Photo Stories – Spring Semester 2017 – Napo County, Guangxi Province
 晚自习座谈之前,志愿者与几位早到的高中生一边聊天,一边等开视听教室门的老师 Before the evening seminar, the volunteers chatted with several high school students who had arrived early, as they waited for the teacher to open the classroom.  来自上海的志愿者吕叔叔向高中生们介绍上海的概况 Uncle Lyu, a volunteer from Shanghai, introduced the general conditions in Shanghai to the high school students.  身为海事律师的吕叔叔讲述海上货轮之间纠纷的案例,拓展了高中孩子们的视野 Uncle Lyu, a maritime lawyer, talked about dispute cases between container ships at sea, and expanded the horizons of these children in high school.  散会后孩子们等着和简阿姨说话 After the meeting, the children waited to talk to Auntie Jian.  新生个别面谈 Individual interviews with new students.  15位因家庭困难申请加“真爱明天”的高中生与志愿者个别面谈 15 high school students who applied for the “Tomorrow Program” due to family difficulties having individual interviews with volunteers.  卢阿姨回答高中生们学习上的问题 Auntie Lu answers questions from high school students  高三学生举手站起来感谢“真爱明天”的资助和简阿姨6年的陪伴 This high school student raised her hands and stood up to thank the “Tomorrow Program” for her educational grants, and for Auntie Jian’s companionship over the last 6 years.  学生请吕叔叔多说一些上海的情况 The students asked Uncle Lyu to tell them more about the situation in Shanghai.  吕叔叔给没有英汉词典的学生发放词典 Uncle Lyu gave dictionaries to students who do not have an English-Chinese dictionary.  幸福的微笑 A blessed smile  那坡高中发放助学金 Handing out education grants at Napo High School  已进入高考最后冲刺阶段的孩子们,加油! For the children who are entering the final sprint in their college entrance examination preparation, Do your best!  那坡高中高三毕业生与志愿者合影 Napo high school seniors taking a photo with the volunteers.  最后的叮咛与祝福孩子们高考顺利 The final reminders and blessings for the children to succeed in their college entrance exam.  高三学生依依不舍 This high school senior is reluctant to say farewell.  几个平时沉默寡言的高三男生围着简阿姨道出心中的感谢和不舍 A few high school boys, who are usually silent and reserved, surround Auntie Jian to express their heartfelt gratitude and reluctance to say good bye.  龙合初中的操场终于完成翻修 The playground of Longhe Junior High School was finally renovated.  为了迎接百色市教育局下乡视察“均衡教育”发展情况,全校学生大扫除 To prepare for the “Balanced Education” inspection visit to the countryside by the Baise City Department of Education, the whole school was cleaned up.  学生腿脚残疾的爸爸诉说家况 The student’s father with foot disabilities describes the family situation.  爸爸脖子两边都长了很大的肿瘤 Dad has large tumors on both sides of his neck.  政府补助危房改建成砖房后,再也没钱装修了 After the government subsidized the conversion of the dilapidated house to a brick house, there was no money to renovate it.  穿过别人家后院菜园,跨过围墙,到达学生家;没有学生爸爸带路,我们还真找不到学生家 To get to the student’s house, we had to pass through the backyard garden of the neighbor and climb over a short wall. Without the student’s father leading the way, we would not have found their home.  学生的妈妈早逝,爸爸长年在外打工做苦力,学生住在叔叔(中间)家,由叔叔婶婶抚养 This student’s mother died young, and dad works manual labor out-of-province. The student lives with and is raised by his uncle (middle) and aunt.  学生的家已成危房,不能住人了 This student’s home is dilapidated and no longer suitable for habitation.  龙合初中学生的家 The home of a Longhe junior high school student  学生的爸爸因脑出血偏瘫,妈妈留在家里照顾爸爸,不能出去打工 The student’s father is paralyzed on one side of the body due to a cerebral hemorrhage. The mother stays at home to take care of the father and cannot go out to work.  与龙合初中的孩子们座谈 Talking with the children of Longhe Junior High School  男孩的回答引起全班哄堂大笑 The boy’s answer caused the whole class to laugh.  积极举手回应简阿姨的提问 The students actively raise their hands to respond to Auntie Jian’s questions  可爱的孩子们 The cute children  吕叔叔在给孩子们作自我介绍 Uncle Lyu introduces himself to the children  虽然是下午容易犯困的时间,但孩子们听得很认真 Although the afternoon is an easy time to get drowsy, the children listened very intently.  吕叔叔和孩子们交流 Uncle Lyu talking with the children  发放助学金 Handing out educational grants  谢谢您,简阿姨! Thank you, Auntie Jian!  龙合初中发放助学金现场 The scene at Longhe Junior High School as the education grants were handed out  好开心 So happy!  父亲去世多年,母亲残疾,成绩优秀的初三女孩从未放弃学业 Even though her father has been deceased for many years and her mother is disabled, this junior high school girl never gave up on her studies, and achieved excellent academic results.  