Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2018 – Lingyun County, Guangxi Province
 民中女孩说暑假期间她跟着家人去打工,体会到打工的辛苦,更加珍惜求学的机会 A student of Ethnic Middle School has participated the summer job. She experienced the hardship. She will treasure the learning opportunities.
 北京志愿者杨阿姨给民中学生讲了一个年轻人的励志故事 Auntie Yang ,a volunteer from Beijing told an inspirational story of a young man to the students of Ethnic Middle School.  民中是凌云县最好的初中学校,学生都很认真学习 Ethnic Middle School is the best junior school of Ling Yuan. Students are very diligent.  为了激励孩子们付出最大的努力,简阿姨请两位男孩上前示范美式足球队员的艰难训练 In order to encourage the students, Auntie Jian invited two students in demonstrating the training of American Football.  她说在学习方面她一直坚持预习、认真听讲、复习的步骤,成绩也一直在进步 She said she has adopted a persistent and attentive learning approach. The progress is ongoing.  初三的孩子问道:已经很努力了,但成绩却没有提升,感觉功课压力越来越大,该怎么办? A junior student asked the way of improvement despite hard working and stress.  座谈结束后,她告诉简阿姨上学期成绩进步很多,现在已经初三了会继续努力 After the seminar, she told Auntie Jian that substantial improvement of her school work and will continue in the junior high school.  逻楼家访的石头山路,上下坡都须小心 During our family visit of Luolou , we have to go through stony road. We got to be careful.  走完石头路接着泥土路继续下坡,学生家在半山腰里 We have to go downslope after a muddy and stony road. Students live at middle of the mountain.  学生父亲(左一)说去年在工地被水泥压断腿,两次手术后至今腿里的钢片仍未取出,不能出去打工 The student’s dad (left) owing to the leg injury has gone through two surgeries. The steel plate was still inside the leg. He could not go to work.  十年前房子(瓦房)着火,连仅有的四千元积蓄也被烧了,借钱在原地建了这间砖房 The house was burnt ten years ago, 4000 dollars savings has been burnt. This house was rebuilt by borrowing the money.  上坡路虽辛苦却没有下坡危险 Upslope road is tough, but not as risky as the downslope road.  今年夏天多雨,山路多处塌方 The roads have been ruined owing to the heavy rainfall this summer.  学生的奶奶迎接我们的到来 The grandmom of the student is greeting our arrival.  被柴火熏得漆黑的厨房 The smoky kitchen.  学生的爸爸严重智障,妈妈(站在奶奶背后)耳聋还有轻微智障,爷爷早已去世多年,75岁的奶奶独自撑起这个家 The student’s grandfather dad has passed away, his father owing to severe Alzheimer, mom is deaf and slightly suffered from Alzheimer. The grandmother aged 75 has to take care of the whole family.  房间门上贴了孩子的奖状 The award certificate is hanging on the wall.  志愿者和乐观开朗的奶奶合影 The picture showing the volunteers and the optimistic grandmother.  逻楼的孩子们虽仍有些腼腆害羞,但座谈时都很专注用心,令人感动 The students in Luolou Middle School are pretty shy, but they are so attentive. It is touching.  杨阿姨帮忙准备好孩子们的助学金 Auntie Yang is helping to prepare the school subsidy for the students.  在逻楼初中座谈 Holding seminars with junior high school of Luolou.  发放助学金给逻楼孩子们 Distributing the school subsidy to the students of Luolou Middle School.  志愿者杨阿姨用自己身边发生的故事激励孩子们 Auntie Yang , the volunteer demonstrated her own experience to encourage students.  杨阿姨和逻楼学生交流 Auntie Yang exchanged with the students of Luolou.  勇敢站起来回答问题 Bravely stand up to answer the questions.  两个男生示范“死亡爬行” Two male students demonstrated the life endangering creeping.  孩子们都乐了 The students are happy.  谢谢两位男孩愿意上前示范,让大家明白只有付出最大的努力才能超越自己 Thanks to the demonstration of two male students. The only way to surpass ourselves is to fully devote ourselves.  上学期才被村干部送来上初一的孤儿已经适应了学校的生活,我们感到很欣慰 We are pleased that the orphan sent by the community government has get used to the school life.  卢阿姨写下我们的联系方式给她,请她有任何困难要随时联系我们 Auntie Lu has given her the way of contact, requesting her to contact us should she has encounter any difficulties.  学生的母亲以卖菜养家,说起丈夫的去世悲从中来 The mom of the student has to be a hawker in order to support the family. She was sad of her husband’s departure.  单亲妈妈在附近学校食堂打工,和成绩优异的初三女儿住在县城狭小的廉租房 The single mom working in the canteen of a nearby school lived with her daughter in a small apartment.  民中家访 Family Visit in Ethnic Middle School.  民中的学生尚未出生父亲即因意外事故去世,母亲改嫁,和读高中的姐姐一起由外公外婆抚养长大 A student of Ethnic Middle School whose father passed away before her birth. Mom has remarried. Both she her sister were brought up by their grandparents.  多数瑶族住在高山上,单亲爸爸下山赶集,我们约在桥头见面了解家况 The majority of Yao Ethnic Group live in the mountain, we have met the single dad in discussing with his family background on his way to work.  几个民中和逻楼的初三毕业生,很高兴我们在凌云高中见面了 Several students from Ethnic Middle School and Luolou Middle School graduates were excited to meet us at Lingyun senior High School.  和凌云高中的“真爱明天”学生座谈 Holding seminars with the Lingyun senior high school students  这学期有很多“真爱明天”的初三学生考上高中,把高中座谈的会议室都坐满了 Many students have been promoted to the senior high school from Junior high school. The seminar room was so crowded.  卢阿姨在准备高中生们的助学金 Auntie Lu is preparing the school subsidy to senior high school students.  凌云高中没有多余的教室可用,学生太多,会议室显得非常拥挤 There are no empty classrooms in Lingyun senior High School, students have to be crowded in the meeting room.