Photo Stories – 2019 Spring EducAid – Wen County, Gansu & Nanjiang County, Sichuan
 即将大学毕业的“真爱明天”学生赵伟抽空参加文县助学 Zhao Wei, a student of "Tomorrow Program" who is about to graduate from college, took time to participate in Wenxian County EducAid  赵伟哥哥告诉四中学生们自己的成长经历 Brother Zhao Wei to the No.4 Middle School students is growth experience  文县四中的“真爱明天”孩子们约有四分之一高中生,其余为初中生 About one fourth of the “tomorrow Program” students of Wen County No. 4 Middle School are senior high students, the balance are junior high students  学生问患有天生眼疾的赵伟哥哥有没有想过放弃求学 Student asked brother Zhao Wei who has congenital eye disease did he ever think of not going to study at school  四中高二学生哭着说已经很努力但成绩却没进步,看别的同学好像很轻松,心里感觉很难受很迷茫,怎么办? This 2nd year senior high student of No.4 Middle School said in tears that she had worked very hard but her grades didn’t improve, whereas it seemed to be very easy for the other students; she felt very unhappy and confused about what she should do?  右腿受伤高位截肢的学生爸爸告诉我们家里近况,学生妈妈(右一)正好给工地上的爸爸送饭来 The student’s father, who had a high amputation on his right leg after injury, told us about the situation at home; the student’s mother (first from right) happened to bring the father ‘s meal to the construction site  全家目前还住在破旧的土房里,新房虽已动工,但因没有经济来源,不知何时才能完工 The family is still living in a dilapidated earthen house; although work on the new house has started, it is uncertain when it will be completed because there is no source of income  学生家长不在家,5.12地震后政府补助加固老旧的木房 The student’s parents were not at home; after the 5.12 earthquake, the government subsidized the strengthening of the old wooden houses  四中老师(左)向学生爸爸说明我们的来意 Teacher of No.4 Middle School told the student’s father the purpose of our visit  学生家的平房是5.12地震后重建的,当年的救灾帐篷至今留着当储藏室 The student’s bungalow was rebuilt after the 5.12 earthquake; the left over disaster relief tent being used as storage  家访路上 En route to home visit  学生家没人在,前面的砖房尚未完工,后面的木房也还没有拆除 No one at the student's home, building of the brick house in the front has not been completed, the wooden house in the back has not been demolished yet  附近邻居告诉我们:学生的妈妈聋哑且有精神病,全靠爸爸在附近打零工撑起这个家 Neighbors told us that the student’s mother is deaf and dump, and is mentally ill, the family relying on the father to work part-time nearby home to support the family  赵伟哥哥帮忙发放助学金给文县四中的学生 Brother Zhaowei helped hand out the EducAid to students of Wen County No.4 Middle School  赵伟哥哥用自己的经历说明:没有困难是不能克服的 Brother Zhaowei used his personal experience to explain that there is no difficulty that couldn’t be overcome  四中的孩子们都很淳朴很认真 Students of the No.4 Middle School are very unsophiscated and earnest  赵伟和文县一中的高中生们交流 Zhaowei interacting with senior high students of Wen County No.1 Middle School  高三学生向赵伟发问 3rd year senior high student asked questions of Zhaowei  好开心 Very happy  举手的全是今年的高三毕业生,还有五十几天就要高考了 Those who raised their hand are 3rd year senior high graduates of this year, only 50 plus days left before taking the national college entrance examination  高三学生和大家分享去年她记下的申请国家助学贷款办法 3rd year senior high student shared the notes she took down last year on how to apply for national students loan  另一个学生分享大一学生注意事项 Another student shared matters for freshman to pay attention to  学生的妈妈因车祸脑部受伤而丧失语言能力并且双腿瘫痪,她以手机短信方式与我们交流 The student’s mother lost her talking ability due to brain injury due to car accident, her legs were also paralyzed; she communicated with us via cell phone