Photo Stories – Fall Semester 2018 – Napo County, Guangxi Province
 高中生领了助学金后在签收表上签字 Those students upon receipt of the grant need to sign as acknowledgement.  那坡高中的视听教室已另有安排,我们第一次用学校的会议报告厅和学生座谈 The audio room of Napo Senior High School was occupied. We have to use the meeting room to hold the seminar.  每学期的见面是那坡高中学生们最期待的时光 Senior high school students of Napo anticipate the meeting in every school term.  高三同学请简阿姨再给大家讲述一遍几年前教过他们的学习要领 The high school grade 3 school students requested Auntie Jian the way of key learning which she taught coup years ago.  高二的女孩问道:自己无意中的言语对同学造成伤害,现在饱受非议,该怎么处理? The grade 2 student is asking the way of handling the criticism from another student who has been hurt by her non intentional wordings.  从民族中学、龙合初中和定业初中考上高中的“真爱明天”孩子们,逐一写下他们的名字和新班级
 龙合大部分的村子都有了硬化的进出小道 There are small rough roads in most of the villages at Longhe Township  定业初一男孩带我们到他家家访 The student from Dingye Junior high grade 1, brings us to his family.  广西农村绝大多数的瓦房在政府补助下都已完成改建,只有实在筹不到钱的家庭才仍住在这样的木屋里 Most of the village houses in Guangxi were renovated under the government subsidy. Those families not being funded have to be accommodated in the broken wooden houses.  孩子3岁时妈妈就跑了,从此没再见过面,爸爸在外打工做苦力活,一年难得见一回 The mother of the child left him when he was 3 years old. They have not seen each other since then. The father is working out of town. They could only see each other once in a year.  破旧的瓦房有一部分已塌陷无法居住,孩子和爷爷奶奶住在叔叔家 The broken house is too old to live in. The child with his grandparents live with his uncle.  爷孙俩难得合影 The photo of grandfather and the student  孩子带我们去同村另一位初一同学家,两个孩子的身世有着惊人的相似 The student brings us to his classmate in the same village. Their family condition and background are very similar.  爷爷说孩子3、4岁时妈妈就跑了,爸爸在外打工挣不到多少钱,危房已经拆除但没钱建新房,现在住在孩子叔叔的旧房里 The grandfather said the child’s mother had left him when he was only 3-4 years old, and father works out of town, but could not earn much. The house is too old and had been demolished, but not be able to build a new house . The child is now living with his uncle.  孩子说他喜欢读书,将来想上高中、大学,于是边走边鼓励他,让他明白只要他不放弃自己,我们绝不会放弃他 The student said that he likes to study. He wishes to be in senior high school and University as well. We encourage him that he will be taken care of as long as he does not give up.  女孩家就在定业街上,正在修建新楼房,虽是精准扶贫户,但较其他学生家境好很多,我们没有收她 The girl’s home is a new house located at the town of Dingye. Even though the family is under the list of Poverty assistance scheme. But she is comparatively better off than other students. She has not been accepted by our program.  来自成都的齐阿姨鼓励定业孩子们好好努力,不能轻易放弃 Auntie Qi from Chengdu encourages the students to be diligent and not to give up.  定业初中发放助学金 Grant distribution at Dingye Junior High School.  定业的孩子们都很认真专注,精神状态比上学期好很多,我们感到很欣慰。 Students from Dingye are very attentive, good psychological conditions. We are very pleased.  定业校园正在修建,这次我们改用电脑教室和学生座谈 Dingye Junior high school is under renovation, we use the computer room to conduct our seminar.  孩子拿着申请表来询问为何没有点到他的名字 The student holding the application form is asking why his name is not being included.  细雨中的龙合家访 Family visit in Longhe during a rainy day.  危房改建后的屋内情况 The interior house condition after the renovation.  多年前改建的砖房非常简陋,屋里几乎空无一物,姐妹同为“真爱明天”的学生,姐姐今年高三毕业考上大学,妹妹读初二,还有一个哥哥也在读书 The house is simple and bare after renovation. Both sisters are student of Tomorrow Program. The elder sister is entered the university. The younger sister is now in Junior high school, and also a brother as well.  学生住在叔叔(左一)新修建好的家里,由叔叔抚养 This student lives with his uncle in a newly renovated house.  婶婶到厨房烧水想要请我们喝口水,被我们婉拒了 Auntie would like to boil water to entertain us, we declined.  学生的爸爸去世不久,妈妈务农抚养两个孩子 The father of the student passed away. Her mother is working in the farmland to bring up two children on her own.  龙合初中发放助学金 Grant distribution at Longhe Junior High School  龙合的孩子们很专心听讲 The children of Longhe are very attentive.  孩子们详细记下谈话重点 The students write down the key points of the conversation.  临别的拥抱 Farewell hugging  孩子们舍不得我们离开 The children do not willing to leave us  爷爷腿有病不能干重活 The grandfather has leg problem and could not do hard work.  奶奶不会说普通话,老师(左一)帮忙翻译 Grandmother could not speak Mandarin, the teacher ( left one) is helping to translate.  五年前爸爸去世后学生和妹妹成为了孤儿,与爷爷奶奶相依为命 The student and her sister became orphans when their father passed away 5 years ago. They lived with their grandparents since then.  那坡民中集体座谈 Holding seminar with the students from Napo Ethnic Middle School  民中新生面谈 Seminar with new student of Ethnic Middle School .  民中新生面谈(2) Seminar with new student of Ethnic Middle School (2).  一对一面谈后,一起讨论学生的家况是否合乎受助资格 After the seminar with the new students, we are analyzing their qualification for subsidy.  民中发放助学金 Grant distribution in Ethnic Middle School.  几位同学上前示范艰难的“死亡爬行” Several students demonstrated the dreadful crawling.  孩子们纷纷站起来看,他们学习到只有付出巨大的努力才能获得成功 The students understand that they could be successful only if they have contributed tremendous effort.  谢谢三位同学的示范 Thanks to the demonstration done by three students.  获知上学期因老师太忙,没有带民中患有糖尿病的孤儿去看医生,我们隔天早上立刻带他去那坡人民医院看病 The teacher was too busy to bring the orphan having diabetes to see the doctor last semester. Next day, we bring him to see the doctor at Napo county hospital.  急诊部门的医生推荐我们去找内分泌科主任,主任细心负责,有他主治我们就安心了 The doctor in emergency section recommends us to see the endocrinologist. The doctor is very responsible. We are pleased to have the treatment.  送孤儿回学校,请三轮车等待几分钟,我们须回酒店拿行李赶去靖西,孤儿用长长的拥抱代替口头的感谢 We send the orphan back to school. It takes few minutes in waiting for the tricycle. We need to take back our luggage at the hotel before heading for Jingxi. The orphan gives us a long hug.  叮嘱他须按照医生指示每天自己按时按量打胰岛素针,并在我们给他买的照明灯上写下电话号码随时联系,三轮车阿姨在一旁看哭了,后来告诉我们她也曾是位孤儿...... We requested him to follow the doctor’s advice to have insulin injection on daily basis. We also give him a special light with our contact phone number on it. The woman on tricycle burst into tears when she saw this situation as she was also an orphan.