Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2018 – Wen County, Gansu Province
 四中新生面谈 Interview with The students of the 4th Middle School.
 桥头乡的文县四中约有60位贫困新生申请加入“真爱明天” There are sixty new poor students from the 4th Middle School of Wen county in Qiaotou township joining the Tomorrow Program.  志愿者与四中新生个别面谈 The volunteers hold the interviews with the new students of the 4th Middle School.  对学生情况颇为了解的老师(右一)告诉我们一些新生的详细家况 The teacher having a better understanding of the students ( first right), tells us the family background of the new students.  志愿者们讨论筛选之后,淑玲姐姐整理所有面谈资料 After the selection interview, sister Shuling arranges the information of the interview.  由地方政府统一粉刷的外墙让整个村子看起来很整齐美观 The whole village looks tidy and nice after the renovation by the local government.  因重度近视不能出去打工,学生的爸爸(左二)一直在村小学当代课老师,每月工资60元 The father of the students owing to the poor eyesight could only work as a teacher substitute in the village. He can earn 60.00 per month.  爸爸没钱改建老房子,住在同一院子里的叔叔家 The father of the student is unable to renovate the old house. They have to live with their uncle within the same area.  虽然生活很清贫,但学生的爸爸非常乐观开朗 Despite poverty, the father of the student is very optimistic and open minded.  高山家访路上留影 Picture showing the family visit.  欣悦姐姐教四中孩子们用适当的运动解压 Sister Xinyue teaches the students of 四中 the way to eliminate the stress.  两位男生秀大家“死亡爬行”的姿势有多难,读书也能付出这样的努力和坚持就成了 Two young male students show the difficulty of dreadful crawling. It is advisable to have this persistence and hardship in learning as well.  四中学生较去年更加踊跃回答和互动 The students of the 4th Middle School are more aggressive and interactive than last year.  在桥头乡上山家访 Conducting family interview at Qiaotou Township.  奶奶紧握住简阿姨的双手不放,或许是她太激动了,或许是想温暖简阿姨冰冷的手 The grandmother holds firmly the hands of Auntie Jian. She is very excited and may wish to warm up Auntie Jian’s hands.  学生的奶奶哭着诉说家况 The grandmother of the student is very sad in talking of the family condition.  奶奶说今年的收成不好 The grandmother said the harvest of the current year is not good enough.  桥头乡山上气温低,草已经枯黄了 The mountain temperature Qiaotou township is very low. The leafs and the grasses turn yellow.  四中的孩子们很高兴我们又见面了 The children of the 4th Middle School are very happy to see us again.  卢阿姨点名确认学生都到齐 Auntie Lu ensures the full attendance of the students.  四中虽是初高中同校,但以初中生为主,只有极少数的高中生。“真爱明天”的初中毕业生多数考上县城的一中 Although the 4th Middle School is a combined senior high and junior high school, but most are junior high students. Students under the scheme of "Tomorrow Program" upon graduation will be promoted to senior high school in the county.  陈姐姐和四中孩子们互动 Sister Chen and students of the 4th Middle School mutual interactions.  四中发放助学金 Distributing grants to the students of 4th Middle School.  女孩虽然家里发生了巨变却仍能泰然回答问题,没有失控 Despite of tremendous family changes, the girl could still calmly answer the questions.  高二的孩子对学习政治有兴趣,问欣悦姐姐将来上大学如何选择专业 Students of senior year two have interested in politics. They asked sister Xinyue how to select the courses in the university.  卢阿姨解释大学里政治专业和法律专业的关系 Auntie Lu explains the relationship between political expertise and Law expertise in the University.  她说不知是什么原因总是开心不起来,问欣悦姐姐如何解压 She said that she could not feel happy. She asked the big sister Xinyue the way to relieve the stress.  向几位家境相对还算过得去的学生解释并请他们理解不能资助他们的原因 Explaining to several students who are comparatively better off that they are not qualified for the school grant.  个别面谈之前,简阿姨向一中申请加入“真爱明天”的学生们解释面谈过程 Before the personal interview, Auntie Jian explains to the students of the 1st Meddle School about the process of interview.  一起讨论并筛选出最需要帮助的孩子们 Discussing the group of students that urgently need the assistance.  第一天晚上高三学生仍在月考,我们先和高一高二学生们座谈 We have held the interviews with the senior year one and senior year two students at that night as the senior year three students have to take their monthly examination.  简阿姨和高中生们讨论怎么都开心不起来的原因有哪些,该怎么解决 Auntie Jian discussed with the senior high students what are those possible reasons leading to unhappiness and the way to solve it.  淑玲姐姐告诉大家写日记不仅能帮助释放压力,还能提升作文能力 Sister Shuling tells the students that diary writing could not only relieving the stress but also improving the written capability.  学生的爸爸哭着告诉我们在工地做工时右手受伤致残,再也无法出去打工了,对全家打击很大 The student’s father sadly tells us that his right hand was wounded and could not work. This has caused a lot of impact to the family.  90多岁的爷爷拄着拐杖坚持送我们到路口上车 The 90-year-old grandfather of the student insists to accompany us to depart.  学生的爸爸天生残疾,妈妈患有精神病,家里无劳动力,靠政府补助和借贷完成危房改建,却再也无力修建围墙和大门了 The student’s father is impaired, and mother has psychological problem. Both of them could not work. They had some the government assistance and loan to rebuilt the house, but are unable to renovate the fence and the door.  两位姐姐帮忙准备好孩子们的助学金 Two elder sisters are helping us to prepare the student grants.  淑玲姐姐和一中学生分享自己的高考经验和上大学后的贷款情形 Sister Shuling shares her experience of high school examination and application of government grants in the university.  欣悦姐姐强调错题本的重要性,并建议高三学生们将理科和文科交错复习,免得感到疲劳降低效率 Sister Xinyue emphasized the importance of alternate learning. She recommends the year three students to alternate the learning of science and arts in order to enhance the efficiency of learning.  第二天晚上我们等高三学生8;30考完月考才开始座谈,一直到学校熄灯才摸黑离开学校 We have seminars with the senior year three students at 8.30 pm on the second day. We left the school until the lights were switched off and we left in the dark.  高中孩子们拥抱道别 We are hugged by the students.  一中发放助学金 School grant is distributed to the students of the 1st Meddle School.  请体力好的运动健将上来示范“死亡爬行”,让大家学习到如何坚持努力 We invite those students having good physical condition in demonstrating the dreadful crawling. This would let students learn the way of persistent learning.  座谈结束后高三学生(左一)红着眼眶跟简阿姨说上学期请假一段时间,因为患了面瘫,至今仍在喝中药 After the seminar, student of year three told Auntie Jian that she will be absent from the school for a while as she has suffered from fact stroke. She needs to take Chinese medications.