Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2018 – Nanjiang County, Sichuan Province
 来自北京的谢阿姨受上大学儿子的委托专程到南江送英汉词典给孩子们 Auntie Xie coming from Beijing upon request from her son studying in the university delivered the English Chinese Dictionary.
 今年广西、甘肃和南江的初一新生都很优秀 The year one students from Guangxi ,Gansu and Nanjiang are all excellent.  上两中学刚搬迁到全新的校园,这个视听室的沙发椅背很高,从背面看不到很多孩子的头 The Shangliang Junior High School moved to the new building. The sofas in the audio room is so high that we cannot see some of the students.  初一的男孩勇敢回答简阿姨的问题,声音虽很小但答案很惊艳 The year one male students answer the questions raised by Auntie Jian. Hi is shy but the answer is very good.  座谈会后孩子们告诉学校的团委书记:简阿姨的谈话很震撼,我们都记下了 After the seminar, students told the Communist Youth League Secretary that the speech delivered by Auntie Jian is so remarkable, we written all them down.  孩子们对我们的提议做出积极的回应 The students have aggressively responded to our suggestions.  上两的初二初三学生都穿了校服,初一学生的校服还没有发放 The grade 2 and grade 3 students of Shangliang have put on their school uniform. The uniform of grade 1 have not been distributed yet.  害羞的初一女孩主动地对简阿姨的问题低声做出神回答 The shy year one girl proactively answered the question raised by Auntie Jian.  谢阿姨发放英汉词典给上两的初一初二孩子们 Auntie Xie distributed the English Chinese dictionary to the students in Year one and Year two of Shangliang Junior High School.  上两新生面谈 Interview new students of Shangliang.  阳光聪明的男孩在谈到父母亲时忍不住哽咽了 The smart boy with sunny disposition burst into tears when he mentioned about his parents.  上两校长和老师请几位孩子带我们回家做家访 Shangliang principal and teacher requested the students to conduct the family visit.  耳朵重听的爷爷当着孩子的面大声说孩子的妈妈已经跑了好几年了 The hearing impaired grandfather is shouting front of the student that child's mother had left them for years.  乐观开朗一路有说有笑并且很优秀的孩子听了爷爷说有关妈妈的事情,忍不住哭了 The optimistic and cheerful students burst into tears when he heard the story of his mothers told by his grandfather.  狭小的客厅被校长、老师、志愿者和几个学生挤满了 The principal, teacher, volunteers and students crowded the narrow living room.  学生的爷爷奶奶和患有癫痫症的姐姐,姐姐(左一)在家学习初三课程,老师送教上门 Student's grandparents and her older sister(first left) who suffering from epilepsy and study at home in year three of Junior High.  精准扶贫政策实施以来,这样的破旧木房已越来越少 The dilapidated old wooden houses are getting fewer after the implementation of National Poverty Assistance of China.  热爱运动的上两中学校长(左二)陪同我们一起家访 The principal of shangliang Junior High school (second left) accompanied us to have the family visit.  这几年学校校长(左一)和老师(右一)跟着我们做家访,了解了很多学生家里的实际情况 The school principal (first left) and the teacher (first right) joined our family visit over the years. We have realized a lot of the actual family background of the students.  志愿者向学生爷爷了解家里的情况 The volunteers inquire the family condition from the grandfather.  志愿者谢阿姨(左二)在记录家访情况 Auntie Xie (second left), the volunteer records the family visit.  学生家的卧室里除了一张床外堆满杂物 The bed room of the student in addition to a bed filled with other stuff.  学生家的厨房 The kitchen of the student's home  家访路上 On the way of family visit.  学生的妈妈左手受伤目前不能干重活,但父母皆健在,新修建的房子也很宽敞,我们没有收这位学生 One student whose parents are well alive, but his mother’s left hand was wounded. The new house is spacious. We have not subsidized this student.  家访结束后,我们赶回学校给初一新生发放助学金 After the family visit, we rushed back to school in distribution of the new student subsidy.  好好努力,我们下学期见 Work hard! We see you in the next school term.  学生奶奶紧紧握住简阿姨的手不肯放 The grandmother of the student warmly holds the hand of Auntie Jian.  单亲爸爸长年在外打工,哥哥(左一)辍学在家干农活,双胞胎兄弟刚上初一,奶奶是家里的主心骨 Single dad is working out of town. The elder brother quit school and works at the farmland. The twin brothers are in year one. The grandmother is the key person of the family.  双胞胎兄弟带我们去另一个学生家家访 The twin brothers led us to have family visit of another student.  学生的父母离异后,孩子跟着妈妈和爷爷奶奶都住在大姨(右二)家,目前妈妈患病长期住院,肩负重担的大姨哭了 The student's parents are divorced. The student accompanied by his mother and grandparents lives with his auntie. His mother was sick and long-term hospital stay, It was a heavy burden to the auntie.  谢阿姨向下两学生转达远聪哥哥的问候 Auntie Xie sends the greeting from the “big brother”Yuanchong to the students of Xialiang Junior High School.  下两初中发放助学金 School grant has been distributed to the students of Xialiang Junior High School.  下两孩子们认真记下谈话重点 The students of Xialiang have seriously written down the key points of conversation.  谢阿姨发放英汉词典给下两的学生 Auntie Xie distributed the English and Chinese dictionary to the students of Xialiang Junior High School.  刚拿到远聪哥哥募来的词典,好新奇 Very surprising to receive the donated dictionary from “big brother” Yuanchong(one of the former volunteers ) .  跟孩子们解释远聪哥哥这几年在同学之间募款购买词典的大爱精神 Explaining to the students that “big brother”Yuanchong has bought the dictionary from the donated money.  跟下两初中的孩子们座谈 Seminar with the students of Xialiang.  临走时,初一新生记下我们的联系方式 The first year new students have to remember the way of mutual contact.