Photo Stories – 2019 Spring EducAid – Lingyun County, Guangxi Province
 凌云高中学生给同学们复习考上大学后如何申请国家助学贷款及注意事项 Senior high students of Lingyun gave a review of how to apply for national student loan and matters to pay attention to after being admitted to university  同学们都详细记下,明年此时再重温一遍 Students took detailed notes, will review them around this time next year  同学们都鼓掌谢谢她的分享 Students thanked her with applause for her sharing  告诉孩子们上大学须具备的能力,不仅为了提醒高三学生,也让高一高二学生从现在开始注意培养这些能力 Told the students the abilities required for studying in university was not just to remind the 3rd year students, but also to let the 1st and 2nd year students to start from now on paying attention to develop these capabilities  凌云高中发放助学金 Handed out EducAid in Lingyun Senior High School  高三学生合影留念,这学期有不少高三毕业生 3rd year senior high students took group photo as memorabilia, many 3rd year students graduated this school term  依依不舍、互道珍重 Reluctant to leave, reciprocated best wishes  简阿姨,我一定会努力的,我将来也要成为你们这样的人 Aunt Jian, I will definitely work hard, I want to be someone like you in the future  高三孤儿留到最后是为了告诉我们上学期没来是为了生活费去打工 This 3rd year senior high orphan stayed to the last to leave just to tell us that he didn’t show up last term because he had to work for his living expenses  跟他说有困难一定要告诉我们,别一个人扛着,上大学后也是一样,随时保持联系 Told him that he must let us know if he has any difficulty, don’t shoulder it alone, even after he is admitted to the university; should keep in touch with us at any time  民中学生全家从农村搬到县城的叔叔家住,爸爸在外打工,妈妈当清洁工 The family of this Ethnic Middle School moved from the countryside to live with her uncle in the county, her father worked outside of the county, her mother worked as a cleaning staff  凌云民中的孩子品学兼优,家里的墙上贴满了各式各样的奖状 Both her conduct and study are excellent, various awards covered the wall of her home  学生的爸爸一个人在外打工挣钱,妈妈在家看管孩子,却培养出了两个大学生,还有两个孩子在读高中,成绩都非常好 The father of the student works out of the county to support the family, the mother takes care of the children at home, two of her children are studying in the university, the other two are senior high students with very good grades  瑶族学生的家在山上,山高路远不方便家访,正好父母到学校办事,我们就地了解学生家况 The home of the Yao People student is up in the mountain, inconvenient for home visit; it so happened the parents came to the school for some business, so we chatted with them on the spot the family situation  学生的妈妈要求和我们合照 The student’s mother asked to have photo with us  民中发放助学金 Handed out EducAid at Ethnic Middle School  凌云百姓较注重教育,孩子们的成绩较好,考高中和大学的比率也相对较高 People of Lingyun pay more attention to education, the children’s performance is better, have relative high ratio in taking entrance examination for senior high school and university  民中学生分享上学期成绩由败转胜的努力经验 Student of Ethnic Middle School shared her last term’s experience of studying hard to switch from failed grade to success  她还问道上课时总是忍不住爱和旁边的同学说话,该怎么办? She also asked about what should she do, as she always could not help but talked to her classmate during class  因为家里太贫困,父母先让弟弟上学,懂事的她等了两三年才上初中 Because the family was too poor, the parents let her younger brother to go school first, this thoughtful student had waited for 2-3 years before she could study junior high school  逻楼家访,学生奶奶哭着诉说家况 Home visit at Luolou, the grand-ma of the student told us in tears the family condition  孩子的妈妈多年前就离开家改嫁他人,为了照顾年迈的爷爷奶奶和两个孩子,爸爸在镇上打零工帮别人建房子 The mother of the student left the family and got remarried many years ago, in order to take care of the elderly grandparents and the two children, the father is an odd-job man help others build houses in the town  单亲的学生因脚上有些溃烂请假在家,奶奶不懂普通话,学生告诉我们详细家况 This single-parent student took leave of absence and stayed at home because of ulcerated foot, his grand-ma does not speak putunghua, the student told us in detail the family situation  学生的爸爸和姑姑是哑巴,妈妈有轻微精神病,爸爸妈妈一起出去打工帮别人开荒,家里的房子是爷爷1993年建的,已非常陈旧,全家靠爷爷养猪和种玉米补贴一些家用 The father and aunt of this student are dumb, the mother has minor mental illness, the father and mother help others to open up wasteland; the family house was built in 1993 by the grandfather and is very old, the family relies on grandfather raising pigs and planting corns to subsidize family expenses  逻楼发放助学金 The father and aunt of this student are dumb, the mother has minor mental illness, the father and mother help others to open up wasteland; the family house was built in 1993 by the grandfather and is very old, the family relies on grandfather raising pigs and planting corns to subsidize family expenses  逻楼的孩子们 Students of Luolou