聪明、优秀、敏感、略带傲气和自卑的女孩,家境非常艰苦却志向高远,第一次参加座谈会后和简阿姨拥抱道别 This intelligent, exceptional, sensitive, and proud girl had high aspirations even though her family situation is very difficult. After attending the symposium for the first time, she hugged Auntie Jian as she said good bye.  那坡民中校长很自豪地告诉我们:学校食堂采用自助餐方式已2年,效果很好,学生学会自取所需,不浪费食物 The principal of Napo Ethnic Middle School proudly told us that the school cafeteria has operated buffet-style for two years, and the results were very good. The students learn to take what they need without wasting food.  从加拿大特地赶来参加助学的小伙伴吕骥扬向那坡民中同学自我介绍 Lyu Jiyang, a young volunteer who came from Canada to participate in the program, introduces himself to the students of Napo Ethnic Middle School.  那坡民中的男孩说上学期因为心情不好没能好好努力,为此简阿姨第二天教大家情绪管理的方法 This boy from Napo Ethnic Middle School said that he was not able to work hard last semester because of his bad mood. For this reason, the next day, Auntie Jian taught everyone methods to manage their emotions.  第一天晚上座谈时简阿姨详细地教大家如何制定每周学习计划,一向认真努力、患糖尿病的男孩会后告诉简阿姨,他的计划里每次用餐时间需要给自己预留30分钟 The first evening, Auntie Jian taught everyone how to set up a detailed weekly study plan. This boy who has always studied hard but has diabetes told Auntie Jian that he will reserve 30 minutes for each meal in his plan.  他询问:弟弟是否可以申请加入“真爱明天”大家庭? This boy asked, “Can my younger brother apply to join the big family of the Tomorrow Program”?  爸爸一喝醉就会打妈妈,有时还醉倒在路边须抬回家,医生说他已经酒精中毒;中考即将来临但一直担心父母而无法集中精神备考,该怎么办? Dad beats mom when he gets drunk. Sometimes he falls asleep drunk by the side of the road and must be carried home. The doctor says he is alcoholic. The senior high school entrance exam is coming up, but I can’t concentrate on preparing for the exam because I’m worried about my parents. What should I do?  学生的爸爸已去世,不会说普通话的妈妈诉说家况,由邻居(右二)帮忙翻译 The student’s father has already passed away. The student’s mother cannot speak Mandarin. Her description of the family’s situation is translated by the neighbor (second from right).  单亲妈妈和孩子的叔叔伯伯已经杀好鸡鸭准备留我们吃饭,被我们再三婉拒了 The single mother and the student’s uncles prepared chicken and duck and invited us to stay for a meal, but we had to decline their kind offer.  前一天座谈时详细教孩子们做每周学习计划、时间表,第二天座谈时,他自告奋勇和大家分享他的每周规划 During the previous day’s discussion, the children were taught in detail about creating a weekly study plan and timetable. On the second day of the discussion, this boy volunteered to share his weekly plan with everyone.  初三女孩也分享她的每周时间规划 This girl in junior high also shared her weekly study plan.  孩子们先领了助学金后,再到小哥哥处领取英汉词典 After receiving their educational grants, the students also received an English-Chinese dictionary from our young volunteer.  简阿姨,我一定会努力的 Auntie Jian, I will do my best!  吕叔叔和那坡民中学生交流 Uncle Lyu talking with students from Napo Ethnic Middle School  座谈结束后的交谈中才知道患有糖尿病的孤儿最近身体不适,追问之下才告知,为了省钱已经有两年多没有看医生,也没有量过血糖 It was only in the discussions after the seminar that we found out that this orphan with diabetes had recently been unwell. After more questioning, he told us that he had not seen a doctor for more than two years to save money.  我们交给老师(左一)一笔钱,请他务必尽快带孩子去那坡人民医院看医生 We gave the teacher (first from the left) some money, and asked him to take the child to the Napo People’s Hospital as soon as possible to see a doctor.  安排好他的看病和医药问题后,两人“秘密约定”今后彼此有病的话一定会去看医生,墙上的钟已是晚上10:43 After arranging for his medical exam and medication, the boy and Auntie Jian made a “secret agreement” that he would go see a doctor if he was sick in the future. By this time, the clock on the wall already read 10:43pm.  座谈结束后孩子们和志愿者交流 After the seminar, the children talk with the volunteers.  定业初中发放助学金 Handing out educational grants at Dingye Junior High school.  定业初中的孩子们 The children of Dingye Junior High school.  孩子们对律师这个行业感到非常陌生 The children are not familiar at all with what lawyers do.  明白如何制订每周学习计划时间表的请举手 Please raise your hand if understand how to set up a weekly study plan.  上海对于山沟沟里的定业孩子们是个遥不可及的地方,吕叔叔让大家开了眼界 For these children from the remote area of Dingye, Shanghai seems a world away. Uncle Lyu opened everyone’s eyes.  定业初三孩子哭着道别 The children of Dingye Junior High School cried as they said their farewells.  初三孩子因担心万一考不上高中以后就再也见不到面而不舍哭泣,简阿姨安慰她并为她加油打气 This student in Junior High School was worried that if she could not get into high school, she would never see Auntie Jian again. Auntie Jian comforted her and gave her encouragement. |