SMS  家里唯一的劳动力是孩子们的继父,我们资助了她的大女儿三年,如今大学都快毕业了 The only workforce in the family is the student’s stepfather, we have given her eldest daughter EducAid for three years, and she will soon graduate from university  现在读高一的小女儿也是“真爱明天”的学生 The younger daughter now a 1st year junior high student is also in the “Tomorrow Program”  学生的爸爸患有肺病不能干活,靠低保和妈妈在附近打零工撑起这个家 The student’s father is suffering from lung disease and can’t work, relies on rural minimum living security funds and the mother to work part-time near the home to support the family  山上宁净、淳朴的瓦房小村庄点缀着春天美丽的梨花和油菜花,这世外桃源让我们赞叹不已。只是山高路远,我们住在这里的学生回家一趟真不容易 The quiet and simple tile-roofed house small village on the mountain was ornamented with beautiful spring pear and rapeseed flowers; this paradise makes us amazed, except that the mountain is high and far away, which made it not easy for the students living here to make a trip back home  忍不住停下脚步拍下眼前美景 Couldn’t help to stop and take a snap of the beautiful scenery  我们的车沿着这条山路开上山做家访,这个高度与山下的县城约有一千米的落差 Our car went along this road up the mountain for home visits, which has a drop in elevation of 1,000 m with the town at the foot of the mountain  第一天一中的座谈结束后,高三女生哭着问道:离高考只剩五十几天,自己却一点底气也没有,非常着急、慌乱、焦虑,怎么办? After the symposium on the first day at the No. 1 Middle School, this 3rd year senior high student asked in tears: it’s only some 50 days before the national college entrance exam, but I don’t even have any confidence, and am very anxious, flustered and worried; what should I do?  文县一中学生领取助学金后在签收表上签字 Students of Wen county No. 1 Middle School signed for receipt of the EducAid  卢阿姨回答学生有关报考法学方面的问题 Aunt Lu answered student’s questions about enrollment in law study  告诉孩子们如何转移高考前紧张、焦虑的情绪 Told students how to divert the tension and anxiety before the national college entrance exam  赵伟回答学习方面的问题 Zhaowei answered student’s questions about studying  即将迎来高考的高三学生提出自己的疑问 This 3rd year senior high student who is about to take the national college entrance exam brought up her queries  我们走进座谈会议室之前,南江上两初中的孩子就先跑过来提醒简阿姨,这次要跟大家说上课时如何克服心里的害怕勇敢发问 Before we walked into the conference room, this student from Nanjiang Shangliang Junior High School ran to us to remind Aunt Jian that this time we should tell everyone how to overcome the fear of asking questions during class  初中生们坐在会议室的高椅背沙发椅上 Junior high students sitting on the high back chairs in the conference room  上两初中的孩子们坐在高椅背的沙发上完全看不到前后面的同学,很难有互动 Students of Shangliang Junior High sitting on high back chairs could not see classmates at the front or back and were difficult to have interaction  踊跃回答简阿姨的问题 Answered aunt Jian’s questions with enthusiasm  优秀的初一孩子问道:上课时如何集中注意力、如何提高学习效率 This outstanding 1st year student asked: how to concentrate and improve learning efficiency during class  上两孩子们展现出明显的进步,让我们很感动 The evident progress shown by the Shangliang students touched us  发放助学金给上两初中的孩子们 Handed out EducAid to the students of Shangliang  一个拥抱加上一句谢谢,深深地感动了我们 A hug and thank you touched us deeply  南江县下两初中 Xialiang Middle School, Nanjiang  沙发椅太舒服了,午后的座谈有两三个孩子昏昏欲睡,建议大家都站起来原地动动 The sofa chairs were too comfortable, two to three students were sleepy in the afternoon; suggest everyone stand up and move in-situ  两个男生示范“死亡爬行”,大家都乐了 Two boys demonstrated the “death craw”, everyone was happy  挑战不可能的任务,背对背示范 Challenge impossible missions, back to back demonstration  下两初中发放助学金 Handed out EducAid to Xialiang Middle School students