Photo Stories – 2019 Spring EducAid – School Inspection at Yunnan & Gansu
 篆角初中正在操场上进行中考动员大会 Zhuanjiao Junior High School conducting mobilization meeting for senior high school entrance examination at the playground  跟校长了解篆角初中的贫困生情况 Find out from the principal about the condition of poor students  篆角初中家访 Zhuanjiao Junior High School home visit  篆角初中的副校长(右一)带我们去家访 Vice-principal of Zhuanjiao Junior High School (first from right) led us to do the home visit  广南县有很多贫困户的旧土房还没有拆迁 Old earth houses of many poor households in Guangnan County have not been demolished yet  学生家还没有建新房,仍然住在这样的旧土房里 The student’s family has not yet built a new house and still lives in such an old earth house  家访时苗族学生的父母不在家,我们向叔叔(左三)了解学生家里的情况,叔叔自己有五个年幼的孩子 During the home visit, the parents of the Miao student were not at home; I found out from his uncle (third from left) about the student’s family situation; the uncle has five young children  杨柳井初中的老师在向村干部询问学生家的地址 The teacher of Yangliujing Junior High School asked the village cadre about the address of the student’s home  苗族村干部(中间)带我们家访并做翻译 Cadre of the Miao village (middle) accompanied us as the translator for home visit  父母离异,妈妈改嫁,爸爸也不管孩子,两个孩子跟外婆住,一个读初一,一个读小学 Parents divorced, mother remarried, father does not care about the children, the two children lives with grand-ma, one of them studying 1st year junior high, the other one studying in elementary school  原文县四中的侯老师调到了梨坪初中任副校长,黎坪乡比桥头乡更为偏远贫困 Teacher Hou, previously teaching at Wen county No.4 Middle School, was transferred to Liping Junior High School as the vice-principal, and Liping village is more remote and poor than Qiaotou village  村支书(右一)详细介绍贫困户的家庭情况 The secretary of the Party’s branch in the village (first from right) gave us detailed introduction of the family situation of the poverty household  5.12地震后整固过的房屋 House strengthened after the 5.12 earthquake  二层低矮的阁楼是爷爷睡觉的地方(1) Low loft on level two is where grand-pa sleeps (1)  二层低矮的阁楼是爷爷睡觉的地方(2) Low loft on level two is where grand-pa sleeps (2)  二层低矮的阁楼是爷爷睡觉的地方(3) Low loft on level two is where grand-pa sleeps (3)  二层低矮的阁楼是爷爷睡觉的地方(4) Low loft on level two is where grand-pa sleeps (4)  梨坪初中老师和村支书带我们去家访 Teacher of Li Ping Junior High School and the secretary of the Party’s branch in the village took us to visit home  文县缺水,这是农户用来蓄水的水窖 Wen County lacks water, this is the water cellar used by farmers to store water  学生是孤儿,寄养在舅舅家,说起外孙,外公(左二)心疼地抹眼泪 The student is an orphan, fostered by his mother’s brother; his grandfather (second from left) whipped his tears and distressed when talking about his grandson  孤儿舅舅家的房子是5.12地震后改建的 The house of the orphan’s foster parent was rebuilt after the 5.12 earthquake  向驻村扶贫干部(右一)了解扶贫工作的进展情况 To understand from the village’s poverty alleviation cadre the progress of the poverty alleviation work  学生爸爸患脑梗(中间),不能外出打工,在村里做些零工 Student’s father (middle) suffers from cerebral infarction, can't go out to work, do some odd jobs in the village