caring for her sister in elementary school, and her mother with severe disabilities has fallen on her.  拥抱道别 Hugging good bye.  简阿姨,要照顾好身体哦 Auntie Jian, take care of yourself!  安德中学初三孩子们很有信心的说:简阿姨,我们下学期靖西一中见! These three children from Ande Junior High School said confidently, “Auntie Jian, we will see you in Jingxi High School next semester!”  关心几位孤儿的近况 Checking in to see how these orphaned students were doing.  这位安德中学的孤儿说他独自一人住,没有任何亲人了 This orphaned student at Ande Junior High School says that he lives alone, without any family.  座谈结束后,瘦小的初三孩子在同学陪伴下向简阿姨诉说近况:多年前妈妈因病脑部严重受损,无法跟人交流,智力犹如小孩子,家里的顶梁柱爸爸一个月前病逝了 After the seminar, this thin senior student, accompanied by her friend, described her family situation to Auntie Jian: Her mother suffered serious brain damage many years ago, and can no longer communicate. She has the intellect of a small child. Her father was the pillar of the family, but he passed away a month ago.  果乐初中发放助学金 Handing out educational grants in Guole Junior High School.  规模较小而偏远的果乐初中两年后有可能会被撤并 The smaller and more remote Guole Junior High School may be closed down in two years.  果乐初中的孩子们 The children of Guole Junior High School.  好开心 So happy! |